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Welcome Back Hasek

Today, on February 14, 2000, at 2 pm eastern time, the Buffalo Sabres called a press conference to announce Dominic Hasek's unretirement. The reason for the return was quite simple. "What changed my mind, very simply, was the injury." Hasek said at the conference. Rich Winter, Hasek agent, told the Buffalo News that this season wasnt what Hasek wanted it to be and that he wanted to finish his career out strong, hopefully with a Cup win.

This puts Darcy Regier in an akward position heading into this trade deadline. Going into expansion, the Sabres can either protect one goalie or protect two goalies. If the Sabres decide to protect both Hasek and Biron, they will face a monumential loss because they will only be able to protect 3 defenseman and 7 forwards.

Many think Hasek will be kept due to the managements commitment to him. Well folks, management committed to the goalie only for this year not for any times past. Hasek will finish up his contract at 9.25 million dollars, a figure the Sabres management didnt figure into next years operations. Hasek went back on his word, therefore all bets are off. Anything can happen now. Personally, iam very happy to see Hasek back. He is a great player who gives the Sabres a chance to win. But you have to do whats best for the team.....
