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                                        The Renegade.

WCW wrestler Renegade was born on the 16th of October 1965, he was briefly a male stripper and a bouncer before being brought into the wrestling business by Marty Janetty.
He wrestled on the independant circuit as Reo, Lord of the Jungle and shortly after signed with WCW. He made his WCW debut on March 19th, 1995 [Uncensored PPV] as Hulk Hogan's "Ultimate Surprise".
His gimmick as a wrestler was basically a rip-off of The Ultimate Warrior. Rumour has it, his "creation" was the product of Terry Bollea's [Hulk Hogan] attempt at booking.
From there he went on to beat Arn Anderson for the T.V. title on June 18th of the same year. He held the belt until September 17th 1995, when he lost it to Diamond Dallas Page.
1995 was a great year for The Renegade, and he went to have a 25 win/5 loss/1 DQ record. He tag-teamed with Sting for two victories.
However, WCW booking only saw fit to give Renegade six good months.
In 1996, The Renegade dropped drastically, losing 11 matches while winning only 2. In the previous year, only Sting, Kevin Sullivan, and Hulk Hogan had better win/loss records.
In under less than a year, Super Calo had a better record. During that year he tagged with Joe Gomez [2-4 record together,] Jim Powers [0-1,] and Dave Sullivan [0-10. Within literally weeks, The Renegade went from a top star, to the lowliest jobber.
1997 and 1998 were equally forgettable years, 1997 saw Renegade go on a better [but still jobber-ish] seven win, 12 loss streak. He once again teamed with Joe Gomez getting 1 win, 4 losses and  1 DQ loss. He didn't tag again.
After some time his gimmick changed slightly from that of an Ultimate Warrior clone to that of a modern Native American warrior.
A chance for Renegade to shine, ironically, was when The Warrior entered WCW. There were rumours of a "nWo Warrior" similar to the "nWo Sting" but that didn't happen.
However, during Fall Brawl 98' Renegade was the "fake" Warrior. After that, his last match was a 10.3.98 loss to Rick Steiner on WCW SN. There were rumours he had been let go by WCW.
We wouldn't see him on TV again.

                                                   TITLES HELD.
WCW T.V. Champion once.

                                                   HIS DEATH.
He was found in his Marrieta, Georgia home on a Tuesday evening.
Coroner reports are that he committed suicide on Tuesday morning with a gunshot to the head.
His girlfriend has said that he had been suffering from depression after his contractual release from WCW a few months ago.

