February 5, 2008 – Recap by Sassy

I carried on about last Friday Night Smackdown and the match between CM Punk and Rey Mysterio against Chavo Guerrero and Edge. I didn’t see any match on last night’s Monday Night Raw that compared with that match. We’ll see if ECW can hold a match that meets or exceeds the quality of that match.

ECW is broadcast from Corpus Christi, TX on the Sci-Fi Channel.

Ringside announcers: Joey Styles and Tazz

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

CM Punk enters the ring, not dressed for action. Please Punk keep the verbal stuff short and to the point. I heard enough chatting last night to make me hit the mute button. Punk wants to know if the audience saw Chavo’s Fiesta last week and Punk’s smacking Chavo over the head with a guitar. Replay of Chavo Guerrero’s ECW Champion Fiesta and the guitar smack to Chavo’s head. Punk says he is telling Chavo he hopes he has enjoyed being champion because Punk is invoking his rematch clause tonight on ECW.

Chavo enters the arena, also not dressed for action, but wearing his ECW Championship belt. Chavo actually enters the ring to face Punk. Chavo complains about Punk ruining his Fiesta last week. Chavo says Punk has insulted his heritage and now he wants a rematch. Chavo says it isn’t going to happen – the live audience doesn’t care for Chavo’s response. Chavo says Punk will get his rematch in two weeks at No Way Out. The audience likes that remark even less. Chavo says that tonight, since Punk embarrassed Chavo, Chavo will embarrass Punk.

Armando Estrada is on the monitor and says he is standing outside and the camera pans the area outside of the arena. Estrada says that Punk will go one on one with Chavo Guerrero tonight in the first ever Gulf of Mexico match. Estrada says to come dressed as that are and that extreme rules apply but the only way to win is to throw your opponent into the Gulf.

I hope Chavo knows how to swim.

Promo for next Monday Night Raw with John Cena takes on Mark Henry, Jeff Hardy faces HBK Shawn Michaels, and Vince McMahon has promised to beat the holy hell out of his son, Hornswoggle, in a no disqualification match.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for No Way Out including John Cena and his match facing Randy Orton for the WWE Championship.  No Way Out will be held live in Las Vegas, Nevada, one week from Sunday on pay per view.

Tag Team Match

Victoria from Los Angeles, CA



Accompanied to the ring by Lena


Kelly Kelly from Jacksonville, FL


Michelle McCool from Orlando, FL

Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorite: Victoria





Tazz points out to the audience that it appears to be the blondes versus the brunettes. I’d prefer to see Victoria up against someone of the same wrestling caliber. WWE is wasting her talent in these matches.

Short match and I wasn’t impressed with the talent in the ring.

Replay of part of the match last week on ECW between The Big Red Machine Kane and Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin walked up the entrance ramp and got counted out, giving the win to Kane. This Friday on Friday Night Smackdown, it will be a rematch:  Kane versus Shelton Benjamin.

Styles reminds the audience that the main event tonight it will be Chavo Guerrero versus CM Punk in a Gulf of Mexico match.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Wrestlemania XXIIV, 54 days away.

John Morrison, from Los Angeles, CA, weighing 219 lbs.

One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions

Accompanied to the ring by The Miz, the other half of the WWE Tag Team Champions.

Before Morrison’s opponent is introduced, replay of the end of the beat down last week Morrison and Miz gave Colin Delaney in a 2 on 1 Handicap Match, and the rescue by Tommy Dreamer.


Tommy Dreamer from Yonkers, NY, weighing 265 lbs.

Accompanied to the ring by a very bandaged Colin Delaney

Audience favorite: Tommy Dreamer

My favorite: Tommy Dreamer

We see Dreamer so little in an ECW match everyone is surprised when he actually is allowed to work in the ring. Dreamer doesn’t seem to have lost his edge in the ring even though he should be watching his back with Miz on the other side of the ring. Dreamer gets knocked out of the ring and to the floor. Colin goes over to check on him and Morrison comes out of the ring to face Colin as Miz comes around the side of the ring to also intimidate Colin. Dreamer is back to his feet and he nails Morrison and goes after Miz but gets caught in the back by Morrison who then rolls Dreamer back into the ring. Morrison goes for a beat down of Dreamer in the middle of the ring and then goes for a cover but can’t get the three count before Dreamer powers out. Dreamer is back to his feet but Morrison delivers a back breaker and then a neck breaker. Again he goes for a cover but Dreamer gets his shoulders off the mat. Morrison climbs up to the top turnbuckle and comes off but Dreamer rolls out of the way. Dreamer is back to his feet and he goes to work for Morrison, goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Dreamer hangs Morrison up on the ropes and goes after him, but Miz is on the ring apron and Dreamer takes him to the floor with a fist. Dreamer slams Morrison to the mat and Miz is trying to get back in the ring, but Colin grabs Miz. Miz kicks Colin who goes back and into the guardrail. Dreamer delivers a baseball slide to Miz, sending him down to the floor next to Colin but Morrison is back on his feet. Morrison delivers a corkscrew neck breaker, goes for the cover and gets the three count.


John Morrison

Not the way I wanted the match to go but not a bad match. Miz wears his ascot like a bad necktie. He must have bypassed the wardrobe department on his way to the ring.

Styles informs the audience that Stevie Richards hasn’t been on ECW due to an injury. Earlier today Styles sat down with Richards to talk to him about his injury and why he had been sidelined for so long. Richards tells the audience that the initial injury to his neck happened in the original ECW in Buffalo, NY in May 1997 when he had a metal guardrail dropped at the base of his neck. He has had neck fusion and they had to go in through his throat, which caused damage to his vocal chords. Richards has already had 9 surgeries. Richards will be back in the ring next week on  ECW.

Styles reminds the audience about the match between Chavo and Punk in the main event tonight.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for The Legend Stone Cold Steve Austin DVD, available next Tuesday.

Kofi Kingston from Jamaica, weighing 218 lbs.


James Curtis, weighing 230 lbs.

Curtis is already in the ring when Kingston enters the ring.

Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: I’m not sure

I’ve wondered how good Curtis is in the ring since he only shows up as a jobber in WWE matches. Kingston still reminds me a lot of Booker T although he doesn’t use the same wrestling maneuvers as Booker T uses in the ring. He has the same enthusiasm and flair and often his stance appears to be modeled after Booker T. I have not looked to see where Kingston received his wrestling training but I believe he was in WWE Developmental for some time before moving to WWE ECW.


Kofi Kingston

Short match showcasing Kofi Kingston.

Replay of the end of the match and the Kingston win.

Styles and Tazz remind the audience about the matches coming up at No Way Out, the next WWE pay per view:

WWE Championship Match

John Cena, Challenger, against Randy Orton, Champion

Raw Elimination Chamber Match

Y2J Chris Jericho vs. John Bradshaw Layfield vs. HBK Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Hardy vs. The Game Triple H vs. Umaga

The winner of this match will face the WWE Champion for the title at Wrestlemania.

NOTE: Triple H missed Monday Night Raw last night due to a family emergency. There is no word at this time on whether or not this will have any effect on the match at No Way Out.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match

Big Daddy V vs. M.V.P. vs. The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Finlay vs. The Undertaker

The winner of this match will face the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the title at Wrestlemania

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

Edge, Champion, against Rey Mysterio, Challenger

Tazz tells the audience the USS Lexington is sitting in the Gulf of Mexico. Styles reminds the audience about the Gulf of Mexico match coming up tonight.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for next Monday Night Raw.  We’ve already seen this one.

Main Event

Gulf of Mexico Match

Winner must throw opponent into the Gulf of Mexico.

CM Punk from Chicago, IL, weighing 222 lbs.


Chavo Guerrero from El Paso, TX, weighing 215 lbs.

WWE ECW Champion

Audience favorite: CM Punk

My favorite: I like them both

They are starting this match in the middle of the ring but Chavo has to stop and argue with a few fans on his way to the ring. Punk begins the match by tossing Chavo out through the ropes and to the floor. Chavo sends Punk into the steel steps before sending him over the guardrail into the audience area. Punk meets a row of steel chairs. Punk is back to his feet as they fight through the audience. Chavo seems to thrive in a no DQ match. They are getting closer to the backstage area and Punk is taking Chavo to the Gulf of Mexico. They are now out of the arena area and it looks as though some of the fans have decided to follow them out. They are the doors in the back and now out to the parking lot. We have a slugfest going on as a car has to slam on its breaks to avoid hitting the two of them. The car honks its horn and Chavo slams Punk onto the hood of the car.


Back from commercial break, Punk and Chavo are still in the street working their way toward the Gulf. Punk is carrying Chavo and tosses him on a red van in the parking area. Chavo gets off the van, charges at Punk and Punk sends him over his head and back onto the van. Punk is now down on the concrete and Chavo is delivering kicks to Punk’s ribs. There are two fisherman getting out of the way of the two as Chavo picks up an ice cooler and hits Punk with it. They are on edge of the water, still slinging fists. Chavo tries to suplex Punk into the water but he can’t get Punk up. Punk has Chavo up on his shoulders and drops him into the water.


CM Punk

Nice brawl match. For those who didn’t know, the temperature in Corpus Christi was around 80 degrees and it appears that Chavo Guerrero does know how to swim.









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