On December 15/2006 at 4am pst, hurricane force winds roared through Stanley Park, the crowning jewel of Vancouver, BC, Canada
The park is my backyard, my frontyard, and there are no words or pictures that can express the damage I have seen
The Parks Board is saying it may take up to a year to remove the aftermath of debris
For those that have never been to the park will most likely not be effected by its changes
For those who know the park as I do, walk through it grieving


Before the storm and After the storm

At the Gateway to the park, my favourite tree, uprooted

At Prospect Point, area hardest hit

One of the many trees that just snapped off from the force of wind and falling trees

My Backyard

Achievement belies the ticking clock
on Day 55 removal came
and went away
"Elvis has left the building"
is what I thought
when they carted and chopped
my favourite tree
that had fallen across
the gateway to where I play

Four thousand trees
became the cost of wreckage
Just a number until you see it
broken and splayed
dropped dead from the command
of a storm
like Hannibal Rising
eating the natives of this land

" And the winner is....."
all those who don't believe
our behaviours effect
climate change
the result lies across
my backyard
