RHPS anal retentive timewarp: magenta
welcome to my anal retentive magenta's time warp step-by-step page.
i have spent far too much time watching and rewinding and perfecting each move.
the hardest part is when there is a "mistake" w/ riff raff and magenta's placement
during the time warp. so good luck to all of you obsessive compulsive
patricia quinn freaks!
brad and janet enter the castle
- (magenta hides behind banister) cue from Janet: Oh! Lucky him.
- head rises
- get off banister on the 4th chime, climb off on Brad and Janets side, right hand onto banister, stand behind Brad and Janet, lips in a downward pout.
- Cue from Riff: Takes it's toll (M, laugh once and push Brad and Janet from behind) but listen closely
- At
- Cue Riff: blackness within me
- Close the door.
- Immediately before the second
- sing
- IT'S SO DREAMY- left hand on bar, right hand down staring @ Brad and Janet, face up.
- O FANTASY FREE- start running outwards, arms up, turn whole body counter clockwise. ME!- right hand on mantel, left hand out.
- SO YOU- turn hands towards you. CAN'T SEE ME NO NOT AT ALL- and circle wrists 3 times.
- IN ANOTHER- smile/frown, bend knees down and then come back up. DIMENSION- turn counter clockwise.
- WITH VOYEURISTIC-hold onto pole with left hand. INTENTION- head between pole and wall.
- WELL SECLUDED- bend down I SEE ALL- head on marble, eyes looking up, mouth pouting.
- with a bit of a mind slip YOU'RE INTO- left foot onto marble. THE- right hand reach for bird TIME SLIP- right foot turn left hand back towards you on pole, head back.
- orgasm, turn towards RR hand still on bir left hand goes down pole.
- and nothing can ever seem the same
- YOURE- left foot out stretched onto table SPACED- bring right foot up quickly behind it OUT- left arm flails ON- both hands up, look at brad and janet SENSAT- bring hands down but out ION- hands near waist freeze and say 'uh' fingers on left hand face brad.
- magically appear to the left of riff on the right, your hand should face the wall
- LETS- bend down both hands facing R floor Do- go up both hands facing ceiling THE- bend down both hands facing R floor TIME- go up both hands facing ceiling WARP- bend down both hands facing R floor AGAIN- go up both hands facing ceiling.
- go to Columbia's left by the 2nd "do the time warp again" and start little elbow jerks
- TIME- right elbow back bent WARP- left elbow back up AGAIN right elbow back bent
- for Columbia's solo, you are bent down, crouching across from riff in front of the jukeox, your palms face the floor, @ OUT shove elbows backwards at IN arms straight out, zombie style, smiles everyone, smiles!
- WALING in STREET out HAVING in THINK out SNAKE in GUY out EVIL in SHOOK out HE in BY out PICKUP in DEVIL'S out go down in a kneel, left leg down, right leg bent
- AND BEND YOUR KNEES IN TIGHT THEN IT'S THE PELVIC THRUST IT REALLY DRIVE YOU- do a turning hand-to-hand folky dance with riff (seen in last seen only, but it's there.)
- YOU INSA-elbow sex ANE-elbow sex.
- LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN! LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN- stand next to RR (on his right) on the right side of jukebox, hands outstretched at your sides and sing bitch! Watch columbia's tap dance evily, place hands on jukebox behind you sing LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN the second time at her next to the red carpet hands at sides do exagerated time warp, when jumping do a crouch jump, land Left leg straight over your bent Right leg!