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Hail to the Victors

JC! How you are doing? I am fine and everything, but I have a purpose for writing this message. I heard you aren't sure what is going to happen with 'N Sync after a while. You have been doing guest appearances with other artists such as Blaque and Trey D, searching for some opportunites. I have a suggestion; why don't you apply to the Univeristy of Michigan?

As you can see that the campus is lovely. Plus many famous people have attended this prestigous school. People like Gerald Ford and Madonna, okay she didn't graduate, but she did attend.

And you know that you look so fly in the Michigan gear. You are so close to being a student it is sad. I know that you know the Victors and you cheer our team whenever you get a chance. I know that you beat up Chris every time Michigan kicks Penn States a**.

Did anyone tell you that you look good with a backpack? I will find that so sexy when you come to campus. Just think, I can show you around, and take you to all of the hot spots. Some piece of adice you might want to wear both straps... the books can get pretty heavy.

So get started on the application. It will not take you long. I am sure you will get in because you are intelligent and talented. UofM is a sucker for people like us.
