Robdog's Rugby Update!!!

Well as you already may know, the bidding has stopped and
has come to play for Douglas College. Yes it was the most hyped free agent signing since Gretzky left the Oilers to go play for the Kings. I already have many people supporting me with their encouraging words and emails. so thankyou all very much.

Well this first part of the season is now over and it is time for the christmas break. So I am kinda looking forwrd to this and I'm sure it will be a fun time. I am hoping to actually get to hang out with people on saturday afternoons now since as a few of you know I was usually indesposed of for most of the day on saturday. So give me a call and we'll hang out.

The first half of the season was very fun and everything about my game has improved( how could that happen? I am the Man!) and I am expecting to finish in the top 3 in the seconbd half, so I hope to see you at a game in the new year!

Douglas College VS. Trinity Western University

Wsup ya'll we straight up spanked these brothers. They were a great team but we were beter. Our forwards completely dominated them and we fully deserved the win. I was very excited to be playing against some fellow Christians but they were not happy about playing against me. I was straight up destroying the opposing prop, with my amasing scrum skills, and I was compressing his ribs in every scum. You could hear him wheezing and whimpering all through my reign of terror. So they suited up the coach!!! We play in an under 21 leauge but he proved that I am too much for any under 21 to handle. On his first time in he overheard me saying that we could keep on pushing them back! He was insulted by this and began to try and make fun of me. So I said "fine now I'll show ya". But On the first scrum after that I slipped in the mud of that farm field converted into a rugby field and I was pushed back, and I felt like a dork. But I was now unleashed( too bad for their whole team )and on the next scrum I laid in and stuck it to their whole scrum and their coach was now wheezing and giving up, because of my wrath and we all pushed them back 10-15 yards. This continued all through the game.

And I was on fire, in every tackle I was smoking people and they couldn't handle us so the coach took matters into his own hands and tried to stop me and my onslaught by punching me in the face at the back of the Ruck. I replied with "ha ha ha do that again" I was really amazed at his attitude that him, the coach would punch me. I guess that I raelly was too much for him to handle. Oh well maybe if he offers me a full schoallarship to Trinity, I might think about giving them the use of my skills

If you are bothered be my supposed huge ego, relax I am just hyping things to entertain you. I am not An egomaniac

The Most Electrifing Rugby Player In The World

It is fun playing with a new bunch of guys but I am missing my old team mates. I am expecting alot from this season for we have a great bunch of guys with alot of skill.

Up coming games


Game Schedule

  • sept 18-at SFU--win
  • sept-25-at kamloops--win by forfit
  • Oct-2-at home to BCIT-win forfit
  • Oct-16-at home to U.B.C.-loss
  • Oct-23-at Velox(in victoria)-win, 27-10
  • Oct-30-at home to richmond-win 42-14(i scored)
  • Nov-6-at home to The Rowers(loss 26-21)
  • Nov-13-at Trinity Western University in Langley(win 42-21)
  • Nov-20-at home to Uvic-(win)
  • Nov21-Jan-29:winter break

the "home" field of my team is Queens Park located on queens street in New west 10 blocks from the Columbia Sky Train station.

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