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This advice is the sole responsibility of the

webmaster, D.Clarke.

If you have a question, you may use the

ICQ box or email button.

Renen and I will answer questions here, also

Renen will post new advice

every month. (If the creek don't rise!)

Spanish Barbs are so rare,

we borrowed Renen as a spokes pony

Click on his birth certificate to see where we got him.

 Pony Name


"Please be certain that your horse has clean water

and shade, when turned out in a

paddock or pasture for more than 15 minutes.

This will keep your horse happy and healthy."

We have added a chat room, message board

& e-mail group for horse lovers.

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spanishhorses archive Hosted by
This is a large rescue ranch for homeless pets.


Well, gotta run now.

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