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All Hail King Timberlake

Okay... I have been trying to get over my Justin *cough* obsession. But I must admit that the following pictures have not helped AT ALL!

Now I have no witty segment to go with these pictures but... they're just very *VERY* nice to look at. Being the nice person I am, I've decided to share the wealth. You can thank me later.

Ummm... couldn't they find a LESS OBVIOUS place to put the name brand. Nothing like walking around with PARASUCO written on your fly just begging to be gawked at by the female gender. Then we get blamed for thinking naughty thoughts... please. Might as well just wear a sign that reads "LOOK AT MY CROTCH PLEASE!"

Thanks to Liza for this pic (what a doll!). I have an arm fetish to begin with and this picture didn't help me at all. The fact that THOSE arms are attached to the rest of THAT body that produces THAT voice is just astounding to me.

Now this is wrong. Can we say GENETIC MIRACLE ?
