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Age is Just A Number

Happy 28th Birthday Chris!

28. Wow! That seems, well I hate to say it but... old. I mean 28 is only 2 years less than 30. 30 to some is old, but especially for a "boyband" member. However, if you look at this number from a mathematical point of view it isn't that big.

Lets see, 28 = 7*4. 7 and 4 are both considerably less than 10 so therefore small numbers. Small number * small number = small number!!

Ok lets look at this as powers of 2. 2^4 = 16, 2^5 = 32. 28 being between the power of 4 and 5 makes it fairly small on the scale of exponential numbers, I mean 2^10 = 1024.

If we're talking squares, the square root of 28 is about 5.5 which is small no matter how you look at it.

Let's say we convert the number 28 to say, binary (1's and 0's) you get 11100 that may look big if you're still in our normal decimal state of mind but to a computer that's tiny, your average computer would stick either 27 or 59 0's in front of it! Talk about tiny!

Okay instead of going to binary lets go hexidecimal or base 16 (0-9,a-f) 28 becomes 1C , yes that looks funny but in base 16 that's really tiny I mean look at it! 1C doesn't that look small?

Okay since I whipped out my calculator to do these conversions I'm gonna throw out some more small numbers dealing with 28:
Log 28 = 1.447
Ln 28 = 3.33
Sin 28 = 0.469
Cos 28 = 0.883
Tan 28 = 0.531
*I'll stop now before I scare even myself!*

Well as far as Chris turning 28 I don't think we have anything to worry about. If a person's age is measured by how old they act at times Chris has a long life ahead of him! We all know that Chris definitely doesn't act his age, far from it at times. I will say this is very comforting to me *especially since most people will agree I don't act my age either.* So on the day of the birth of this wonderful man, I say "Happy 28th Birthday Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick!!"

