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Doug's Critic Column - The Final Chapter

Doug's Email

Yes its true, fans, Will's Kickin Sabres has come to an end. With Will and I having such busy schedules and so little time, the site has stahled like a 1984 Cutlass Supreme. Will finally made the decision to stop production and close up shop, sad in a way.

This Website was created directly following the Sabres' Stanley Cup appearence. Fueled by Being Eastern Conference Champions and NoGoal, Will decided to make a website. I made my own first, which was a big heap of junk. But, if I remember correctly, Will saw my site and was very interested in putting his views on the internet. Soon, My site folded like a cheap tent. I tried to add too much in too little of time. Unlike my site, Will kept at it, slowly but surely building content. His site at first did take criticism by persons to be unnamed, but he still worked. Sometimes it seemed pointless, he'd tell me "LOOK AT MY PAGE!" and all it would be is some corny picture or link. But, sure enough, Will kept at it.

In about 1 year, he had a quality, well-advertised site. It was then that I agreed to write for Will's Kickin Sabres. I didn't write a whole lot of articles, but I would sometimes advertise through mesage boards, email, and chat rooms. To my surprise, I got plenty of emails on my writing, both good and bad, and it was then that I realized that this website has a bigger fanbase than I thought. From then on is smooth sailing, until the new year hit 2001. Will and I realized that this website no longer could be supported by two people with a somewhat busy schedule. I had gotten a new job, which made me virtually invisible from December on. Will tried, and we both do not want it to end, but it has to.

So, this is a formal thank-you to all of the Will's Kickin Sabres Supportres everwhere. Thank You for your e-mails and comments- you're what made this website survive for two lengthy years!!

Everyone please still write both of us emailabout the Sabres, although we won't have the site, We still love to hear opinions about the Buffalo Sabres from everyone. We love to talk with fellow NHL fans. Good Bye, and for now.................... GO SABRES!!!