- Eric Erlandson

"I love attention. I love the trappings of it all. To say you hate the trappings, you're an asshole and a liar."
- Courtney, age 21

"It was not a suicide thing. All this was just a tiff between me and Kurt. If he thinks he can get away from me like that, he can forget it. I'll follow him through hell."

- Courtney after Kurt's attempted suicide in Rome.

"I don't ever want to see him...like that again. I thought I went through a lot of hard times over the years, but that was the hardest."

- Courtney after Kurt's attemoted suicide in Rome.

"Being past 30 and still fussing about whether people think you're cool or not would be ridiculous. There are more important things to worry about, like whether your kid's teacher likes you."

- Courtney, 1996

"You can't ask that! It's retarded. Do you think I have an IQ of 12?!!!"
- Courtney screaming at Simon Hattenstone after he asked her is she would feel bitter if she had to strip again, 1996.

"I was incredibly suicidal for the first three months after Kurt's death. We had a deal that if one of us did it, the other would, and it's lame of him to have welshed on a deal. Fucking lame."

- Courtney, 1996.

"Yeh, I'm getting happier, getting a little happier...than I was. I was very sad...a little deranged..a lot happier...very, very happy relative to some parts of my life."

- Courtney, 1996.

"I would rather die than have my music technically fabulous."

- Courtney

"If you want to be a musician, be a musician, be a poet, be a goddess, be a god. Work on your art. Keep your focus. The rest of it - living on the edge, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll - it is not about music."

- Courtney

"She's like this perfection, this utter purity thats uncorrupted by anything. And if someone were to fuck with my child, I would not hesitate to kill them."

- Courtney on Frances

"I studied that part of Snow White forever and had it down, and they gave me, without even auditioning me, the part of the Evil Witch."

- Courtney on school

"You wanna put it in me? I'm not a woman! I'm a fucking force of nature~ Your dick will fly right off!!!"

- Courtney, 1995

"Remember, if you write anything nasty about me, I'll come around and blow up your toilet."

- Courtney, 1995

"I don't mean to be a diva."

- Courtney

"Opiates and cocaine don't let you get anything done - they're liars."

- Courtney

"Alcohol and cigarettes are weaknesses, disgusting ones; don't have weak flesh."

- Courtney

"Reading is a really good thing - it's a departure from squalor."

- Courtney

"Its too easy to become cynical, and that's what destroyed all the boys."

- Courtney

"I want every fucking girl in the world to pick up a guitar and start screaming."

- Courtney

"I'm so proud of myself. I worked with anger, with the darkest thing in the world."

- Courtney

"I was so quiet. I was the quietest person and I got picked on but I CHANGED MY WAYS."

- Courtney

"I might lie a lot, but never in my lyrics."

- Courtney

"The main aim was to get as big as Sonic Youth or The Pixies, but you couldn't get as big as Jane's Addiction - those were the rules."

- Courtney

"No-one can replace Kurt. For five years I woke up with the sexiest man in the world, so no-one impresses me."

- Courtney

"I had to be a rockstar."

- Eric

"I'm getting paid to play drums, which I love to do...and I don't ever take it for granted."

- Patty

"I don't like riding on the lesbian chic thing at all, and...sometimes it really bothers me and other times its like 'whatever'."

- Patty

"I started playing drums because it was something that women didn't do."

- Patty

"I'm never anything I'm not."

- Mellisa

"I want to understand why hair grows out of your head curly, cos it means that there are wacky things going on inside of your head. If your hair grows out curly it means there are curly things going on in your skull!! The combination of being curly and a redhead made me feel like I was an alien from outer space."

- Mellisa

"Fuck you, everyone smokes during their pregnancy."
- Courtney
*thankyou to rubie for this one*

"Barbie is not your friend."

- Courtney
*thankyou to brandie for this one*

"if you treat a girl like a dog, she's gonna piss on you."
- Courtney
*thankyou to jamie for this one*

"i'm a cowgirl... on a sparkle bass i ride"
- Melissa
*thankyou to missy love for this one*

"theres that goddam buzzing noise again."
- Courtney
*thankyou to missy love for this one too*

"i'm gonna come down there and suck your dick off!!"
- Courtney at Brixton, June 1999

"he said to me, 'i'm worth 6 million. will you marry me bitch?"

- Courtney on Kurt proposing to her

If anyone has any quotes from the others that they think should be on here, then mail them me. I'll give you credit!!!


Email: meloncollie28@hotmail.com