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Entries are dated by the day that I post them.
They may be edited for length, spelling, and punctuation.  
The feelings and thoughts expressed here are those of the person who wrote the entry.
Veronica: Dear St Jude, They say it is impossible for my innocent and loving husband to be released from jail, but I have faith that you are the St of hopeless cases. I pray for a miracle for my husband to be released from jail immediately. Pray for his Lawyer to have the way to convince the authorities to post his bail. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (22/09/02)
Bryan: St. Jude, Please help my dog Sasha overcome her cancer, she has been a guide for me, her unconditional love has helped me through some difficult times. (22/09/02)
Nita: Private Message. (22/09/02)
Kangabe: Please St. Jude pray for me I am going for an interview today at 3:30p.m for HIV/AIDS Fellowship. (22/09/02)
Dan: Thank you St. Jude for your strength and being there for me in order to pass the FELE test in education. (22/09/02)
Sonia: Private Message. (22/09/02)
Lily: Private Message. (22/09/02)
Deb: Thank you St Jude for prayers answered.  I have been truly blessed to have wonderful family and friends surrounding me.  I specifically want to express my thanks for bringing "someone special" into our lives.  I am truly grateful. Thank you St Jude, Lord Jesus!  (22/09/02)
Nan: Many thanks to St. Jude for answering my prayer for my son to do well as he starts this new school year.  He is really doing very well and it is paying off.  I promised St. Jude I would publish my thank you.  Thank you to St. Jude and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for their divine intervention. (22/09/02)
Rosary: Please pray for Elizabeth - three years old, 1)  that the test is really conclusive one way or the other about a blockage in her ureter and that she doesn't suffer/remember this as it involves another catheter;  2) that if surgery is necessary by some miracle it could happen in Sept. when I'm off-track (God needs to clear the insurance demons out of the way for that to happen); and 3) most importantly that Elizabeth would be completely healed and her kidney would function correctly. Thank you and God Bless. (22/09/02)
Julie: Please pray for healing for my daughter who is a quadriplegic person and is on a ventilator. (22/09/02)
Deb: Private Message. (22/09/02)
Eleanor: Please pray for baby Gracie and her mother as Gracie goes into open heart surgery next week. Give the parents strength and the doctors healing powers. (From August 8) (22/09/02)
David: Private Message. (22/09/02)
Robert: Dear St. Rita, Please pray for my dearest Rita. She was my wife, best friend, soul-mate, and guardian angel. Often I feel lost since the accident, only our 4 boys keep me going. Pray for our family as I try an sell the house she designed, and find a new house in the city we're moving to - all before school starts this September. Thank you for giving me a position in a clinic where I am needed, where I can be of service, away from the people who were only interested in money, not quality care. I suspect my wife had a hand in it, even from heaven, it is just like her to spring a surprise on me. Thank you for your time and prayers. Since Rita's passing (I can not use "death" with her name) I appreciate the comfort of prayers said by others for people other than themselves. (22/09/02)
Amy: Private Message.  (18/07/2002)
Mary Ellen: Private Message.  (18/07/2002)
Amy: St Jude please assist me in my urgent need to find a job that will allow me to keep my daughter and my home. Please give my daughter and I, strength to get threw this horrible time of our lives. Thank you St Jude for hearing my prayers.  (18/07/2002)
Rita:  Please pray for me . I am in much trouble and very worried. (18/07/2002)
Deb: Private Message  (18/07/2002)
Andrea: Private Message.  (18/07/2002)
Rosary: Please pray for Autumn, she is unstable and has no one to help and support her. She was in the Psychiatric Ward under observation and has been diagnosed with Bipolar Manic Depression. She has a toddler and their is no family to help with him. This girl has had a very tough life.   My daughter Carly has some minor brain damage due to 2 car accidents. She is in college and is having difficulty focusing and learning. She doesn't want to quit college. Please pray for her to be healed and she receives the help she needs.  (Edited for length) (18/07/2002)
Carol: Thank you St Jude for answering my prayers and helping me to find the reason why I am having trouble finding a job.  (18/07/2002)
Laura: St. Jude please hear my prayers.  (18/07/2002)
Rosalie: My brother Silvio has rectal bladder and colon cancer. The most aggressive type. Please intervene for a miraculous healing. He is 48 and a father of 3. He is a doctor and my family is in shambles.  (18/07/2002)
Joyce: Thank you St. Jude for all of your help and assistance in the past. Please continue to help me with my present needs.  (18/07/2002)
Michael:  Please pray for reconciliation and restoration in my marriage with Chikira, and that our family is kept together. Thank you and God bless.   (18/07/2002)
Wanda: Private Message.  (18/07/2002)
Amy: Private Message. (08/06/2002)
Christina: Thank you for helping me with my marriage, St. Jude. Please help my mother who suffers with Alzheimer's. (08/06/2002)
Wanda: Private Message.  (08/06/2002)
Rose: St. Jude, You have answered my novena in the past, and, although I promised to make your help known and to encourage devotion to you, I failed. I hope to make right my shortcomings. I beseech you to once again come to my aid in this time of need. Please pray for my family and my own special needs. St. Therese and St. Elizabeth pray for me. (08/06/2002)
Rosary: Please remember in prayer the name of Courtney Adams, a 19 year old student who has been diagnosed with a fast growing cancer.  She was scheduled to marry in June but she and Brandon have had to delay their plans. (08/06/2002)
Marie: I am already saying a novena to you.  But would you prayer that my depression will be lifted for good and that my husband and I be bonded in love. (08/06/2002)
Jan: Please help immediately  MPW w/grad issues. I place my trust in you.  (08/06/2002)
Joe, Chris, and Kevin: Thank you Saint Jude for prayers answered for the improvement of our financial situation in the face of the loss of a much missed wife and mother.  (08/06/2002)
Dan: Our 17 year old son Dan is in a substance abuse treatment center for substance abuse and depression.  He is very confused and considers himself an atheist event though he was raised with a structured religion.  His mother and I ask for your prayers so Dan may gain the strength, knowledge and wisdom to overcome his addiction, depression and find his faith. (08/06/2002)
John: Private Message. (08/06/2002)
Jeanie: Thank you for past blessings. Please help my mother, who is desperately ill. Please give her comfort and help us to comfort her. She will be having medical treatments this week . Please help me pray to Mary and Jesus to heal my mother. (08/06/2002)
Dick: St. Jude thank you for answering my prayers. Please continue to help me in my financial problems at home and work.  Watch over my family and freinds their health and well being.  Pray for our church and peace on earth. (08/06/2002)
Jennifer: St. Jude, I pray you hear my prayers. I have begun my novena, praying to bring health back to Kevin Netting, husband, father, friend. Thank you St. Jude. (08/06/2002)
Rosary: Susan D. needs your prayers.  A couple of months ago she lost her husband, Lou, to a terrible kidney disease.  Now, her son, Tige, has been in a terrible accident at their glass shop.  He has been badly burned and is currently in a burn unit. (08/06/2002)
Michael: Prayer for wife and family. (Edited for length) (08/06/2002)
Rick: Thank you so very much, St. Jude for answering my prayers and helping me to be reunited with my beloved Kim. (08/06/2002)
Sandy: Private Message. (08/06/2002)
Wanda: St. Jude, You have always helped me in the past. Please help me find a new job and help me through my financial problems. Please let me find a job that is close to my family and home. (28/03/2002)
David & Rosary: Thank you St. Jude for praying for our specific intentions. You have helped us so many times in the past through your intercession. Please continue to pray for us.(28/03/2002)
Linda: Private Message. (28/03/2002)
Beata: St. Jude thank you for your help in answering my prayers about finding true friends, Milena's return to health and all the blessings which have been bestowed upon me and those I know through your intercession. I pray that my brother may return to Christ and that Chris and I find our way back to each other if that is in accordance to God's will. Amen(28/03/2002)
Kathy: Dear St Jude, Please help my husband find a good job.  Thank you for answering my prayers.  Thank you Dear Jesus.  (28/03/2002)
Joe: Saint Jude,  I beseech you to bless my good friend Doris and her entire family. Please let her mother enjoy complete and unconditional recovery from all of her health problems and let her treatment be as painless and comfortable as possible.  In the aftermath of my dear wife Janice's passing, bless me with whatever it takes to unite my two sons, Christopher, Kevin and Myself into a tight knit family unit, that thrives on mutual respect, compassion and faith in God and that we all enjoy lives filled with good physical and mental health, prosperity and peace of mind according to your will. (28/03/2002)
Laura: Thank you St Jude for absolutely everything. (28/03/2002)
Deborah: I request that St. Jude perform a miracle of healing for my dear Mother who has ALS, (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).  Presently, she is completely quadriplegic and on a ventilator and feeding tube due to diaphragmatic insufficiency. We pray to St. Jude that Mom be granted the gift of healing a gift that will restore, once again,  movement in her arms, legs, face and diaphragm muscles.  We ask of St. Jude to kindly grant Mom "The miracle of Spontaneous Remission". (28/03/2002)
Joyce: Private Message. (28/03/2002)
Pat: My father in law, Nick Notte is gravely ill.  He is in Clara Mass Hospital in Belleville, New Jersey.  St. Jude has always been his patron saint, and Nick needs a miracle.  Please pray for him. (28/03/2002)
Michael: Dear St. Jude, please intercede for my family, friends and myself; for our conversion, sanctification, general well-being and Eternal redemption. Thank-you. (28/03/2002)
Adriana: Please, St. Jude I humbly request your assistance in my hour of need. Please, help me pass my interview, I sincerely and truly want to become a teacher. I in return, will promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Thank you my Patron Saint.  (28/03/2002)
Michael: Thank you St. Jude for praying for my marriage and family.I do see a light at the end of tunnel for us! I will continue my novena to you and thank you for your powerful intercession! Thank you from the bottom of my heart,I love you! (28/03/2002)
Rosary: For Mark Cannon--they just found out this weekend that he has a brain tumor (cancer), and it has progressed very fast.  In a few days he will have surgery, but they know they can't get it all because of roots growing into the brain.  The surgery will be followed by chemo and/or radiation. For Kayleigh Elizabeth--she is 5 weeks old and will be admitted to Phoenix Children's Hospital Friday morning.  At birth, the doctors found that she has a valve that is not working properly.  Tomorrow morning she will be admitted at 5:30 am for an angioplasty.  It will be an in-patient procedure due to the possible complications.  Please pray for her, her family and her doctors during this difficult time. (28/03/2002)
Cindy: Most holy St. Jude, please pray that my husband will open his heart to my love and that we will reconcile our marriage.  I will be ever grateful and honor you always.  (01/02/2002)
Dick: St. Jude  Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers and petitions. Thank you for helping me through my financial problems at home and work. Watch over the health and well being of my family and friends. Give us peace on earth. I will always honor you as my special and powerful patron and always encourage devotion to you. Thank you Jesus Mary and St. Jude.  (01/02/2002)
Linda: Please pray for St. Jude's Travel.  We are really suffering financially since the 911 attack on America.  It was also a personal attack on our business as well.   As hard as we try we can't seem to get caught up on our bills. Please pray for wisdom, guidance, and strength to know for sure what path God wants us to take now. Thanks for your prayers.  (01/02/2002)
Gil: St. Jude Please pray in the name of the Father and the Son, through the power of the Holy Spirit for Mary Szajner and her Family that they may feel the grace, power and comfort of the God's Love at this time of trial and that Mary be returned to full health. (01/02/2002)
Susan: Please St. Jude, intercede and heal my mother.  She has suffered a horrible stroke, Please ask Jesus to put his hands and heal her, mind, body & soul.  (01/02/2002)
Pamela: Thank you for answering my prayers in college. I need you again, please help me. I will continue to spread your name.  (01/02/2002)
Joe: St Jude, Thank you for prayers answered. You kept me going when all hope was gone.  (01/02/2002)
Seema: Holy St.Jude I thank you so much for the wonderful favours granted thru your intercession. I love you more and more and I know you are there always praying for me and your believers. Thank you for being a great friend.  (01/02/2002)
Lucy: Dear St. Jude, Please help me and my family cope with my Muscular Dystrophy, and pave the way for a cure for all afflicted. Precious St. Jude, please help my daughter during her pregnancy. She has been told of a cyst around the baby's brain. Hear my pleas.  (01/02/2002)
Marg: Please that my special intention will be heard and answered. Thank you, St. Jude for hearing my prayers.  (01/02/2002)
Mary Ann: Dear St. Jude:  I am asking for long-term employment for my husband.  (01/02/2002)
Claude: Please St-Jude, help us find a Christian doctor who can work independently, who will treat us for the ailment that is eating at us, so that my poor wife and I will regain some sort of health that will allow us to function normally. And please also, help those who refuse to provide us this help. (01/02/2002)
Patricia: St. Jude, I wish to Thank You from the bottom of my heart for answering my prayers. Thank You for letting me be able to stay home with my mother and son. I am forever grateful, as promised I have continued helping your children at the ranch. I know you were there to watch over me, and I cannot express my gratitude. Please continue to watch over me and keep my family safe. I will continue to try and do my best, Thank You St. Jude. (26/12/2001)
Carla: Please St. Jude help my sister's back to get better, and help her return to God.  Thank you St. Jude. (26/12/2001)
Lori: Please Saint Jude please ask Jesus to allow my husband to be more supportive and loving towards me and cause no pain as to my decision toward my new job offer. (26/12/2001)
Mary: Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered (26/12/2001)
Sharon: Dear St. Jude: Please be with my two children and myself at this time of transition in our lives.  My desire is to be open to and able to do God's will.  Please guied us on that path. Thank you. (26/12/2001)
Robert: St. Jude, please help to make my mother well again. (26/12/2001)
Laura: Private Message. (26/12/2001)
Rick: Thank you St. Jude for healing the problems between my son and his mother. (26/12/2001)
Shannon: St Jude, I have complete faith in you. Please help Doug and allow him to give our relationship a second chance- so that our son may have the opportunity to have his parents together. (26/12/2001)



Because of the volume of entries that I receive and the time it takes to post them,
 I've had to set a few rules. 
In the past I've tried to be somewhat flexible.  
Unfortunately some people...a very few... still seem to intentionally take advantage.
It seems I must take a firm position.
Entries that do not follow these rules will not be posted. 

  • Please do not use ALL CAPS.
  • Please be as brief as possible and do not type out specific prayers or novenas.  
    The feelings of your heart are more important than the words you say.  
  • Only your first name is necessary. Nicknames are not permitted. 
    Your email address and city are
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