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Season Ends After 65 Games

Is this supposed to be a team? After losing two pivital weekend games against the lowly Islanders and the 5th seeded Caps, the Sabres appear to have fallen out of the playoffs without much hope for a trip to the postseason. The game I witnessed against the Caps was not only disturbing but quite a eye opener to the fans who were still holding out hope on a team that hasnt shown up all year. As most of you know ,the Sabres captain, Mike Peca separated his arm in a fight that took place at the end of regulation. The fight took place because of Peca's hit on Sergie Gonchar in the beginning of the game. It didnt show on TV but Steve Konowalcuk crossed checked Peca in the face to get the bout going. The rest you saw on TV, Peca getting beat and then being thrown to the ground and probably separating his sholder then. Konowalcuk then continued to pummel the captain as the linesmen held him down.

Peca had this to say after the game "I'm not going to whine about it. I think it's a physical game and things are going to happen,'' Peca, his arm in a sling, said as the Sabres practiced Monday. "I know things don't always go the way you'd like them to and that's why it's a team game.'' The fight itself didnt disturb me but the actions leading to the fight and after the fight were downright wrong by both teams.

First off, Why the hell did the Caps put there goons on the ice at the end of regulation?? Well thats easy, to get Peca. The Caps coach Ron Wilson also put out Simon while the Sabres sent out our smurfs. But Ruff should have known it was coming. He should have put out Ray and Grand-Pierre and this would have NOT happened. Wilson has had such a history of this around the NHL. Too bad visitors have to put there lines on the ice first.

The 2nd thing that worries me is that no one even attempted to jump in. Now yes I know that we had the smurfs out but where is the team toughness and cohesiveness?? I guess they really dont care about each other. Judging by the quote from Peca it seems he was dissapointed in his teammates failure to aid him.

The Sabres will miss the playoffs and you can blame everone in the organization starting with Regas to Regier right down to the players and coaches. It was quite naive to think the Sabres ever had a shot at the postseason, the season was over before it even started. Sure the trade dealine is approaching, to bad Regier didnt think of a shakeup trade 2 weeks ago.

My advice, start to retool for next year. Move out the guys who never showed up (Grosek,Zhitnik) and move the guys who dont add character or scoring (Holzinger,Sanderson) and bring in some guys who actually have a little heart and want to win. Entertain offers for Hasek and take any deal that involves getting a scorer.

The team was laid back, they knew they could be lazy and still have a job. Hell, the Gm didnt make trades anyways so they didnt feel any pressure to succeed. To quote my football coach "Have a little pride" thats all Western New Yorkers have ever wanted.
