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AJ's Tattoos

what he says about them
AJ:"Let's see. Currently I have five of them. They all have a meaning to me. I'm not quite done with them yet. The one on my left forearm is a comedy mask which represents comedy and tragedy because I grew up doing theater which is my first love. Right above that is the statement "Laugh Now". Right above that on my left shoulder is my name written in tribal. On my back left shoulder is a dragon, since I was born in the year of the dragon. On my right shoulder is my nickname written in a cross. We have a show coming up in LA on the 8th, and I want to get a panda bear on my right forearm. Reason being is because in my eyes it combines a non-racist image, black and white together, in a uniform symbol. That's all I have so far!"
ALSO: guess who also got a new tattoo?!? yupz..our little nicky carter got himself inked as well! cheq it out:
looks like he has two now! along with the shark tattoo, he also has two music notes on his back! cheq em out