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The Baby Blue Conspiracy

Collage courtesy of *~*BLite*~*~

"God must be a Tarheels fan or why is the sky Carolina blue?"

OH HELL NO! Tell me my baby didn't actually say that. *buries head in hands from supreme disappointment*. I've spent some time trying to deal with this fetish Justin has with the color. And I find myself wondering does his love for North Carolina come out of his love for baby blue or vice versa? Hmmm....

I love Justin, but I am the first to admit that baby blue isn't the most, how do I say it, masculine of colors. I mean deep blues and greens are all understandable. But baby blue? It's a pastel for goodness sakes.

My theory is Justin is a fan of the color in general. Maybe someone pulled him aside one day and let him know "man... baby blue it's kinda... well... fem." So Justin, not wanting to give up his favorite color or make the admission that baby blue is kinda girly made a discovery. University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. It's a college, a good one at that. It has a quality sports program. Now, he's a Tarheels fan.

I have got you thinking don't I? It's a thing that makes you go hmmm?

