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By: Jim Sullivan

Rockaway Park Philosophical Society

Vale Iterator! Ecce In Scriptum Domum Doctoris Socii Philosophis te vale
A Fullosia Greeting: The Gentlemen of the Society invite true socables to throw down their blinders; they have only their minds to save! The fullosia is a complete philosophy a philosophy of the actualization of reality. We've cast down the lofty to venerate the mundane; we seek the greatest pizza pie.

The Society invites you to take a pilgimmage of the imagination through the total spectrum of knowledge.

Join with us in the Fullosia!

What is a hero? Has our age destroyed or abolished them?


Arthurian Legend
The heroic Arthur, the roots of American democracy, Can it be kept alive in a time of Cultural Fragmentation?
Where have you gone, Bill Buckley, Bill Buckley? We miss you very much indeed. Public television is bereft of not only your Firing Line TV program, an excellent, intelligent interview show, but even more sorely pined for is your periodic public TV debates that Firing Line sponsored. These every once in a while disputations were the liveliest, most interesting and informative on all issues of the day in our lives: abortion, capital punishment, national debt, trade, welfare, and much more. The crucible of debate has never failed to dredge up important points, new and old, in matters under passionate discussion.

A liberal, not a conservative, in writing this piece. Admittedly, I usually rooted in Buckley's debates for the opposite side from him. But on a few occasions, I stood, vicariously, on his side. And I was glad he was scoring for my point of view. But that's not material here. His argumentations, and those of his fellow panelists, both pro and con, shed much needed light on matters cultural, governmental, political, social, spiritual, and in other spheres that make up our lives.

No doubt, few Americans ever watched the Firing Line debates. Some people might have even called those programs boring. But I wouldn't. In fact, the debates were quite the opposite. And most intellectuals, like Bill Buckley, thinkers in every walk of life, and those who genuinely care about our nation, the world, and man and womankind watched avidly.

Where can we go in the media today to get these revealing, sometimes shocking, old-fashioned debates? The answer: "Sadly, nowhere not that Bill Buckley has retired!" So won't someone take up his mantle, or at least his pencil and clipboard, to organize and present more on-going TV debates?

If there was ever a time, the political campaign cycle notwithstanding, when this country's populace needed to hear arguments on each side of the issues facing everyone, it's today. And prospects for the future seem to be even more complicated issues. That's all the more reason debates with panelists having the brightest, most facile, minds on both sides of the issues need to be heard on TV. A once a month debate would be about right.

Thank you, Mr. Conservative, Bill Buckley, Jr., for the debates you've staged on TV helping to clarify matters for both your Conservative compatriots and for your Liberal adversaries, such as myself. Now that you've retired from regular TV, may you have a long, happy, and intellectually stimulating life. Oh, and don't forget to give us old liberals a rhetorical flourish when we deserve it.

The End.

RPPS Literature
The Arthurian Legend If All Men Were angels Military Police Blotter At inditer