Robdog's School Update Skool Sux!

Well right now I am taking:
Psychology 200
Geography 110-weather and climate
Physical Education 300-Analysis of team sport
and MOdern Languages 101 (french)
The only marks I know righht now are
Phed 300=87% and French 101=85% I think psychology 200 is about 75% and I have no Idea about Geog 110

I will be done this semester in about one week but then I have 3 exams...YIKES!!!! Hey there everybody!!! Well I am finally finished my first semester of school at douglas college and my grades are in.
In Pscycology 100(intro to pscyology) I got an "A-"
In English 130 (academic writing) I got a "B"
In English 107 (biblical and classical background to liturature) I got a "B"
In Geography 120 (earth sciences) I got a "B-"
In goegraphy 120 I seriously shocked the world because I had a "C" going into the final exam and I totally kicked its butt.
I am so so happy that I am done, and I have a couple weeks off so give me a call and lets hook up.

So have a great day!


Rob doggie Dog
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