The Swiftsure Whippets are located in
Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada. We are approximately 1 hour from Vancouver, 2
hours from Seattle and only 1 mile from the Canada/US
border. This gives us great opportunity to
particpate in events in both Canada and the US.
Linda was introduced to the breed as a young teen
in the 1960’s, through
the generosity of a neighbour who had two of these
beautiful animals.
We are grateful for “beginnings” in whippets to Gerri Maclurg (neighbour), to Bill Jr. & Alice Turpin (the Whippets Of Course), to Richard & Barbara Webster (Urray Whippets & Salukis), and many other BC and Pacific NW breeders who so willingly gave of their time and knowledge of whippets in conformation, obedience and racing. The whippets of Marial (Doug & Mary Beth Arthur)
and Surrey Hill (Karen
Lee) have greatly contributed to and influenced our
breeding program.
Our serious start was in 1972, when the Turpin’s gave Linda a puppy from two of her all-time
favorite dogs – the superb athlete, Ch. Emberson of
Course, ARM (who she had
finished in the ring in Canada) and Doris Ringer's gloriously beautiful Ch. Bardon
Faded Finery. “Daisy” (Ch. Ringo’s Sonny Daze of
Course, Am.Can.F.Ch.)
became our foundation bitch. In 1975, we were
fortunate to obtain
the remarkable Am.Can.Ch. Marial’s King Arthur,
Am.Can.CD from Doug &
Mary Beth Arthur. Daisy & Arthur produced
our SBIS Ch. Swiftsure
Happy Daze, ARM, Am.Can.FCh., who himself turned out
to be a most marvelous
producer of show champions & racing champions.
Steve married
Linda and three Whippets in 1975 and we soon moved to our
current home on
five completely fenced, park-like acres for the whippets to enjoy.
We have been active in all whippet activities:
* Obedience (several CD's plus trained/handled to High in Trial at age 15);
* Racing (meeting winning ARM’s and a Top Ten US ranked racer);
* Oval Racing (meeting winning ORC’s and
pointed dogs);
* Lure Coursing (Top 10 coursers with Best
in Fields in both
Canada and the US)
* Showing (All-Breed Best in Shows and many Specialty
Best in Shows).
Our main focus now is lure coursing and the show
ring. We are
a "small scale" breeder, averaging one litter every
two or three years.
We keep our whippet family to six or seven and these
dogs remain with us
throughout their lives. All our dogs are
entirely house dogs.
We believe whippets should be athletic, beautiful
hounds, presented
in hard muscle condition and, above all, should
possess a wonderful,
gentle nature that makes them such a delight to live
Linda is past President of the National
Whippet Club of Canada; the former Secretary of the Canadian Sighthound Field
Association; and Field Trial Secretary of
the Lower Mainland Whippet Association.
Steve has been an all-breed
judge for lure-coursing for over 20 years.
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