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ShadowWolf Country

Doc's Story


My grandparents were what I called " wilderness people ". They lived in a beautiful log cabin home way outside the city. My grandpa was a veterinarian and my grandma was what we would call today a herbalist making home made medicine that she had learned from my great-grandparents who were Hopi Indians.

My parents did a lot of traveling when I was young. Needless to say I would always find a way to not have to go and spend the time with my grandparents. There was no competition as no one else wanted to go.wolves04

I had gone to stay with them for the summer holidays when I was four. I loved it there it was so quiet and the air was so clean. I would learn so much from grandma. She would always say to me: " Respect nature and it will respect you in return". She had a nickname for me, Grasshopper, since I was so tiny and running through the high grass, she would say I looked like a little grasshopper hopping along.

On this particular day, I had wondered way out of the limits grandpa had set for me but what not worried about getting lost. I had taken pebbles my grandmother had given me of various colors to mark the way back. I suddenly spotted what I thought was a dog (but a wolf) lying sideways on the ground. I immediately saw that it had been shot and it was dead. I thought who would do such a thing? I gathered some leaves and started to cover the animal when I saw something moving under the leaves. I removed that area and saw three little pups lying almost under her. I pulled them out one by one. The two first ones were dead but the third was alive. I took my jacket off and wrapped him up in it and hurried back to the house. Once there I took the pup to grandpa who immediately cared for it. I noticed grandpa had a peculiar smile on his face and \par when I asked why he told me: " Grasshopper this isn't a dog, this is a wolf.


Well it made no difference to me, I had found it and was going to raise it. Grandpa told me that the day would come when I would have to set him free and I had agreed to that.

I bottle fed him till he was old enough to drink on his own. His name was "Wolf", and we were inseparable. I had often encountered wolves, yet never had one ever tried to harm me.

The day came and I knew I had to set him free. It broke my heart because I knew I would probably never see him again. I remember sitting Wolf down and telling him how much I loved him and I would always be here waiting for him, if he ever decided to come back home. I remember him looking at me with beautiful blue eyes letting me know that he would return. With that I set him free.

Weeks went by and I never saw him. It was early evening and I decided to go for a walk I heard noises and before I knew it three wolves were around me. I paid no attention to them but they followed. Then I heard something approaching on my left side. When I turned I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Wolf. He had kept his promise. The three other wolves vanished and Wolf and I hugged while I laughed and cried with joy at the same time.

wolf33From then on he came to the little cabin my grandparents had further out in the woods everyday. I had named this cabin "Wolf's Cabin" and to this day it still has the welcome sign hanging in the door and it's still the place I go for peace and relaxation.

I shared many wonderful experiences and years with Wolf till he died of old age. These years I will cherish close to my heart for ever. When Wolf passed on I not only lost my dearest companion but I lost my most trusting and loving friend. He will always be with me in the wonderful memories he has given me of our time shared together.



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This page last updated March 19, 2000