Name: Klaire

Years on this earth: 17

Place on this earth: Witham, Essex, England

Birthday: 30th November 1981

Favourite bands: Hole, Nirvana, Babes In Toyland, L7, Deftones, My Ruin, Smashing Pumpkins, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Silverchair, Coal Chamber, Fluffy, Rachel Stamp, Pearl Jam, RATM, Idlewild, Placebo, Skunk Anansie, the Offspring.

Bands I can't stand: Spiritulized (they are the ultimate definition of BOREDOM), Radiohead (they come a close second), Oasis, Spice Birds, Will Smith - I hate him!!!! and any boy/girl band for obvious reasons.

Favourite words to use every 2 seconds: totally, basically, seriously, bore, pig, melt, what??!! (in a high pitched voice), and oh my GOD!!!

Claim to fame: Ron Dixon out of 'Brookside' (english soap) is my dad's cousin!!

Favourite Hole song: yes, its changed again,,i just can't make up my mind...right now its 'retard girl'..

Bands I've seen: Hole, Smashing Pumpkins, My Ruin, Breed 77, Foo Fighters, Placebo (twice), Marilyn Manson, Manics (twice, once on the holy bible tour), Ash, Idlewild (twice), Rachel Stamp, Pitchshifter (twice), Sepultura, Metallica, Ministry, Creed, Cay, Feeder, Subcircus (twice - but NEVER out of choice - i hate them!!), Chicks, Transistor, Prodigy and some others I'm too embarrassed to mention.

Bands I'm going to see: Rachel Stamp (yes, again) and Cay (yes, AGAIN!).

Band I'm in: We have no band name. we cannot decide. i really liked bone idol, but sam said it was shit. :( anyway, we changed singers and stuff,,so new line-up: charlotte (singer/guitarist), sam (bass) lloyd (drums...yes i know - a GUY..ugh - but you try finding a girl drummer round here) and little me on guitars. we're more grungey than rose madder..

Famous people I've met: Roddy Woomble (singer from Idlewild) and Bob Fairfoul (bassist from Idlewild). It was really weird actually. Me and Sam went to go and see them at London ULU, and Sam managed to get a backstage pass. They let us through, and Roddy was kinda rude to us, and the drummer from their (shitty) support band started having a go at us, telling us that the band wanted time 'away from the public' and wanted privacy. So we ran out. We were both all depressed. Later on, in the crowd, Bob Fairfoul appeared. We went over to him, and Sam apologized for us barging in on them. He said, "oh no, not at all. I'm really sorry." (in a gorgeous Scottish accent that Sam can mimic perfectly!!!) and was incredibly nice and then he signed our tickets and we were both all smiley and happy again.

Keith Flint (shouty guy from the Prodigy). This was only a few days ago (Thur, 11th Feb 99), so i'm still on a high!! I just went into a music shop in chelmsford, essex (slipped discs) and there he was, but i didn't realise it was him at first, cos he had a baseball cap pulled right down over his face. he was with this fucking evil bastard of a dog, that kept trying to attack me every time we passed each other in the shop (its pretty small shop). anyway, the assistants were giving him all the attention. so i went to the counter to buy a cd, and he was at the counter ordering all these drum 'n' bass cds (what a bore) and his dog tried to leap at me again. keith pulled on the dogs lead and said 'stop it!!' and then turned around to me and said 'sorry about that' and smiled...i smiled back, then realised just who the fuck he was and had a complete mental fit...there was this whole big partay going on inside me, but i was too stunned to say anything to him!!! i stood like half a metre away from him for about 10 mins, cos the assistants were all over him, and wouldn't serve me. he was the nicest, politest guy. but he looks weird with no makeup on. it was so hard to imagine him spitting all over his audiences....but wow - everyone is getting so annoyed with me telling them over and over...but hey.

the "ex-guitarist from cradle of filth" he's called will. i'm really not sure whether to believe him or not. he works in camden, in a dodge shop...he is really nice person, if that means anything. i bought my hole t-shirt from him. he has long black hair, black clothes and lots of metal accessories...and he reckons hes not a goth. i'm not convinced. bt why did he leave COF to work in a shop in camden??? sam thinks he was lying...i'm more gullable...i can't make my mind up whether to believe him or not. he reckons he played on some ep thing they did when they were really small and unfamous. it also got a bit more unconvincing when he said he also used to play in therapy? i don't know. as a feminist friend would say - "men...they're all liars"...make up yr own mind.

David Bellamy...(boring gardener bloke) i was about 6 or so, so i'm sorry, but i was even bored then meeting him, let alone re-telling the story.

Grant Nichols (singer/guitarist from Feeder) and Taka (bassist from Feeder) This was today (friday, 26th march) they were signing at HMV in chelmsford. they were really nice. i met kata first and they must have been there for like 2 hours already, so i was like "aren't you really bored?" and he was like "no..not really...its fun" and then he shook my hand.....then i met grant, and he was signing my poster and was like "what's yr name then?" and i said "klaire, like with a 'k' " and then he was commenting how he'd never met a klaire with a 'k' before...it was kinda weird he said..so i said thankyou. he then shook my hand as well and thanked me for stopping by. what a nice couple of blokes.

David Ryder-Prangley, Robin Guy and Will Crewdson (the bois of Rachel Stamp) This was at their gig. We were really happy cos david was wearing a fluffy t-shirt and we were wowing over that, and he was like "yeh - THEY'RE THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD!!"..we agree. i held robin's hand,,,((which was so amazing - he's a complete babe)) bt he was all sweaty and gross, cos it was after they'd played. they rocked...they were so good, and so they became one of my favourite bands. I met Will again at Big Day Out, we followed him to the toilets, which was very embarrasing, we looked so stupid as he walked out and we pounced on him..i got my photo done with him, but it came out quite shit.

Anet Mook (singer/guitarist of Cay) I went to go see their band, and they were unreal. i spotted ms mook, and went up to her and chatted. i think she thought i was a bit insane, cos i was going mental with "i can't believe i'm meeting you!!!!" but she was so nice and genuine. we chatted about women in rock and bands and stuff. she was so nice. she was so tiny and fragile too,,she looked like she was going to break!! i got her autograph too!!! she was amazing. AND i met her again when i went to see my ruin, and she was in the crowd, and she remembered me and everything! i apologized for being such an idiot before,,,and she was like "come back stage next time you come to see us and we'll have a few beers"....awww...are you jealous yet? teehee...

Megan (bassist of My Ruin)when i went to see them, one of my friends knew the sound engineer, so he managed to get us backstage, and megan was there, and oh god she was scary and horrible to me, shejust kept STARING at me i got so afraid we left!

Favourite possessions: my tacky 'two-year-old' type plastic bracelets I never take off (one is a 'hello kitty' one), my guitar, my vintage black lace dress, my hairclips that everyone laughs at cos they have the day printed on them, my little girly socks (!), my assorted patterned tights, my long black lace gloves, my dog-collar (i'm not a goth) and my glow-in-the-dark halloween necklace one of my best friends Sam bought me.

Favourite things to do: dye my hair (right now its black and pink), go to gigs, see my friends, chat on the phone (i have phone bills to prove this!), dress weird, play guitar, mosh, parTAY!, and go online.

Person who makes me melt the most: i know how annoyed tim gets by me keep saying this...but jonathon davis has got to be the most attractive man alive. he is like this king babe. if i ever met him.........***gag*** plus courtney obviously, and tairrie b i wouldn't say no to.

Things I hate: getting constantly crucified for being a 'freak' or 'weirdo', (today i got asked if i was a devil worshipper) just cos I'm a grebo and not a 'normal' fashion victim. Uuuuhhhh....having to wear glasses for reading and stuff. Working at Peacocks...its such a bore. My business studies teacher who is a bitch to me. School in general...I'm sick of it.

Favourite book: 'Rose Madder' by Stephen King, hence our old band name.

Favourite film: 'The Crow' & 'Tank Girl'

Favourite comedian: Billy Connelly...he is hysterical

Do I believe in God?: oh yes baby.

Do I believe in the millenium bug?: increasingly.

Am I a feminist?: Probably.

Obsessions: Apart from Courtney, FAIRIES!!!!!!! & Pringles.

Scared of: spiders (what a cliche!), Marilyn Manson, the sea, lifts, escalators and getting murdered.

Bad habits: paranoia, always wanting rose-tinted perfection, always thinking someone is trying to murder me, being a complete light-weight when it comes to alcohol, critizing people, justin says i'm judgemental, leaving my nail varnish to chip off, thinking everyone hates me all the time and a zillion other things.

Favourite quote: "Every male deep down knows he's a worthless piece of shit." - Valerie Solanos

you can always email me or if you've got ICQ, then my number is: 8320915

This poor guy. I'd give up if I was him.

cry me a river, but just take me home

Email: meloncollie28@hotmail.com