; Registration code (if you have it) ; Optional URL link when the applet is "clicked" ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; Optional sound file or "NO" ; Number of fireworks at same time ; Fireworks explosion power ; Fireworks drawn density ; Fireworks time duration ; Gravity; speed of free fall ; Background image ; Background colour in hex rrggbb format ; Fireworks over text? ("YES", "NO") ; Optional image over applet ; Over image X offset ; Over image Y offset ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers.

Founded in November 1998
Brad...aka Da Beef
Jenn...aka Da Bologna
Nicole...aka Da Bread
Deanne...aka Da Mayo, Da Pickle, Da Mustard

Brad is currently attending Roosevelt University where he working towards a masters degree in psychology. He is the customer service manager for the prepaid distributor DBS Communications. Most of the time you can catch him at a random bar, at AMC Theaters enjoying a flick, watching WWE, or studying. He is currently single and accepting applications!

Email Brad

Jenn recently graduated from North Central College in Naperville majoring in speech communications. Brad and Jenn were once again reunited in the working world when she joined the DBS team in March. She is madly in love with her boyfriend Shaun. Sorry guys.

Email Jenn

Nicole recently completed her masters degree in library science at Dominican University. She has a full time position at Glenview Public Library. In December of 2002 Nicole became the first Committee member to become engaged.

Email Nicole

Visit the page of Committee member Deanne who has been given permission to study abroad in Ohio

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