
i've got the loneliest freedom

two more scars in my collection
which really is skin deep
i only want one person to notice

but they don't even worry

just dismiss it at a glance
when they should see through my deception
when i'm not even a good actress

she lets me down along with him

she hates me for my rejection
tells me lies to make me hate him
tells me more to make me love her

he makes me feel insignificant

as i get cancelled once again
why should i have to speak out?
my best friend's not even a friend

on a very special day,

we join them once again
i'm hanging on when i shouldn't be
i can't remember a day when i haven't

he loves me and so does she

i wish i could be jodie
she's true beauty - bulimia
looks so pretty on the catwalk
[looks so pretty in the bathroom]

((by klaire))