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Whats New With Fhawna

well... this is kristie filling in for shawna.... she got her hair cut short....she works lots..... and she hasnt updated this in a lonnnnnnnnng time so i felt it was necessary. so if she hasnt talked to u in a while it's 'cause she's busy but she'll get back to u eventually..... byebye luv kris and shawna JULY, 17/98 Today I basically did nothing! I just worked on my page and the 6 aces page. (to Kristie :P ) Tomorrow I have to go to work though :( I also had Amy over and she helped me with my page and we watched Days. :) BYE, BYE FOR NOW!!! AUG, 4/98 Today was extremely boring. At 11:00am I watched "Days" to find out that Sammy won the trial against Lucas and that for the 10 000 000th time that Stephano is controlling Vivian with a divice in her teeth or something??? For the rest of the day I basically lounged around until Work called me in at 3:00pm and asked me to come in at 4:00pm. Isn't my life exciting!!! =]

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