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Award Show Reviews


Winners: Best New Group
Acceptance - First thing that comes to mind... GOD WHAT IS LANCE WEARING? *Fashion Tip - Never wear clothes that can easily be mistaken for your skin tone* It was Chinese inspired or something. I guess not all of his shopping sprees with Miss Fishel had good outcomes. *Just cause it's on sale doesn't mean it looks good*
Justin... BRAVO! Fashion do. I could take or leave the jacket... but the hair, I know it wasn't red but it was close enough to make me happy.
Joey... looks like an unmade bed. Was he attempting the superman cape color hair or was that just a horrible chemical accident?
Chris... approved by moi... all but the pants that is. Vertical lines. I think he was trying to make himself look taller, but to no avail. He still looks 5'8'ish to me.
JC... the fashion savior of the group *NSYNC. Not particularly an outfit I'd choose to put together but oddly enough, JC pulls it off *shock* and well.

RANDOMS -Chris - "We'd like to thank... like... our record company." You mean kinda sorta maybe like to thank a major reason we are up on the stage right now.
BAD BAD BAD EDITING Blockbuster *tsk tsk tsk* Either that or the *NSYNC clones have struck again. On stage and in audience applauding for themselves SIMULTANEOUSLY. Do I sense egotism?

Performance: Sailing f/ Christopher Cross
First off AHHHHHHHHH.... BRIAN MCKNIGHT IS INTRODUCING THEM. *breath* Okay 2 of my favorite musical artists on the same stage at the same time. Lovely time for me.
I, for one, thought that this performance was amazingly beautiful. It sends chills up my spine when I see it. With the cloud background and the smoke, I thought it was well done and did justice to a very moving, very inspirational song. - To my amazement JC can even pull off DAM's in mid-air
I didn't see them perform 'Sailing' live in concert so this was a big thing for me. Maybe people who did see it live didn't think as highly of it as I did.

American Music Awards

One quick comment about the outfits BUZZ LIGHTYEAR SPACE RANGER? Obviously they were going for the new and upcoming futuristic garbage men look. Check for it on the runways of Milan this upcoming Fall. There is a bright side to them though *if you could see past the glare of their outfits* and that is... they can at least be recycled! :o)
They do deserve congratulations for winning their first LEGITIMATE award for Best New Artist. *applauds* You go boys!
They were even cute when they sang in the tribute to Billy Joel.

Kids Choice Awards

Performed: Medley. Here We Go/I Want You Back/Tearin' Up My Heart
I am in love with this performance. When they changed songs the transitions (both of them) were terriffic.
They all look good. I actually own pants like JC's so it would be wrong of me to insult him. But yet... the orange glasses. Obviously aiming for the "I rolled out of bed and you should feel lucky I'm actually performing for you!" look.
Why does Justin feel compelled to to throw his fist at the camera at every possible opportunity?
This was probably Joey's least favorite audience to perform in front of, considering everyone was underage.
It was nice to see Justin and Joey clean up their act for the youngin's by removing the patented TUMH bootie slap. So respectful those *NSYNC boys.

Teen Choice Awards

Okay I just may be partial to this performance because I love the song 'Music Of My Heart' so much. It is, in fact my song of the moment. But this might just be the peak of what we have seen of *NSYNC. And that is some revelation to be made. Let's hope it's a continuous uphill climb. :o)
First off, they won for Best Album of the Year. Ummm... okay, I love *NSYNC as much as the next girl but, they were up against Lauryn Hill! THE LAURYN HILL! Nuh uh. I mean, the fact that 'I Need Love' is on the *NSYNC album should have gotten them a big L in that category anyway. Even Lance commented about voting for Lauryn Hill, he knows the deal.
Fashion... fashion... fashion... tsk... tsk... tsk... well, not totally. Joey, Chris, Lance all presentable. Well, Joey, he was just better then usual. That doesn't necessarily mean presentable! :o) Justin and the vest... it ws his slow, subtle step toward their Country Music Award appearance. He's sliding into the whole "country boy" thing slowly (I don't blame him). JC... first off, all white on ANYONE is a bad bad thing. He pulls it off better then others, but still it shouldn't be done. He reminded me of the part in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when the oompa loompa's are in all white prepping for the shrinking machine. JC AND YOU WERE MY LONE *NSYNC HOPE! WHY? WHY?
The performance, in my humble opinion, was as flawless as you're gonna get. This Gloria Estefan/*NSYNC combination is brilliant in my mind. The song sounded great, they all looked great. End of story. :o) A four star performance.
