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12 Step Program: The *NSYNC Version

Step 1 - Honesty - behavior of not lying; being truthful
-Admitting to yourself you have a problem.
-Say it with me "My name is ________ and I am an *NSYNCoholic (you may specify guy)"
This is the first and most important step (in myopinion)

Step 2 - Hope - a feeling of what one desires will happen
-Set your goals. At the end of the 12 steps what do you want to have accomplished?
-"Even though I might be TEARIN' UP MY HEART by the end of this I don't want to be obsessed w/ ______"

Step 3 - Faith - believing without truth; trust; confidence
-Believe in yourself. Have faith that you can survive life after *NSYNC.
-Say it with me: "*NSYNC is not life. They are not EVERYTHING I OWN"

Step 4 - Courage - bravery; meeting danger without fear;fearlessness
-This is an IMPORTANT STEP. Ready *breath in and out* take the posters down (at least the better portion of them). I know it is difficult but... it is a necessary step in the healing process. Stop frequenting *NSYNC web pages and maybe unsub from some lists.
-"The pictures are just visual things. They are notneeded to complete my day."
"_______ U don't DRIVE ME CRAZY" or "I refuse to DRIVE MYSELF CRAZY thinking of you anymore"

Step 5 - Integrity - wholeness; completeness
-Once you get through 1 yes ONLY one day without an *NSYNC reference (NO video OR audio... NO VISUALS) you have completed this step.
-"HERE WE GO! I'm on my way! I was *NSYNCless for aday!"

Step 6 - Willingness - ready; consenting
-Okay you have to take down ALL the pics for this step. Unsub from ALL lists. And vow NOT to tape any more appearances (most difficult step IMO)
-"Oh what glee I'm *NSYNC free" (hey it rhymed)
-"I am not CRAZY FOR YOU anymore"

Step 7 - Humility - humbleness of mind; lack of pride;meekness
-You must swallow your pride for this one. You must apologize to those whom you have affected with your *NSYNC obsession (incl. parents who have been draggedto concerts etc.)
-"_______, I am sorry for making you listen to GIDDY UP 800 times. I am sorry for spending all this money and dragging you to concerts you didn't want to go to."

Step 8 - Brotherly Love - loving fellow man
-Allow other people into you life (not Joey, Justin,JC, Chris OR Lance)
-"Hello new friends now I JUST WANT TO BE WITH YOU."

Step 9 - Justice - just conduct; fairness; correctness
-be fair to the new pals. Do not compare to Justin,JC, Lance, Chris or Justin "________ I don't WANT YOU BACK I have my new pals now!"

Step 10 - Perseverance - the act of sticking to a purpose of an aim; never giving up what one has set out to do.
-equals temptation. Put in your *NSYNC CD and DON'T sing along.
-"I NEED LOVE... Self love that is"

Step 11 - Spiritual Awareness - awareness of the soul
-Become one with yourself... "GOD MUST HAVE SPENT A LITTLE MORE TIME ON..." NO NO NO! Don't do that! That would be reverting!
"I am THE GIRL WHO HAS EVERYTHING. I am one with myself. I am at peace with myself. I love me. I think I'm grand. *NSYNC does not define my existance."

Step 12 - Service - a helpful act or acts
-Help others with the dreaded *NSYNCitis

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