
Even the most different of people can be joined...<

Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger...The best houses, cars, parties, girls...everything... This describes the Moffatt brother's lives...Yes, Scott and Dave Moffatt had it all...Now let's fast forward to the other side of town...

A tiny, run-down house comes into view. At first glimpse, most people would think it was an old junkyard.But, then Bob Bailey steps onto the rotting porch, tucking his long hair behind his ears. He coughs, scratching his chest. He's wearing one of his Dad's old t-shirts--a black, faded, Harley-Davidson one. His torn shorts reach to his knees, and he has on a dirty pair of brandless sneakers. Not exactly the life of glamour led by the Moffatt family across town...

"Clint!" he calls, "Mom wants you..." A grease-covered boy, obviously the twin of Bob Bailey, slides out from underneath a run-down car. "Coming..." he says, wiping his oil-soaked hands on his jeans.

"Mr. Scott, Alyssa is here to see you..." said Maddie, the Moffatt family's live-in maid, stepping into Scott's room. She buped his dresser, sending one of the trophiesfalling to the floor.
"Dammit many times do I have to tell you to stay away from my things?" he snapped.
A shocked look came to her face. "I...Well, I'm sorry..." Scott grinned, laughing and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm only messin' with ya, Mad.." He walked out of his room, running down the spiraled stairs. "Lyss!" he cried, seeing his girlfriend waiting in the lobby.
She turned around, her long, straight, shiny red air flowing around her shoulders. "Scott!" her green eyes shined as she wrapped her arms around him. "Mm...I missed you so much...Paris is WAY to dull without you..." She pulled away, smiling.
"And Los Angeles was boring without you!" He grabbed her hand, leading her into the large living room. "Hey Dave!" said Alyssa, waving to her friend. Dave looked away from the TV.
"Al! You guys are back from Paris?!" H stood, dropping the remote. Alyssa nodded. "So that means..." he cut him off. "--Yes, that means that Mandi is here!" She smiled. "Actually, she was going to come over with me to see you, but she had some modeling crap to send ut..." Dave smiled, "Ok, I think I'll come over and surprise her..."he walked out of the room.
Scott and Alyssa sat on the couch. He placed his hands over hers. "God, I missed you...."

Bob and Clint stepped into their tiny living room. "So, Mom, what did you want?" asked Bob. She swallowed, fiddling with some loose strings on the chair.
"Boys...well, there is something i have to tell you...There isn't an easy way to say this...I...I have cancer..."
There was a long silence, then: "Are you going to die?" whispered Clint.
"Yes...the doctor's caught it too late..." she whispered back.
"How long?" asked Bob, fighting tears. "1-2 months..." "No...Mom...NO! Please tell us you're lying...please..." "How can you DO THIS?!" yelled Clint. "First Pop, and now you?! Why are you doing this?! Who are we going to stay with? How are we supposed to live?!" screamed Clint, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I...I just don't know..." a tear slid down her face. Clint turned, knocking over a lamp, its peices shattering across the wooden floor. "I HATE YOU!" he yelled, storming out of the house.

Scott awoke to Maddie pulling open his curtains. "Rise and shine!" she chirped.
He rolled out of his bed, groaning. "Yeah, yeah..." Maddie grinned, leaving. She woke up Dave next, and then hurried downstairs to fix breakfast. 20 minutes later, the boys raced down the stairs. Dave was wearing a pair of loose Silvertab jeans, Nike sneakers, and a Tommy wife beater covered with an unbuttoned Tommy button-up.
Scott tucked his hair behind his ears, picking a peice of lint off of his blue Polo shirt. He had on a pair of Khaki's, and brown Doc Marten shoes. "Did you take my Polo cologne?" he asked Dave, who then replied with a nod, and tossed the bottle at him. "Hurry boys, you're late!" cried Maddie.

"Dammit! Robert, Clinton! Shit, you're late!" cried their mother, obviously over the weekend's Hallmark moment. Bob rolled off the couch, cursing, grabbing his tennishoes, and slipping them on, running his fingers through his tangled hair. He ran to the bathroom, brushing his teeth, taking a moment to make sure his face was clean...considering he hadn't showered in a few days.
He sprayed himself with some Dollar Store colgone, walking into the living room. Clint was waiting there, and they grabbed an apple, running through the streets and towards the school.

Dave & Scott pulled up to school, hopping out of their 20000 Ford Mustang convertible. Dave casually waved to Mindi, who squeeled, "Davie!!!" and smiled, running up and hugging him. Someone ran past, pushing the couple against the car. "Yo, watch it!" said Dave, giving the guy a dirty look. He ran his fingers through his spiked hair, mumbling 'Sorry..."
"Who was that?" he asked Mindi. "Hmm..." she paused to think. "I think his name is Clinty Bailey..or, like, something...Just another nameless skankrag..."

"Sorry..." mumbled Clint, running off. His friend, Melissa, ran up. "!!! CLINT!!!!" her plain brown eyes sparkled.
"You just touched Dave Moffatt!!! That's what!!" she grabbed his sleeve.
"Oooooh....Dave Moffatt...Come on, Mel...he's ONLY the football quarterback and every girls desire..." he rolled his eyes. Melissa giggled. "Do I sense JeAlOuSy?"
" way." he smirked, pushing her inside the building.

"I already miss being on Spring break..." said Scott, catching up with Alyssa, draping his arm over her shoudler. She grabbed that hand, holding it.
"Me too..." she sighed. She adjusted the bottom of her tank top. He eaned his head over, gentling sucking on her neck. She giggled, pulling away. "Scoo-ott! Not at school...hee hee" He smiled, following her into the school. He dropped her off at her class, and headed into his.
"You're in my seat!" he snapped at some scraggly-haired boy. The boy turned. "Oh..I' sorry....Scott, isn't it?" Scott nodded, half-smiling. " move,...Bob, isnt it?" he said, mocking.
Bob smiled. "Yeah..." and stood, moving seats. Lyn Bradley walked by, spritzing some perfume in the direction of Scott's seat. "I don't want my bud smelling like a DUD!" she laughed, thinking she was some sort of poet genius, and poitning at Bob. Bob glared at her, hurt.
Scott sat down, turning towards Bob. "Ignore her...she's ignorant..." Bob nodded. "yeah, I know..." he forced a smile.
Scott's basketball buddies came in, slapping Scott on the back. "We're gonna kick some tiger ASS this Friday, eh Moffatt?!" frowled Scott's best friend, Ashton Gregory. Scott ignored Bob, slapping Ashton's back. "Hell yeah!" he cheered.
Bob Bailey sunk into the back of Scott's mind, and Scott in Bob's. Bob tore the fresh 'Skank' sign off of his back, muttering "Damn jocks..."
The third bell rang, signaling lunch. Scott, DAve, Ashton, Lyn, Mindi, Alyssa, and the rest of their clique sat at their usuay table. Clint Bailey grabbed his tray, piling on his Crappy Joe, some Jell-O, and a carton of milk, and headed to his table, located about two feet from the popular gang.
As he walked by, Ashton Stuck out his foot, tripping Clint, his tray landing in Dave's lap. "Shit!!" they both screamed, Clint flying through the air and landing on the floor, Da jumping up. "You ASS!" screamed Dave, pointing at Clint.
"Dude...I'm sorry..." mumbled Clint, getting back on his feet, and smirking at Dave's ruined pants. "Your asshole friend tripped me!" Dave stared at Ashton, who was laughing. 'Ashton, damn....grow up..." muttered Dave, wiping meat chunks off his crotch. He fished a 5 out of his pocket, handing it to Clint.
"Buy yourself another lunch...and keep the change..." Clint smiled, taking the money and walking back to the line.

Part 2 | Part 3