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FIRST AND LAST by Joseph Sherman
I was born on August 4th 1945.
And on August 5th,
while I suckled in tranquility,
Hiroshima played host to the 1st atomic bomb.
God, to think of all those people who woke with me,
only once.


When they bring me a plate full of stuff that I hate like spinach and turnips and guck,
I sit very straight and I look at the plate And i quietly say to it: "YUCK!"

Little kids bawl, cause I used to be small, and I threw it all over the tray.
But now I am three and i'm much more like me - I yuck till they take it away.

But sometimes my dad gets terriffickly mad, and he says, "Dont you drink from that cup"
But he can't say it right cause he's not very bright - so I trick him and drink it all up!

Then he gets up and roars; he stomps on the floor and he hollers, "I warn you, don't eat!!"
He counts up to ten and I trick him again: I practically finish the meat.

Then I start on the guck and my daddy goes "yuck!" and he scrunches his eyes till they hurt.
So I shovel it in and he grins a big grin and then we have dessert.

MARY BLY by James Wright

I sit here, doing nothing, worn out by the long winter.
I feel the light breath of the newborn child.
Her face is smooth as the side of an apricot,
Eyes quick as her blond mother's hands.
She has full, soft, red hair, and as she lies quiet
In her tall mother's arms, her delicate hands
Weave back and forth.
I feel the seasons changing beneath me,
Under the floor.
She is braiding the waters of air into the plaited manes
Of happy colts.
They canter, without making a sound, along the shores
Of melting snow.

A STAR by Tyler Dreger

He looks at the moon and sees himself, big and bright hiding in the corner from the world.
Stars laugh at him like tombstones in a graveyard.
He tries to be like everyone else only to realize the more he tries, the more he crawls into his corner.
Hoping one day he will finally be a star.

A Poem by my friend Shareen

The smile of pain caresses me
The cheer of abuse reminds
With the cry of long gone joy
I'm constantly wondering why

The laughter of empty thoughts
The grin of regrets that nag
All fumbling for soemthing to grasp
Instead I hide behind my mask

The thoughts all shaped alike
The colours appear the same
But the world twirls the opposite
Trying to claim my name

I am weighted by a feeling I'll faint
If only I'll desire the right
Maybe I'll find a clue
But instead I spin this view
