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by Alexandra

The little doll Big and the big doll Little
sat on the portch having a sittle.
said the little doll Big to the big doll Little,
"Let's get some fine wood and have us a whittle."

Now the sun was setting on the big doll's wig.
Said the big doll Little to the little doll Big,
lifting her cup and taking a swig,
"About whit'ling this wood, I don't give a fig.

When the sun is setting and the moon is up,
it's too late for tea and time to sup."
Big doll Little went to the door, let in their pup.
Then they each went inside to wash up their cup.

When the lights were all out and the stories all read,
they both went to the window, instead of to bed.
"Oh, the moon is so bright." the little doll said,
"It lights up the sky, like a pumpkin head."

Then the big doll Little pretended to swoon.
As she chuckled and exclaimed, "It's only the moon!"
They each went to bed in the lightened room,
Through the window, each doll saw a different moon.
And in their hearts each sang quite a different tune

 "The Pixies' Trick"
                                   by Elvenwolf

The Pixies' trick is an age old thing
It's simply that they know how to sing

With people this small it helps to know
How to change colors and warm the snow

Every note of a pixie's song
Causes mom nature to sing along

So when you see things are not the same
Remember it's just the Pixies' game.


 "The Pixies' Place"
                                   by Elvenwolf

Pixies play by the waterside
Diving in and out of the creek so wide
Some swing on catail's waving stem
Far away from the giant world of men.

Here and there, down the waterslide
Pixies chase while pretty dragonflies glide
Back and forth in the summer sun
Playing until the lazy day is done.

Out from day comes the glowing moon
Calling pixies in to bed all too soon
Bringing night and the sandman too
Pixies are sleeping now and so should you.