images of their beauty

goddammit, i'm so thoughtful..i got off my ass and worked out how to do this thumbnail sheeiit, AND added new piccy's (tank-you lithium)so rest yer pointer on the piccy to see a caption of what the picture is and then click on the image to see it enlarged..yes, yes, i know my talent is beyond compare...*gag*

closeups of courtney:

courtney looking all gawpy and gorgeous gorgeous as usual this piccy looks crap small, but click to see the complete beauty this is my absolute favourite one...she's holding her head in her hands wow..bad roots courtney sigh..she's such a babe from MTV awards 1994 courtney looking mean courtney with her arm over her head

closeups of the rest of the band

melissa sunbathing kristen playing her bass patty sitting down

band piccy's

the band..kristen era, patty has BIG hair from same shoot as the one before..courtney stretching kristen era...yet again band kristen era again, courtney's on patty's back from my main page...very early hole da ladies of hole hole chics with miss drew from the violet shoot from inside of LTT album

live pics

courtney singing with a bandaged arm...awww this time holding a ciggaretty courtney live...this is a nice one courtney singing...everywhere is pink you really shouldn't drink on the job courtney old courtney live courtney live, her makeup's fucked

courtney with frances

the pic that got courtney into so much trouble  :( holding baby frances, in just her panties courtney and frances pucker up for the camera courtney and frances at MTV awards, 1994 courtney and frances courtney and frances by the river, after kurt died

black 'n' whites

courtney sucking her thumb her majesty staring upwards..her fishnets are all ripped up wit-woo courtney applying makeup courtney as a of my favourites courtney praying courtney as a model

old courtney

courtney as a child, from the back of LTT courters being interviewed on MTV courtney's such a poser! a piccy of courtney clad in black lace from my wall old courtney slouching in a chair courtney wearing a holey jumper and not much else

new courtney

new courtney sitting on a chair new courtney looking pretty damn nice *main*