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What's with Amy?

Dec 20,1998-ok kristie u happy? im gonna update this thing k? lets see...thoughts on life,thoughts on life....heres a go fig for the lot of you: last semester my easiest class was math (the joke class) and the class i honestly.....ooops now its December 25,1998..i stopped mid-setence for some reason that i cant remember but thats alright :) anyways ill my joke class and my "shit! gonna have to take it over again!" class i got the exact same letter grade (B-)! hows that for go-fig?! anyways you'll never what i got today? ITS CHRISTMAS DAY ON CHRISTMAS DAY!!!! hows that for irony? anyways i hope the lot of you guys have an awesome christmas alrighty then? ttfn!!

Nov. 13,1998- Well, i just read my entire page! man oh man...its an experience....well well i see that kristie finally updated her page! and so did rebecca and well kristie updated still alive although just barely...have to work tonight and tomorrow night...have a chem midterm on monday...maybe ill get a better mark on this other one i had to take on "the first day of christmas"...i got 27% on it...which was still a fail on the curve...oh well....c'est la vie....anyways i dunno what to say anymore.....

Nov 02,1998-well kiddies-amy just learned another life lesson today...well actually i already knew about it-i had simply either forgotten about it or denied that it existed. Here goes- Life is forever complicated. When things start to sort themselves out and head your way, something happens that makes it all messy again. Metaphorically life is a cobweb. Its all nice and neat for a while and then a mass of knots form. you work at untangling these knots and finally when its all good again, another know forms. And it repeats itself over and over...and dont forget that when the knot is removed, the web isnt quite the same as it was before. The knot may have caused the web to weaken at a certain point or torn it. The knot have been so tight that u had to leave it there and avoid it.hmmm......

Oct 28,1998- I heard the funniest thing the other day that is kinda true-all you learn in school is that "7 out of 8 is still an A"...think about it (ie apply it to real life).

Oct 27,1998-It's kinda funny just how hypocritical people are positive im hypocritical (although im not always aware of it). This thought came to me last friday. I was coming back from my little bio hike (its called cardiac hill for a reason) and we passed by this car with a "Jesus" fish on it. I thought it was kinda kewl 'cause they were readily expressing their believes in a world that doesn't readily accept them. personally i do believe in evolution, but i also believe that God has something to do with it (so i guess im half and half?)...anyways someone made a comment about the Jesus fish, saying that they go to University 'cause its a place of higher learning and that they should be open-minded instead of beleiving in creationalism. so basically she was saying that this person shouldn't believe what they want and should believe what SHE believed-talk about not being open-minded! but hey-she has the right to believe in what she wants-just like the person with the fish on their car. *sigh* anyways dont u guys dare forget about getting together on Nov 11 ok? and remember- i have stuff (ie photos and such) so dont purposely try making this a living hell for me ok? Thats my family's job :) and if i dont get back on this page before the end of the week- HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Oct.26,1998- I heard an interesting quote from a friend of mine last week. He said that (referring to people who tell you to do or not do something) people are either inexperienced or are hypocrites. (well he worded it better but you get the idea). That made me think a bit *ouch*. u have to admit, its pretty true...when someone gives u advice, its either based on something that they have no experience in or on something they do anyways. now of course there is an exception, or a little error with that phrase. in this case, hypocrite can have two meanings. take someone who is addicted to booze ok? if he (or she for u PCers *argh*) tells someone not to drink booze 'cause its not good for u and its addictive, but he/she continues to drink it anyways 'cause they like it, then they are hypocrtitical ...BUT if he/she sayd not to drink it but continues to do so anyways b/c they are addicted and can't break free, then their advice is more sound. so i guess maybe the only real advice out there are from people who have learned from their mistakes and are trying to recover from them.

Oct.18,1998-have u guys been on the bus lately? the ads are getting rather obnoxious!! the fuzzy peach head guy is irritating me!! what the hell is his problem?!and whats with that "clear solutions" ad with the "male sexual peak=17 female sexual peak=35"? there is a perfectly clear solution o the entire problem!!! no one is willing to admit it!!!AHHHHH!

Oct.17,1998-Well guys, this is gonna be my last "what have i done lately" entry....being the slow person i am, i figured that you guys probably arent too concerned with what ive done in the last few days...honestly, raise ur hand if u care where i was last night. see? if u guys really wanna know then ask! after this entry im just gonna write about stuff that normally doesnt come into my thoughts on things and such.ull see what i mean later. but anyways.... this week i had my chem mid-term..ill honestly be happy if i barely failed it...thank the marking gods that hes grading us on a i may actually have a chance to pass it:) now its bio i have to worry bout :) last night i gotta hang out with gav *sigh* *Big silly grin*....FYI im very happy...he came over and met my family...that was an "experience"...we then went and played pool at Jazzy Cues...we r definitely the oddest players there is...FYI-be careful at Jazzy cues...for some reason people are always laucnching their cue ball off the table (i got hit once)....after that we walked around LQ for a bit and "cuddled" (dont know if thats the word but oh well) on a bench at one of the docks for a while...some hooligans came around after a while to do some 'shrroms there or something so we left got a hot chocolate and then went to phibbs where we parted :) being somewhat late at night, i started to drift off on the bus...i woke up to realise that i had missed my stop so i had to walk from the cove back up to my place :) thought that was kinda funny :)anyways i hope to see u guys very soon ok cause i miss y'all :*(!! so sees ya later jello-jigglers (hmmm i need to think of a new closing line)

Oct.12,1998-Happy Thanxgiving guys!! what a lonf boring weekend (as of saturday).on friday i had a fun relaxing day (other than my &*%$# math midterm). After school i went to A&W and picked up my paycheck and then went over to Park royal to blow it.Well i needed to get an umbrella, plus i got some headsets for my discman and the Econoline Crush kicks ass! i saw gavin for about ten minutes and then i went to play pool with my friend Stephen. WE played for a while, then rented a couple videos and watched opne of them at his place. To kill some more time,we went and played pool at another pool hall (this one being by his house) and then walked around LQ for a bit. On sat i spend the entire day doing chem hmwrk and then I went to work (had to work 6 til closing [which is 1am]) a visit from stephen and his family, which was kewl. the next day (yesterday) i went to mass and then to work again :P then it time for dinner at my aunts. it was my uncles 60th the other day so it was a thanksgiving/uncles,cousins and my bday dinner. today all i have done is study for chem midterm (im "taking a break" right now")...chem bites the big one. oh well.....i wish u guys would update ur pages every now and then!! (not directing this at u kristie :])BTW-how wa sur concert krisite? im sure im gonna hear about it ! *L* oh well...hope to hear from u guys soon!!miss y'all! see ya later speculators!

Oct.07,1998-im being bad very bad....i should be studying for my MIDTERM but im not and i should go take a shower before it gets late but i wanna do this. nothing much has happened. i saw that robin williams movie yesterday (i saw rebeckys parents there) was not that great.the effects were but the rest wasnt :( had a long day today.....but i got to take a nap for an hour after math (not during math..surprise surprise!) just killing time by doing this entry...kristie updated hers recently go check hers out maybe. and as for the rest of u, take a moment and update ur page..or call me! i left messages on all of ur machines (except urs jen) so call me back!!!!! so bored...listening to mp3s...have any of u guys heard that new Rammstein song?? it kicks major ass!!!!!!although the lyrics arent very happy-its still catchy :) oh well i should go now cause i have to go take a shower so ill see ya later procrastinator

Oct. 04,1998- ahh....its been a long week :) good to see people r doing ok! lets see what i been up to?AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!damn it!!! im looking at this page and i realized that the last entry i put in here is gone!!!!! what the hell??!!! it was a long one too :( i guess i better go over what has happened lately.....very long story short (if u really must know then ask me ok?) im not going out with dan-im going out with this guy gavin. we started going out last tuesday (sept 29). we get along so well! we talk endlessly for hours and he makes me laugh so much :) im truly happy now :) but anyways im guessing u guys r gonna want to meet him to a) see who this guy is b)to use this as an oppurtunity to embarrass me (remember rebecca-i have the original photo) c) all of the above. but im willing to take the risk. *G*im still pissed off that my last entry disappeared!!! no good!!anyways what else have i been up to? on friday i played pool with kris and a couple of guys that i (surprise surprise) met online.we then rented "the arrival" and watched it at my house-bad bad movie do not see it!!!! piece of crap it be! then yesterday i worked on CAPA (*yawn*) and then went out with Gavin *BG* this morning i went to church and now im avoiding other CAPA stuff. i gotta work tonight *argh* so i cant really do anything. u guys have to come by and say hi to me sometime ok? i like getting visitors :)im trying to call peoples but no one is home :( ill keep trying though :)) anyways im going to go find something a little more productive now so ill see ya later simulator

Sept 28,1998- well well well....its been a while since i wrote a message in this thingy :) a lot has happened lastely. by the time uve read this im sure that ive already told u, but just in case ;) well this weekend i found out that some guys in this world are worthless little pieces of monkey shit and that there are some real sweet guys. i wont get into the details of it, but, to put it poetically i guess, my heart was a pawn in someones revenge. this whole scheme almost cost me a relationship with a really great guy. that was the bad part. the good part was that me and dan (the really great guy) started going out! we even kissed for the first time last night *sigh* *BBG* he's such a sweetheart...u guys will eventually meet him :) now im killing time with kristie at SFU library...kris is at another computer *hi kris!* so now with everything that has happened plus the fact that im still lacking a shitload of shleep (uh oh im slurring) , im in a bit of a daze. hey! u would too if u had Dawson re-incarnate for math *snore*.well hopefully ill be able to call all of ya tonight (especially since when something like this happens, people tend to get offended when i dont tell them)....we have to get together and do something...i still have to use my bday as an excuse to do something kewl at my place!!! so until our life paths cross over again-see ya later calculators!!

Sept 19,1998-ahhh...what a looonng week :) lets see...what did i do...we had our grad reunion on monday..oohh exciting :)....i talked to the head of the athletics department there (about coaching badminton)...we figured that practices would be tues and thurs morning b/f school..oh goody :) so last thursday we had our first practice..i got my own whistle *G* try outs/eliminations are next tuesday (too many people this year).....yesterday i went and played pool with iain after school (and after he got off work)...i ran into some of my friends from west van so that was kewl :) after pool iain and i went to burger king for dinner (dont go there-A&W is way better!!!!!!!). i then called andrea and went to dan's house to meet dan andrea and james. it was fun....when i got home, watched southpark and a bit of MAD u really wanted to know that right? :) so today i did my chem, downloaded some more mp3, and just surfed. im going to mass today (cause i have to work reallly early tomorrow) and then im going on that date with dan :) so until later, see ya! PS-The tangled web has been updated! *ahhh*

Sept 13,1998-end of the weekend..i should be in bed :) man what a weekend! on sat i decided to call up some people that i hadnt talked to in a while....the first person i called was this girl andrea...she suggested that after i got off of work we go play pool with her bf and some of her friends.they picked me up-turned out to be her bf and a guy friend. it was fun . i ended up staying at andreas over night and we hung out today with dan (the other guy)...anyways to make a loonnggg story short, dan asked me to a movie to which i agreed (ask me about this one ok guys?) that was kinda kewl :) thought id share it since im too lazy to pick up the phone :) im feelin tiredzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....WAKE UP!! maybe i should go :) call me all yous people! later....

Sept 10,1998-well school has started....and im loving it!! SFU is such a great school!! the campus is so kewl, the classes are so interesting and fun and im meeting kewl people! the entire school is kick ass! they actually have a white spot there! weird eh? *BBBBGGGGGG* this has been an awesome week! i went to the West Van Grad sleepover on labour day evening (not the one that was on the front cover of the NS news)....i had such a blast! i didnt go to sleep...which wasnt too smart cause i fell asleep on the bus to school twice and during my bio lecture :) oops :) ive met some kewl people in class...i met a group of 3 other people in chem..two are also in my bio and one is in my math so its all good :) kris is in my math class too! *yea* and we see each other every so often for a drink which is fun fun feelin kinda hyper tonight so im typing weird weird weird stuff.Today i got out earlier cause there are no bio labs this week so i went to argyle *shutter* to see if i could help out with the badminton team *aaacccccceeeee!!!!!* turns out they might need a coach for it since andrew might not come back this year! *yea* i also went to visit the Gerg which was kewl.we talked for a while-it was kewl seeing him again. for u science nerds we must visit the science club soon! i also got my sfu account..i sent all of u my new email addy :) USE IT! now on to my "love life" (notice the quotations)- very very confusing!! i cant explain it on the net (in case the wrong eyes see it ) so ask me ok (if u care to know) :) ah...i hope all of u guys are doing great at your schools and/or jobs...i miss all of u! (except kris cause i see her everyday-dont worry kris i still luv ya!) so heres to all of you guys *HUGS* - keep in touch :)

Sept 06,1998-wow....almost the end of summer :*(...this sux! but it has been a great summer eh? lets see...what have i done lately.....well i first wanna thank the people who actually called me on my bday to say "happy birthday"....hmm...on wednesday i worked forever then played pool with iain,tammy and alison. on thursday i worked a useless shift i.e four hours...then i went to play pool with gord....on friday i worked for about 6 hours i think and then had a relaxing evening at home.on sat i went up to SFU with Magali to see if i could get my there to find out that the bookstore was closed sats suns and holidays (ie labour day) we went to super store to get school supplies.....i called jen to say goodbye :*( then i went o west van to hang out with some was soo fun! we went to play pool, then we went back to robs house and hung out for a while. a few more people eventually showed up and we went to the beach to hang. i got home adn went to bed at 3,which was kewl but i had to get up this morning at 9 *ouch* so now im just working on this computer. if u guys get the chance go to my page-ive added a few new things including links to other about me pages ive made, like and hotwired.i was bored ok? :)

Sept 01,1998- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! now im officially 18-i can vote *ooohhh* my mummy gave me a phone (like the one she has,but black) and my sister gave me the Smash Mouth CD *na na-na na na* so im just relaxing going to dinner at the rainforest cafe tonight with my mummy and gen.hmm....what have i been up to lately?i can only remember as far as saturday....i remember hanging out with kristie. we went to starbucks and then we went to bean there.on sunday, kristie and i went to metrotown to go shopping. i got a couple of shirts. she got a strawberry julius.when we got to her place, we took the car and went to ambleside.long story short- we ran into a friend of mine, gord, and the three of us hung out. it was pretty fun! yesterday, kris and i went to SFU to get things sorted out. What a kick-ass campus!im going to love it there! later on, gord appeared at my door (he was in the area). we ended up pciking up two other of out friends (rob and craig) and we went to Score, an arcade in vancouver. it was..ok..not as great as we had all anticipated but oh well :) it was still fun :) now its exactly one week before school starts *eek!* lets try to enjoy it!

Aug 25,1998- hmmm...what have i been up to lately...on saturday i blew my paycheck on a shopping spree (well not all of it ;]) i got myself the strapless bra (like mentionned on aug 22)- its actually a convertible bra VERY KEWL---i also got a tank top, a "tiny tee", a pair of jean shorts and a nice dress. amy was happy :).on sunday, i went to church (as usual), cleaned my room (i know- you are as shocked as i am-but my mum threatened to evict me if i didnt clean it)...then i went to play "warhammer" with some people i know in west van (warhammer is just like D&D)-it was fun. then we went to one of their house's and watched "man in the iron mask". on monday i went to work..i thought i was supposed to start at 12 but i got there and realized i had to start at 11 *oops* but she needed someone to work until 7:30,which i did,so all was forgiven :) i was very tired that night. today i went shopping with my sister (i bought a teen burger) and then i went to see "dance with me" with bitch and my sister. jeni's mummy, mike, and karen were there. it was an ok movie. we then went to starbucks and cruised around "da valley and da cove" (and used up kris' car's gas). tomorrow i am working then im either hanging with iain and another person or going to play warhammer again. oh well-now kris and i are playing on the net *oh goody* *BG* oh well...see y'all l8r!


Aug 17,1998-well, life hasnt been treating me properly lately. On saturday/sunday, iain and i decided to break up. we've been fighting a lot lately and we thought we'd see how things go apart. so im sorta single now! i dont know whats going to happen- once we've had time to think and spend time away from each other,well talk things out. *argh* someone i know in west van took me out for a while to make me feel better (he knew about me and iain before u guys just cause i was online at the same time he was and i wasnt happy-it was too late to call people). Im pretty confused about stuff too right now but im not going to get into it until ive figured things out :) oh well....

Aug 12,1998-hmm...lets see ...what has happened...i saw "ever after" last night! that was kewl...had a girls night out :) i went to work todya-it was fun..i got to do drive-thru *BG* last few days have been ok...havent been the greatest...nothing big though-just one of my little "ruts" *sigh* church picnic was on sunday..kristie accompanied me to was kewl (just what the doctor ordered) :) everythings a blur....oh well...gotta go to work tomorrow (yea!) then off to kristies for our weekly get-together :)

Aug 06,1998-So tired, so very very tired jlfblgfgs lolrghbuv rsf ....OOPs! fell asleep on the keyboard!i went to the fireworks last night and didnt get in until 1:50am. I got to bed at 2:20 and had to get up at 7:30 to go to work. Work is going fine...its really kewl. Everyday i see someone i know. On the first day, i saw a girl that was in my cabin the first time i went to NVOS, yesterday it was Jeff summers and today it was graeme rittenger.maybe one day it'll be one of u guys visiting me *wink wink nudge nudge*. to anyone who didnt see the fireworks, u missed a good show! they were so pretty! but talk about a mob! but anyways....less than one month until i can legally drink in alberta (ie turn 18).yea! despite my lack of zzzz, my life is pretty good nowadays! well thats all fer now!

Aug 02,1998- Its been a while since i wrote something (at least its been a while for me- i have too much free time). As you can see, i just added frames to this page.pretty kewl eh? heehee....Anyways, lets see..last wednesday was my 2 year with iain.i went to his house in the late morning. i attempted to make pancakes unsuccessfully. we went swimming and played mario. then we went to pepinos for dindin and we went to see mafia. he gave me the movie "Grease" which came with a CD of the megamix and a copy of the script :). On thursday you guys (minus rebecky :[) came over. It was fun huh? my tenenats have officially moved out so if we have the next get together at my place, we can use the basement. On friday i was called into work so pick up my uniform and get my scheldule.i start next tuesday.later on i went swimming and then hung out in West Van. On Sat i saw the fireworks. Nice but very short. Now im here screwing around with this webpage.ohwell--see ya guys later.

July 28,1998- AHHHH!!!What horribly warm weather! Well it could be worse. today i saw "disturbing behavior" with shawna.It was kewl. The weirdest thing though-Wojtek was an extra in the movie. When he came on, shawna shouted , "oh my god! its wojtek!" It was funny :) Tomorrow is my 2 year anniversary with iain!im so happy :)) anyways see y'all!

July 25,1998 (later on...)-Hey! I just registered for SFU. Im going to be so bored next year.I have Chem 121,Bio 104, Math 154,and Phys 100 *yuck* :))))) Oh im warm and stuff....i might go swimming..who knows?! byebye

July 25,1998-Hey guys...ahhh..sooo bored :) Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of me getting my %&*$@ braces off :))Kristie is suppose to be coming over today so we can continue figuring out our courses for next year.Lets see...what did I do yesterday. I worked on and finished the third webpage! I went to Kris' and we worked on course selection and watched Days. Later on I went swimming with a guy from my ICQ and then we met up with his friend (who is also on my ICQ) and we went downtown. Now im sitting here bored outta my mind, eating a bananananana. I got either a guestbook sig or an email from some guy who commented on this page! Kewl eh? Well..Byebye 4 now....

July 23,1998-Its waaaaayyyy early in the morning. I saw The Truman Show with my sis the other day-it was ok. I went shoppin as well.Amonst the things i bought over the last two days, i got an electric shaver and the Great Big Sea CD, which im listening to right now. I hung out with shawna today, which was fun :Þ. anyways i cant think of anything to say, so byebye.

July 18,1998-AHHHHHH!!!! I GOT A JOB!! THE UNEMPLOYABLE HAS BEEN EMPLOYED!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!Im now a cashier at A&W...dont u dare laugh :).If you do,ill personally see to it that your burger has something gross in it...ha!just kidding! Yea! I start working as soon as they order my pants. I had my orientation today (and i get payed for it).I even got the "im new and im training to serve you better" button :))))). I also just finished the second webpage for jen's parents and now im going to relax.

July 17,1998- What a week....I had my very first interview on tuesday at Ardenes....unfortunately i didnt get the job :( oh making webpages for jen's parents.....lots of work but its in the middle of the second one..Yea! i have to go apply at A&W today *knock on wood* :) Once again, our weekly get-together was a huge success *sarcastic* *LOL*....only Kris and I showed up at shawna' did my was fun.until next time,c ya! PS- send me ur freakin profiles already! *BG*

July 12,1998- Im back from Edgefest.It was totally kick ASS!!I met Econoline Crush and got their autographs. Trevor,the lead singer, is sooooooo gorgeous!!All hail the King of Lemonade!!Talk about a hormone rush :) Overall, the concert was great! Billie Joe (Green Day) performed without his pants....and most of the bands were canadian and also from vancouver,including Econoline Crush (their song "Home" had special meaning)!!! If anybody wants to hear about the gross bathroom story, ask me k? Im not gonna put it up on this page. I see Meeks said somethin about going to PNE..thats a must-do!! Just not the Zillerator k? :) Until next time, Im signing out!

July 09,1998- Well, looks like this page is under way!! I dropped off an app at Safeway life is so boring :) Daisy is such a sweet cat. She was outside today and, in a moment of generosity, decided to bring us a gift. She came up to the screen door with a freakin snake in her mouth (it was still alive!). I would have prefered a gift certificate or something. Last I saw, she was chasing the snake into the neighbour's yard. I also learned how to make animated gifs today,which is kinda neat. Can't wait to see all of you guys tomorrow. Later!

July 04, 1998- Let's see, what's new with me.....I took a shower so I dont smell like camp....but that was earlier. I just saw Canadian Bacon with my sis and her friend Dana..its funny. I made the mistake of thinking "hey-why dont we use up the graham crackers by making smores?" ....stupid stupid me. That's all for now.