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And The Battle Goes On...

Yes, yes it does...








Disclaimer: This is totally untrue, well most of it. I just made it up to show how this COULD happen between the 2 groups, not that it actually is. We don't know that for sure though. Anyways, no hate mail please, i'm not doing anything against either group. It's funny people! So laugh a little k? Oh and also, this might be a bit harsh, so look forward to Nick and Justin bashing-sort of. Thanks to Phat Farm for the pic of Justin and the kiss-my-ass idea. You guys rule.







This page is here because i'm positive that many of you fellow BSB fans have surely noticed the rivalry between BSB and 'NSYNC that has been going on for some time now. It's been going pretty much since 'NSYNC came along. From day one BSB knew that these five other guys were cheap imitations of the real stuff (themselves), and knew that they had to be dealt with. Once they found out that 'NSYNC were as well under the (crappy) management of Lou Pearlman, they were crushed. "What happened to the family?" whined little Nick Carter, while the other four nodded in agreement. You see, this battle has been going from then and it's still at large now. Backstreet's third and newest cd WAS going to called, "Haha 'NSYNC You Losers, We're Back Again And Everyone Still Loves Us More", title curtesy of Mr. Richardson (the mastermind of the group). But alas, that fell through and they were left with Millennium. Anyways, this is just to show how BSB and 'NSYNC have both added to the on-going battle. By using the media as their shield, they can find ways of sending messages to the other group through photo shoots and such. My research has found that it is, in fact, mostly Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake ('NSYNC) that are doing the damage. So, in turn i have collected a few examples of what's going on. Here is the conclusive evidence that I have found through research:

This is how it goes:
Message #1 Message #2
Message #3 Message #4
Message #5 Message #6
Message #7 Message #8
Message #9 Message #10







So that's my representation of this dilemma! This idea is totally copyrighted by me and if you want to use this on your own page, please ask me first. Chances are, i'll let you use it, but try and make it original for your page. Any questions or anything can be directed towards this address: