-the one who supposedly had style
-let her friends get drunk before a school dance because her parents were so cool about everything
-liked to make movies with her video camera; made a horror movie starring her friends and when they watched it they all laughed and she got upset
-she also made The Zits music video for everybody wants something
-dated Paul in Grade 9, then dated his friend Clutch (the drunk guy with the car)
-was blinded in a drunk driving accident with Wheels
-was "touched" by her teacher Mr. Colby, she wanted to tell the authorites but did'nt untill another one of her friends was being touched by him. Wheels was a witness.
Mr. Colby the Molester
Man, this guy was just straight up scarry. And gross. Justseeing his picture remindes me of those scarry episodes where he was getting his kicks from touching his students. All I got to say about him is "Yikes"

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