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Amy's page

February 17th,2002:

how can you tell i cant think of anything to write? :)

November 21,2001-Well, the page is up and running once again! Rebecca has already updated her page (she's #1!). I guess a quick summary of the last 6 months is in order (for record's sake....and for those of you who never ever call). I now live off of lonsdale. im still at grouse mtn, although my duties have changed. im still at sfu, but now i know when i should graduate. i got a kitty too. his name is spooky (aka spooks,spooky-dooky, spoogles, spoopy). hes soo cute :) plus, im still seeing ivan. hes soo cute :) rebecca and shawna now live in my building. its so kewl! we have breakfast together, they borrow my vacuum all the time, and survivor night is so much easier to do. anyways, now for the recent is almost done for the semester. my papers are done-i only have exams to worry about. my last exam is on dec 15 (a usual). i registered for next semester already. im taking three courses, as usual. im taking biological psyc (the last of my necessary courses for my degree) along with evolutionary psyc and intervention: process and outcome. should be interesting. work is being bearable :) i have three closing shifts this week *doh*. i never have three closing shifts. hopefully i make up for it next week. its also the big staff party on monday. how kewl? very :) hoping that i dont work that night. i already bought my tickets. i think thats it for the boring stuff. fun stories like the body at work and the bus accident can wait for real conversation :) 'til then...

May 07,2001-Well...the beginning of a new week and the end of one fantastic weekend.To start things off, i had three days off (thurs-sat). as kristie mentioned, there was a BBC staff party on friday night. good food, good people, good drinks. it was quite fun. we danced and hot tubbed as well (kristie and i got clapped along while we danced to GBS' runaway). Twas fun. Saturday I saw rebecca for the first time since she came back. we went shopping at park royal. Later i spent some time with ivan before we went and picked up shawna and kristie to go to kits for kris' bday. kits was alright. didnt really like the music, but the company was great. i had work on sunday, which was tiring. afterwards i went to my mums and saw her and my sister (who just came back from miami). ivan came by later, and so he was introduced. wasnt even five minutes before my mum started talking to him in afrikaans *sigh* ah well...she likes him and thats important to me. and so today is yet another day off. im looking very forward to cabaret this friday. i guess until then....

May 2nd, 2001-Hey ladies! Im basically writing this down for the books more than anything. Also, this way you only hear it once;i only say it once and therefore no one is annoyed at me *l*. Ok here goes. A couple of weeks ago, my friend ivan and i started hanging out one on one. ive known him since september, but weve mostly hung out together in groups (ie montanas). so weve been spending time together, doing fun things and talking. eventually i developed a little crush on him,which was unexpected for me. i wasnt looking for anyone and really didnt want to be with anyone since i was hurt in my last relationship. but, things happen eh? i was still somewhat confused with this, hence why i didnt say anything right away. later i became certain of how i felt. i admitted this to george on sunday (we closed together). on monday, i came home from work and did laundry and decided to kill time on the computer while i waited. ivan eventually came online and we started to chat. we finalized plans to meet the next day at park royal with a guaranteed ride to work. after a while, he sent a message with a phrase in it that made me wonder. i asked him about it and what he meant by it. it took a lot of badgering, but he finally admitted that he *liked* me. he was surprised when i told him that it was mutual :) we decided to make our park royal excursion our first date. i was beaming the rest of the evening :) our first date went fine and hes been getting sweeter ever since. ive been positively glowing and am looking forward to things to come. it makes me even happier that ive fallen for someone who i know will treat me right *BG* i will do my best to not yammer on about this to you guys, but please forgive me if im reaaaalllllly happy :)

April 30th,2001-Well, the end of the month is upon us. I have completed my exams and have managed to pull in an A- and 2 C+'s. Work is going alright. I have my job with no pay cut when grouse takes over. when my probation is over (july 1) i will qualify for their medical/dental program, which will be great. Ive been keeping busy with you ladies and other friends. im enjoying my little vacation. Im looking quite forward to kristie's birthday and cabaret. i hope we can make this an awesome summer!

April 17th,2001-Oh my goodness! It has been a crazy couple of days. As some of you know, I discovered that Great Big Sea will be playing at Grouse Mountain on Sept 8/01!! I was incapable of functioning normally for about ten minutes-I was besides myself! that email i sent y'all took substantial effort! Im so there rain or shine, school or work, hospitalized or in prison. Today was equally as crazy. I did some studying of course and then went to work at the top of the mountain in the Spirit Gallery. Shortly after I started I noticed an item had gone missing, so i took the empty box and wrote up a shoplifting report. At around 8:30 I noticed two other items went missing (actually one was a missing earring.....stupid people...take the freakin pair). At this point I called the base store and informed them that there are shoplifters that are or have been around and to keep an eye out (especially on the jewellery). I called helen in the outfitters store with the same message. as im writing up the second shoplifting report, helen calls me right back saying that our big bear has gone missing! this bear is 22" in height and sits by the door byt the blue tram (which is being used right now since theyre replacing the cables on the red tram). I ran right up there (it being quiet) and searched the store with her. Then i went on a big bear hunt. I talked to the tram operator, the bartender, a waiter at the observatory, the theater people, maintenance EVERYONE!!!! We figured it had been a maximum of 1/2 hour since the bear could have gone missing. No one had seen it.Never did find it. Must have escaped before we discovered it (the bear was meters away from the tram). By the time we left, everyone knew about the bear missing. It costs $104.99 retail. eeek. At one point i had two managers come into my store because they misinterpreted the lady at the base's call for an escort to take her cashbox to the safe with a call for an escort for an apprehended shoplifter. there was also a lightning standby. we had to close mega-fast because we thought we had to catch a particular tram that they said theyd hold for us. but the standby was lifted so they left without us and we were waiting forever for the next tram (well it feels like forever when you just miss a tram). holy moly....helen and i were just besides ourselves. it was so weird ! anyways thatll make up for the lack of excitement that are my exams...two more left!

April 10th,2001-Now that Ive told everyone, I will put it down here just for the record :) Last Wednesday Antony and I broke up. It was more or less mutual and it seems like we are going to be ok as friends. Luckily for me, since this relation ship wasnt as long and as emotionally-deep as my previous ones, it took a couple of days to move on. I have zero interest in dating right now, which pleases me actually (i can focus on exams!). Speaking of first one is this thursday follwed by #2 the following thursday and #3 on friday. looking forward to my summer :) things at work are going ok. we have met our new manager Michael who seems nice enough. very open with us. becks came back from england yesterday and i met up with her for lunch and caught up . its 11pm and i cant think. i will be seeing you guys soon so until then k?

April 2nd, 2001-Well, its been a little while so might as well update this thing once more. since no one has mentioned it, friday night was fun. nice seeing all the north shore girls again. i handed in my last project/paper for the semester today *woohoo*. now i only have finals....*doh* today is day 2 of my second pill. this time im on Alesse, which has a lower dose of hormones. hope this works, otherwise its either one of the shots or abstinence :). the sun is finally showing itself now which is nice to see! right now is also day 2 of the transit strike. so far my mummy drove me to school and a classmate drove me all the way home (in exchange for a coffee on final exam day ;)). so far so good. *pout* my mind is blown i cant think of anything to write. ill update you if anything neat happens.....

March 20th,2001-I know i know i updated yesterday. however i found out something big today [well for me anyways]. as of may 16th, grouse mtn will be running the gift shops. this can be good and bad. we are not 100% sure if we are keeping our jobs [they would be dumb to get rid of us]. pay-wise i think we should be alright. we do get their uniforms which is ncie *BG* but this is causing a little stir at work. ill post the interesting details :)

March 19,2001-Ah the beginning of a new week. Nothing more obnoxious :) sitting around doing laundry waiting to get ready for school...woohoo. the last or so has been pretty good. Antony came back from his trip late wednesday night, so im glad hes back. ive started my training at work for my new "responsibility": filing. Ive done one thing, started to learn another and havent gotten to the computer work yet. Im hoping to get a raise out of this, which i hope to discuss tomorrow *knocks on wood*. i also was offered at job at cypress mtn, which would have been convenient transportation wise [1/2 hour shuttle as opposed to hour-long bus ride], but there is no shuttle in the summer so i had to decline. doh. ive seen shawna off and on lately. she has some really great news so ask her [she wont write it in here since she never UPDATES HER PAGE!!!!!]. we've been chilling-watching movies and stuff. im looking forward to meeks' bday- i managed to do some rearranging and got the day off. now this thought only came to me this morning, which is why i havent said anything, but we should get together next weekend so that we can discuss any trips we want to take. my time off needed to be submitted last week, but whatever. camping would be great again. maybe even alice lake. i thought that place was pretty kewl. anyways i gotta get going ill see y'all later!

March 06,2001-About time i updated this thing eh? So far so good. All of my midterms are complete and i have yet to receive only one mark [the written part of one exam]. my grades have been alright.Im planning ahead for next semester. Im hoping to take one psyc course by correspondence, so that i can see whether or not i like it. if so, then i might take more courses that way so that i can save time by not taking the bus back and forth [which is needed with me working all of the time]. speaking of work, things are going ok. my buddy george [of birthday fame ;)] is now working in the stores, which is great because i get to see him more often. today was becks' last day with us at BBC. as some of you may know helen and i threw her a good bye party to england for a month last friday [not because it was her birthday :Þ]. the party id say went pretty well. apparently, one of my co-workers [sean] sat next to antony in english class last semester at cap college [when we started dating]. how funny! things with the boy are getting better. hes actually off in florida right now, which gives me some much needed amy-time. the two of us are planning on having some time-off together at the end of april [hopefully i can get the time off from work]. i get to see my doctor on thursday regarding my birth control pills [or as i have been referring to them as "those god awful pills"]. ive been on them for two months now. so far my weight and skin have been pretty much the same. however, between the end of my third week and the beginning of my period [about a 4 day time block], i become an emotional wreck. i start bauling at the slightest thing. its been pretty awful. hopefully my next one will be better. we need to decide whether or not we wanna go camping or anything this summer-i do need to give my notice for vacations [more than 3 days] by next week. other than all this, ive been up to the usual stuff. no amusing stories to tell this time :)hopefully we can get together soon. until then, ciao.

February 16th,2001-Eeeekkk....i havent updated this thing in a while :) Things are going alright.School is getting pretty stressful, but thats ok-whats a gray hair or two? Work is going...nowhere as usual, but hey its a living. my new "duty" is to do filing. ooooh...can i also lick the dust off the shelves? please? heh heh....WARNING!!VALENTINE'S DAY STORY COMING UP! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE WHO ARE PRONE TO FEEL NAUSEA AT THE SLIGHTEST NOTION OF LOVE OR WHO "JUST DONT WANNA HEAR IT".......YOUVE BEEN WANRED...heh.heh....I had a pretty good Valentine's Day...the best ever [nothing great to compare it to ill tell you right now].After various plans fell through, we ended up getting some food from the grocery store and Antony made me dinner at my mum's place [shes out of town]. We spent some time in front of the fire and stayed in the guestroom. it was quite nice. My sister is coming back to town next week for a few days cant wait! anyways im tired of typing so im going now! see y'all soon :)

January 29th, 2001-Its been some time since ive updated this thing....oops.Anyways the month has gone by fast! School has started. My three psyc courses are going alright...they're different from my first year stuff. Im at school monday-tuesday-wednesday, which i like...woohoo! four day weekend :) work is going alright as well. we finally got some snow on the mountain now so more people are showing up, meaning my shifts go faster. We've just hired back an ex-worker [with my manager gone, the coast is clear i suppose]. My friend Ivan is also going to be applying at BBC-we need more straight guys [we have three guys right now: one is straight]. We had our staff party a couple of weeks ago, which was fun. Nothing like seeing your co-workers slightly enebriated :) ive been going out as well, having fun...mostly at Montanas :). Saw Kristie and Shawna this weekend [BOOBIES!]. heh heh heh. Long days at work mixed with over consumption of gummi bears is not good. However, it is fun. Things are going good with Antony, as usual. For Valentine's Day we are hoping to go to a B&B for the night-if he can get the time off. *knocks on wood* I think this is all i can say for now [naturally this is all the superficial stuff-the important issues and such are things id rather discuss in person]. I hope to see you all soon :) Love you guys...bye!

January 1st, 2001-HAPPY NEW YEAR!So far so good :) Thank you Kristie for your collage-its very....interesting :)Things have been pretty good lately. exams went well and i pulled away with a B and C+ [enough to boost my CGPA up a bit]. Ive been enjoying my time off from SFU. Ive been working and hanging out, mostly with the gals and Antony. On dec 16, some of us went to Montanas to celebrate the end of the school year. Had a good turnout. There were 4 BBC employees and one former [Kris] so we had a song dedicated to the manager who has quit [Better off Alone by Alice Deejay-heh heh heh]. We've been having a lot of girl time lately which ahs been nice. we are having a vent session tonight :) Last night for New Years Eve, Antony and I swung by James' to see the girls and hang out for a bit. Afterwards we went to a houseparty in Pemberton heights. It was kewl. They had a live band for the most part and an open bar. One person I recognized there was Jason Szaroz from high school. At Midnight , when everyone was hugging and going HAPPY NEW YEAR i was by him and hesaid" Amy we went to high school for so long... Happy new year!" and gave me a hug....i thought that was funny. I had a bit to drink...a little under the influence but nothing i would feel in the morning. They had some electronica/rave music going so i was dancing a lot. Antony actually got quite a few compliments on my dancing....never underestimate the powers of the drink *LOL* Overall i had a blast. I hope you guys all have a great new year...keep your resolutions,succeed in whatever you do and call me every now and then ;)

december 20th, 2000

i hope mamy doesnt mind but i finally got around to scanning a few pictures of her. enjoy!

November 22,2000-What a great couple of weeks! I went to Maui last weekend...nice and warm and toasty...not great coming back to my sub-heated place *L* It was a good break though. School is going fine. I have my last presentation tomorrow and then my last day of class is Nov 30 [somebodys birthday...]. Two MC exams [both on saturdays of course] and then im free!....well then i just work. Work is fine as well-same old same old. One of the new people quit before she even got trained hahahaha.Things with Antony are going great as well. He's a real sweetheart [anyone who'll cook dinner for me is good in my books *BG*]. We're getting quite close [and for you dirty-minded people thats not necessarily what i meant :Þ]I cant wait for you girls to meet him...well i know a couple of you have but that was before we started going out.Ah well. I hope to talk to you guys soon. byebyebye.

November 9,2000-Ooooh! everyone else seems to have updated this since i last updated [even jeni!] ...boy am i slacking off! well shawna still hasnt updated hers but know *L*. things have been pretty good lately. as kris and meeks mentionned i did have a little get together on saturday with various friends of mine. from what i can remember it was pretty good. i finally untangled my webs on monday and agreed to go out with this guy Antony :) So far so good. i have had very little sleep in the last few days and i ended up sleeping 15 hours yesterday! i went to sleep at 5:30ish for a nap, got up at 10:45 when the phone rang, got ready for bed, phone rang again while i was trying to go back to sleep and finally i woke up at 8 am this morning. eek. that should make up for sleep lost dont ya think? i dont have anymore badminton to worry about now thank goodness. the lst practice was on tuesday and their semi finals are tomorrow [which i cant attend b/c of work :(] one week tomorrow ill b heading out to hawaii for the weekend with my sister. we are leaving friday evening, staying in honolulu saturday and sunday and coming back on the 12:50 am monday flight [assuming things go as planned]. im sooo looking forward to it [especially those times where it seems that there is no heat on in my place *L*]. Have you guys ever tried updating this thing with an Imac? thats what im doing right now and the font is soooooo small! soon ill need glasses if im not careful! bahaha. anyways thats really all that i can remember for now. kristie: hopefully we can see each other soon since youre not working at BBC anymore. rebecca: hope you feel better soon. meeks: holy moly lay off the caffeine shawna: try updating this thing-its not that hard :) jen: hope whatever it is thats causing problems works out and cheer up a bit ok? amy: dont be dumb and leave a message for yourself.

October 28,2000-I suppose since i just send y'all an email telling you to update this page, i better stick with my word and do it myself! This last week has been pretty good. I saw Acceber on thursday night which was really nice! we spent nearly three hours in tim hortons [timmmmmaaaaaayyyyyyy's] talking and laughing and being plain silly :). On tuesday i finally did my presentation in crim that i was dreading since he assigned it to us at the beginning of the semester :) theres a funny story with that...please ask next time you talk to me [itll lose meaning if i type it out :)]. all i say now is that life is pretty good. btw kristie-ill miss seeing you at work :*( [girls-please take the chance and have a look at all of the other links on this page-lots of things have been added :)]

October 20,2000-i guess it's my turn to update this thing. life has been ok lately! school is getting tougher as always and work :) its quiet now so i get a lot of studying done. as for other aspects of my life....things have been getting a little more fun. like everyone knows now *thanks kristie* *LOL*, ive been a little more "friendly" with a guy friend. we are not going to go out, just be friendly *L*. im not going to put his name on this page-if ya really need to know just ask. a new tangled webs seems to have developed recently...i dont want to get into this one too much but ill let y'all know what happens in the end. i went to see a laser show ["laser"] with kristie tonight it twas fun it twas it twas. glad to be doing something different. anyways hope to hear from ya girls soon. @->--

September 25,2000-Seems like no one is updating this thing so i might as well. Let's see...we all had a great time at Shawna's, which was good. Meeks: i hope you found your palm pilot. My friend Derek had taken me out to my birthday dinner that evening as well...i did finally recover from that [me and thai food dont seem to like each other]. Ive started coaching now. Same as always :tuesday and thursday mornings and games wednesday afternoon :) Work is going ok...we're short-staffed so we are all getting way too many hours...although they just hired one of my friends Rebecca. Kristie and I are planning a staff party at the Blarney Stone on oct 11 too. oohooohh look! we now have 50 MG of space on angelfire right now! woohoo1 let's get that picture gallery going! :)i also came to a dismal conclusion the other day: i have absolutely positively no prospects. I can choose between the 40 yrs old dirty frenchman or that weird guy in kristie's chem class...yeah right. oh prince will come one day.....brendan fraser will have to visit vancouver sooner or later ;) oh well.....hopefully ill see whoever is left in vancouver soon! i miss the rest of you guys already!! :*( Ciao!

September 18,2000-Looks liek its been a while since ive updated this thing eh? Life is going alright. Ive been spending more time with the girls which is awesome! School is going alright so far and work is Getting way too many hours [which is unusual...]. Anyways, as some of you guys know, I met a guy [Ivan] from my icq last friday at Montana's. *Disclaimer: I do not go and actively search for guys online. They find me. We chat. Eventually we decide to talk on phone and/or meet up. Prefectly harmless. Im not a loser.* We talked and stuff and afterwards we've talked everyday on the phone. Tomorrow we are going for coffee. The wrose that'll come from this is that we'll be friends, but ive taken quite a liking to him :).I also met up with some other guy [Dave] from ICQ today for coffee....gorgeous *drool*, probably not single, but I think he'd make a good friend-thats it.That's really all there is is to tell. Im looking foprward to seeing you all at Shawna's on Wednesday and ill updte here with any new info....peace out!

September 09,2000-Hey ladies! Its late a t night and I just wanted to write some things down here. Tonight, I spent some time with Kristie and Mieke. We went to Starbucks and got a video. The video was a total chick flick-"Here on Earth"...i recommend it. K & M-i really enjoyed watching the movie with you two. I rarely get to see chick flicks and i love seeing them with the gals. Its a form of bonding i find. Its also good to get rid of some build up emotions by crying during them :*). We need to have a major vent session ladies...this wednesday. I also thought i should mention a rather important change in my life, since it seems to come up and surprise people. I havent been to church in months. In fact, ive rejected the entire christian faith. I find it arbitrary and ill leave it at that :) Anyways, i think thats all i have to say for now. I love you all like sisters and I hope you all realize that.

September 6,2000-Hey gals...i just thought id share a funny story with you. After work tonight I went to Starbucks and met up with Kristie. We got our usual frappucinos and, as usual, we blew our straw covers at one another. However, when I blew mine off, it went right by Kristie and zoomed onto someone else's table. It was funny and kinda embarrasing. Lesson learned: aim better next time.

September 5,2000-Well today was the first day of school for me. I had quite the little adventure! I had set my alarm for 6:30 am so that I could be up early to get a locker for me and Kristie. I got up at 7 *G* I was out oddly enough by 7:30. I cant remember when I got to my bus stop on Georgia and Denman, but I rememebr thinking "wow...there are a lot of people here". Turns out that the Burnaby bus drivers decided to go on a wildcat strike. I found this out from a man who received a call from his wife regarding the strike [the poor guy had taken the ferry to Horseshoe bay to get to work]. Of course, there were a few stranded SFU students at my stop. So, a group of five of us [four students and one Burnaby worker] decided to test our luck and get to the nearest SkyTrain station and head over to Metrotown, hoping that the strike would be over and we could simply catch the SFU bus from there. Well, they still weren't running, so we got a cab-van [i spent some of the time in the trunk], dropped the guy off at work and went to school. They got to their class on time and I got to get a locker [and subsequently run into George]. By the time classes were over, the buses were running again. Three of us were planning on hitchhiking back to Im glad. I throughly enjoyed my first day-getting to see familiar faces, getting all excited for the courses Im taking [in case Id didnt mention im taking Pscy 102-Intro Psyc II and Crim 103-Psychological Explanations behind Criminal and Deviant Behaviour *G*]. Im looking forward to the rest of the semester.

September 2,2000-Day 2 being 20 yrs old....its alright. Thank you to those who came to my birthday and sorry I didnt see the rest of you. Just a blurp of what happened. Kristie and Rebecca came over to my house at 3pm on Auguest 31 and we took the bus over to the Art Gallery to see the Impressionist exhibition. Saw some polish and canadian art as well. I thought the Impressionist stuff was awesome! The Van Gogh was my favourite. Afterwards we went to Park Royal, picked up some food and *drinks* [ran into buddy-james]and went home.....met up with shawna there, had some food, wore birthday hats, and had fun. At about 9:15, my friend George cam over and after a bit of chatting we headed downtown to the Starfish room, which, when we arrived, discovered it no longer existed.We ended up at the Blarney Stone, which I thought was soooo much fun. Got free cokes from the girls and a couple of free *drinks* from George. Troy stopped in for a bit too, which was so awesome! Afterwards, we went and dropped Shawna off at ehr house and then we went to my place. Had a few casual drinks before we started playing this drinking game involving cards. A few hours later, we were pretty much gone....I promptly fell asleep on George. At around 10 am everyone left and i stumbled to bed, which I was incapable of getting out of until 3 pm. I carefully walked around, drank some water and when I started feeling a bit better I got ready for dinner. I was still feeling blaaaaaaah when I got into the car, so I got some fries from McD's , which helped. Went to Chianti's in Kits and ate very little. Got spoiled rotten *BG* Met up with George [in case some dont know, his bday is also Sept 1] and we hung out. Over all, I had a nice birthday. Im glad you guys got to meet george because hes such a good friend of mine-it meant a lot.Now summer is officially over [in my books anyways] so getting psyched for school [and college guys]

August 26,2000-ahhh....another loooong shift at was neat though-broke the sales record tonight.....maybe ill get a prize....hahahahaha...probably not :) Anyways plans for my birthday are just going to post them in the Forum to keep things simple. Please make suggestions and comments ok?IM quite tired so i cant really think of anything to to you all soon!

August 21,2000-well its nice to see that one of you guys are updating the journals! c'mon...this took some time and effort!! :) anyways summer is almost done. its been pretty crazy summer i would say. Hours were worked, friends were made, already-friends became closer, and as Rebecca so kindly pointed out at her house the other day "Hey! we're all single!!" Girls-we still have some time left before we go back to school so we have to do somethings ok? Have to make this a kick ass summer! :)

August 17, 2000-Well, the 6 Aces page has been re-vamped now. Hopefully it'll also be updated : Anyways life is going alright for me nowadays. Working, hanging out with friends, being on the prowl ;)...its all good. Just saw my first BC Lions game-they won! It was fun. I got a frisbee for going to an ICBC display-it was so funny! They made you wear these drunk goggles and you had to walk in a straight line, one foot in front of the other. Aftwerwards you had to throw a ball into a pylon. It gave me a headache though [hang-over?]. But now im home and am looking forward to tomorrow night! cant wait!!

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