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I Love AJ and I Want U 2 Know It Dammit!

Okie, this page is for all you AJ fans out there..if you want the world to know who you are and that you love AJ, this is the place to be! All ya have ta do is fill out the form and take the little plaque to put on your page! If you don't have a page, you can still fill out the form and i'll put you up here anyways! Yah, so after i get the form i'll put you guys up here and then everyone will know that you are *blank* and your email address is *blank* and you are honestly truly madly deeply totally butt-in-love with Alexander James McLean! so what R U waiting for!
If you love that man anywhere as near as much as his mom does:

then go for it!

sorry people, i can't keep doing this! it's so hard to keep up with this cuz everyone is ALWAYS sendin in their names for this! it's hard for me to keep up, i have another page to work on AND school and everythin else. so no more applications are gonna be taken. sorry! we all know you love aj anyways. so don't worry bout it. but there's still a link to the list of all the people that DID manage to get there names up. those people love aj as much as you and i both. feel free to use the pic underneath even tho you're name may not be up! it's okay! let people know thru the pic instead! go ahead and use it okie? okie..kay bye!

just copy and paste the code on your page, but remember to take out the stars *!

<*a href=""><*img
ALT="[you love him too? click here to prove it!]"><*/a>
