Photo Album 8

Yeah this is one of my favorite pictures in the world, it is of Me and Erin Neil posing in front of the Hope Slide. We were returning to camp Tulahead from a night in Vancouver. We are posing as Logan and Seasons here.

This is Me and Erin at the end of our fun trip back to camp from Vancouver. We are looking sad here because we were sad our fantastic voyage was over.

This is me Erin and James before me and Erin Went back to camp.
This is me and James in front of Erin's car. You can see her shadow as she takes the picture. James went out and bought the exact cowboy hat as me in hopes of becoming as cool as Robdog.

This is on the first day off of the summer 99. We were all working at Camp Tulahead and we came to this place for dinner. I am not sure but I don't think I was very happy on this day because I am in the back with the white shirt and drinking my pop, and I just don't look happy. Everyone in this pic looks like they're having a great time except for me. What a party pooper!!! I wonder what I was thinking? Maybe I was hoping for someone to say "You ruined day off Robin!!!" I do remember that the food was good though.

This is at the Symphony Of Fire in the summer. It was the finale of the event and was the prime day to go. That's me, Mark, Grant and Angela livin it up!

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