Welcome To The Uncool Books

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the views expressed here are my own and only shound be taken as a way to know me better. If you intend to use it in any other way please hit your "back" button now.

other wise enjoy!!!

Uncool For This Week

  1. pulling a muscle
  2. eccw wrestling
  3. studying
  4. people not returning emails
  5. not giving love to the Dog
  6. chicken burgers
  7. having the government tell me I am 70 pounds overweight
  8. getting punched in the mouth
  9. taking notes
  10. having to do work that you have no idea how to do
  11. mean people
  12. snobs
  13. fakes

Uncool For All Time

  1. Kicking someone in the groin
  2. Being "Fashionably Late"
  3. Picking your nose in public
  4. Running out of toilet paper
  5. Running out of underwear
  6. Baywatch
  7. Side burns on girls
  8. Dissing the Lord
  9. Not giving the Dog some love
  10. Not checking out the "Robdog is my role model" website
  11. Tests in school
  12. Steping on someone's head witrh cleates
  13. Being cold
  14. Being forced to do something
  15. David Hasselhoff
  16. freaking out
  17. not being cool
  18. dissing wrestling when you know nothing about it
  19. using people
  20. not getting picked for a team you should be on
  21. punishing someone else for your mistake
  22. having too much homework
  23. being a punk
  24. being a closet Christian
  25. 90210
  26. acting like you wish you were on Degrassi Jr. High
  27. not helping someone when they need help
  28. getting crappy 99cent pizza
  29. getting punked out on the phone
  30. doing so many push ups that you can no longer move your arms
  31. losing stuff
  32. recieving the sneak
  33. having to do work
  34. losing money
  35. Blinking Signs
  36. ***New from here on in***
  37. people pressing phone buttons when you are talking with them on the phone
  38. People saaying "so why did you call me" when you call them just to chat
  39. being a punk out
  40. being a sell out

      well this is all I have for now but if you have any ideas just email them to me!