Friday Night Smackdown

Friday Night Smackdown

February 22, 2008 – Recap by Sassy

Video of parts of the Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match at No Way Out. The Undertaker and Batista were the last two wrestlers in the match.  Undertaker took out Batista with a tombstone pile driver for the win. The Undertaker will face The Rated R Superstar, Edge, at Wrestlemania XXIV for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Friday Night Smackdown is broadcast

from San Diego, CA on the CW network.

Ringside announcers: Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

The show opens with Edge’s theme music. The Rated R Superstar Edge, WWE World Heavyweight Champion, enters the arena with his Edgeheads, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.

Michael Cole tells the audience that he his not surprised to see Edge in front of the sold out crowd tonight in San Diego. San Diego is the home of Rey Mysterio who Edge defeated at No Way Out to retain the championship. Mysterio was working with a torn bicep injury.

Edge crows about still being the champion. Edge tells the audience that last week in Santiago, Chile, he and the Edgeheads weakened Mysterio so that Edge would be certain to keep his title. Edge then tells the audience that at Wrestlemania he will have to face The Undertaker. Edge tells the audience that he is not afraid of The Undertaker and he will take the opportunity to take out The Undertaker who is undefeated (15-0 at Wrestlemania) and that beating him at Wrestlemania would be the equivalent winning a world heavyweight championship and that is what Edge does. Edge tells the audience that he is different than all of them because he is not afraid to take a chance. Edge says that he tackles the seemingly impossible and that is why he succeeds and that is why he has never lost the world championship and he never will. Edge says that after fifteen years, Edge will finally be the man who beats The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

The lights go out and when they come back on, The Undertaker has Edge by the throat. He drops one of the Edgeheads with a kick but the other one manages to connect with a blow to Undertaker’s back. Undertaker sends that Edgehead into the ropes and drops him with a big boot to the face. Edge comes after Undertaker and then stops to tell the Edgeheads to get up. Undertaker takes the opportunity to slam Edge into the corner post. One Edgehead is back on his feet. He comes after Undertaker and Undertaker delivers a choke slam that sends him down to the mat as Edge makes his way out of the ring and halfway up the entrance ramp. Undertaker stares down Edge, draws his thumb across his throat and we go to

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Coach tells the audience that Rey Mysterio has been grounded by a bicep injury after last Sunday. Mysterio will be on Smackdown tonight to address his future.


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match


The Gold Standard Shelton Benjamin, from Orangeburg, SC, weighing 248 lbs.


Before Benjamin’s opponent is introduced, Cole tells the audience there will be a Press Conference this Sunday at noon in Los Angeles, CA regarding Wrestlemania.



Jimmy Wang Yang from GA, weighing 206 lbs.


Audience favorite: Jimmy Wang Yang

My favorite: I like them both


Since I like both of these men I’m not sure whom I want to win. Yang is fast and high-flying but Benjamin can wrestle when he tries. Benjamin is working hard to win this one but Yang is working hard to hold him at bay. Several times during the match, Yang surprises Benjamin with roll up maneuvers that nearly result in a three count but Benjamin manages to kick out before it’s too late. Benjamin has Yang up on the top turnbuckle, rips off Yang’s shirt, Yang pushes him back, but Benjamin tossed Yang over his head and ultimately sends Yang out to the floor outside the ring. Benjamin goes out after Yang, rolls him back into the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Both men are now down on the mat but Benjamin is back on his feet first. Yang goes for a roll up but Benjamin kicks out. Again Yang goes for the pin but another kick out by Benjamin. Both men back to their feet, Yang charges, Benjamin sends Yang over the top rope, Yang lands on the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Yang comes off the top to land a cross body block and goes again for the pin. He gets a two count. Another roll up by Yang and another two count. Benjamin sends Yang to the mat with a face plant, goes for the cover and gets the win.



The Gold Standard Shelton Benjamin

Who will be in the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania XXIV.


Qualifies for The Money in the Bank Match so far: Jeff Hardy, WWE Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Kennedy and The Gold Standard Shelton Benjamin.

Assistant General Manager Theodore Long comes out of his office and sees Maryse. Maryse says she hasn’t been on Smackdown for a while and she has a question she wants to ask Teddy so they go back into his office.

Replay of the No Way Out return of The Big Show and his confrontation with boxer Floyd “Money” Mayweather. Big Show suffered a broken nose and Shane McMahon made an appearance to prevent Big Show from going after Mayweather. Replay of part of the Raw Elimination Chamber Match. The match was won by The Game Triple H. Replay of the Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match. There is a special encore presentation of No Way Out all this week. Contact your cable company for further information.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, replay of the beat down by JBL and Vince McMahon on Monday Night Raw. Cole tells the audience that the audience will see the footage later on tonight.


Tag Team Match





At a combined weight of 501 lbs.


Before their opponents are introduced, replay of the match last week that pitted Jesse, Festus, Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore against Deuce, Domino, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder. The match was won by Jesse, Festus, Yang and Moore.






At a combined weight of 465 lbs.

Accompanied to the ring by Cherry


Audience favorites: I’m not sure

My favorites: Jesse & Festus


The bell rings and Festus begins the match with the person closest to him. Deuce manages to bail out the ring but Domino gets caught. Festus pounds on Domino and then tags in Jesse who goes for the cover but Domino kicks out. Jesse manages to send both Deuce and Domino out to the floor but Jesse goes out after them. They toss Cherry in front of Jesse who stops short of running into her and then gets nailed by one of the pair when he is distracted. Jesse is now in the ring with Deuce. Jesse gets hung up on the ropes out of Festus’s reach. Cole believes Jesse may have a broken nose and his nose is bleeding but he is still fighting in the ring. Both men are down and Festus is calling for a tag. Jesse manages a blind tag behind his opponents back and Festus is in the ring. Festus goes to work on the wrestler in the ring and then takes on the other opponent as he enters the ring. Festus delivers a kick that sends one wrestler over the top rope and then he tags in Jesse. Jesse climbs up on the top rope, Festus launches Jesse off onto his partner and Jesse gets the win.







The Raw Rebound: The Big Show comes out to apologize to Floyd Mayweather for his actions at the No Way Out pay per view. Mayweather comes out to the ring and Show challenges Mayweather to a one on one match, which Mayweather accepts.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.


Big Daddy V from Harlem, NY, weighing 487 lbs.

Accompanied to the ring by Matt Stryker




Shannon Moore from Cameron, NC, weighing 207 lbs, who is already in the ring


Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Shannon Moore


Can we manage to get V a small opponent?  I highly doubt it. Shannon Moore is too good in the ring to be a jobber for a 500 lb. opponent. Moore does give it his best shot, but there is no way he can pin V. I’m sorry but I’ve yet to see a purpose in this type of match. If V wants to wrestle, put him in the ring with an opponent at least close to his size and let the high-flying wrestlers like Moore work in a match against a qualified opponent in their general weight class. Moore can’t even drop V with a drop kick.



Big Daddy V


Replay of the match but I don’t know why they are bothering.

Cole tells the audience that up next Batista and M.V.P. will face each other in one on one competition.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for WWE Magazine.


M.V.P. from Miami, FL, weighing 248 lbs.

WWE United States Champion


Before MVP’s opponent is introduced, Cole reminds the audience that last week MVP challenged Batista to a rematch. MVP spoke to the camera earlier to tell everyone that Batista won’t beat MVP again.




The Animal Batista from Washington, DC, weighing 290 lbs.


Audience favorite: Batista

My favorite: I like them both


MVP must be crazy.  He just went through an Elimination Chamber match and he’s willing to face Batista again. The bell rings and Batista immediately backs MVP into a ring post. MVP acts like his back is hurting but he gets a headlock on Batista and hangs on. Batista turns the tide and MVP is in trouble. Batista goes to work on MVP’s back. MVP turns it around and takes down Batista much to the dismay of the live audience. Batista is out on the floor and MVP is telling the referee to keep counting. The ref gets to five before Batista rolls back in. MVP goes for a cover but only gets a two count before Batista powers out. MVP manages to kick Batista out of the ring. Batista is back in the ring but MVP again has him in a headlock but Batista goes for a bear hug. MVP manages to get out of the hold and takes Batista down to the mat. He goes for the pin but can’t get the three count. MVP goes out of the ring, Batista reaches over the top after him and MVP hangs Batista up on the ropes. MVP delivers a kick and goes for the cover but MVP still can’t get the three count. Batista nails MVP with a spine buster, then delivers a second spine buster and then a third. Batista delivers the Batista bomb, goes for the cover and gets the three count.



The Animal Batista


Replay of the end of the match.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, promo for Wrestlemania XXIV, 37 days away.

Cole tells the audience that Hornswoggle is still in the hospital with swelling of the brain and then there is a replay of what happened on to Hornswoggle on Monday Night Raw.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Cole tells the audience that Erik Morales, former WBC Featherweight Champion is in the Smackdown audience tonight.


The Great Khali from India, weighing 420 lbs.




The Big Red Machine Kane


Audience favorite: Kane

My favorite: Kane


There is a rumor going around that Kane will be retiring from the wrestling ring in the next two years. I don’t know how anyone else feels, but it looks to me like Kane is much to young to be stepping down. Even the normally huge Kane looks much smaller in the ring with Khali. Kane tries to go up to the top turnbuckle but Khali stops him and sends him back down to the mat. Kane is getting back to his feet and Khali goes after the shoulder of Kane. Kane breaks away and comes off the ropes, but is caught with a chop to the skull by Khali. Khali locks in the hands on Kane’s skull. Kane goes down to the mat, Khali’s shoulders are down and Khali is counted out.



The Big Red Machine Kane


After the match, Kane rolls out of the ring and Khali looks confused. He thought he won the match with the vice grip hold on Kane’s skull.

Replay of the end of the last match.

Cole reminds the audience that Wrestlemania XXIV is 37 days away and that Edge will face The Undertaker. Video of The Undertaker at various Wrestlemanias over the years making up his 15-0 win.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break.


Chuck Palumbo from San Diego, CA, weighing 280 lbs.

Accompanied to the ring by his motorcycle




Matt Jackson from Redding, CA, weighing 180 lbs.


Audience favorite: I’m not sure

My favorite: Chuck Palumbo and his motorcycle


With a hundred pound size difference, I’m not sure Jackson has a chance in this match. Before the match began, Coach and Cole remind the audience about the beat down Palumbo gave Jamie Noble and the problems Palumbo experienced with Michelle McCool. Palumbo works over Jackson and has him down on the mat but he refuses to go for the cover instead delivering the full throttle before getting the three count.



Chuck Palumbo


Rey Mysterio is backstage heading for the ring. He will be on Smackdown next.

Commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Rey Mysterio enters the ring. It appears it is Mysterio’s right arm that has been injured. Mysterio’s family is in the audience. Mysterio has the mic. He says that he has seen the doctor and the bicep on his right arm is completely torn. He takes the bandage off his arm and shows us the bruised arm. He has to have surgery done and it must be done this weekend. He will not be able to participate in this year’s Wrestlemania.

Mysterio is interrupted by Vickie Guerrero who has been pushed in her wheelchair to the top of the entrance ramp by Teddy Long. She comes down the ramp to the ring and tells Mysterio she knows he is hurt but she doesn’t give a damn. She says all that she cares about is what he did to her last week on Smackdown. The audience sees a replay of what happened after Edge proposed to her last week. The audience liked the replay. Vickie tells Mysterio that tonight he has a match and she orders a referee to the ring. Tonight Mysterio will face the WWE ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero.


Rey Mysterio from San Diego, CA


Chavo Guerrero from El Paso, TX

WWE ECW Champion


Audience favorite: Rey Mysterio

My favorite: I like them both


Before the bell rings, Chavo goes after Mysterio. Mysterio comes back with a flying head scissors but Chavo sends Mysterio to the mat on his injured arm and we go to




Back from commercial break, Chavo still has Mysterio down in the ring and is going after the injured arm of Mysterio. Mysterio fights back but he can’t protect his arm. The audience is cheering on Mysterio as Chavo delivers a baseball slide, sending Mysterio out to the floor. Back in the ring, Mysterio sends Chavo out to the floor and then comes off the ring apron to take Chavo down again. The audience is calling for the 619. Both men are back in the ring. Mysterio climbs up to the top turnbuckle and Chavo climbs up with him. Mysterio fights back, sending Chavo down to the mat. Mysterio comes off and takes Chavo down, goes for a cover but only gets a one count. Chavo is back to his feet, he goes for a roll up, Mysterio rolls through, goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Mysterio nails Chavo with the 619 but he can’s springboard off the top rope and finish Chavo off. Mysterio goes up to the top turnbuckle but Chavo knocks Mysterio down to the mat. Chavo sets Mysterio up for the three amigos with the audience loudly voicing their displeasure and then hit the brain buster.  Chavo is up on the top turnbuckle and comes off for a frog splash but Mysterio moves out of the way, goes for a roll up and gets the three count.



Rey Mysterio


Vickie has the music stopped and screams at Mysterio and she wants to make sure that Mysterio gets hurt like he hurt Vickie. The Big Show’s theme music comes on and Big Show enters the ring.


I don’t know if this is a match or not. Mysterio tries to get out of the ring, but Show catches him and delivers a splash. Show is sporting a black eye and has a bandage on his nose courtesy of Floyd Mayweather. Show stands on Mysterio’s injured arm then steps on it. Show then squeezes the injured arm and if I wasn’t writing this, I would turn the TV off. Show picks Mysterio up in a chokehold and carries him around the ring before slamming him down to the mat. Mysterio is down on the mat and that’s the end of the show.


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