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Addressing BSB Fans

We try not to make problems for Backstreet Boys fans. We try not to insult their belief that the Backstreet Boys are the best the world of pop has to offer. We're firm believers that people are entitled to their own opinion.

The following was sent to us from a Message Board. The name of the person who wrote isn't revealed because of the blatant stupidity of the post. We wouldn't want to embarrass her family by showing them what type of ignorant person they raised.

*note the following is the exact post. There ARE spelling and grammatical errors that I didn't change.*

Here we go:

I know this is a BSB board, but this does have a little to do with BSB. I NO LONGER am a huge fan of N'Syncs. Why you ask? Well, I was reading their transcript from their official AOL chat last night, and I was disgusted with some of their comments. I will post parts of what they said, and then write in my response to it!

When asked about the delay and all the hype surrounding their new album, N'Sync had to add this into their answer!

>>>>*NSYNC: Trying to break the record the first week. So go out there and buy your friends albums, too. Don't wait for the second week. Go for the first week.

Gee, I wonder who could hold this record at the present moment? Could it be BSB? If BSB had never have broke that record, then N'Sync wouldn't have thought anything of it! It's funny how we didn't see BSB begging their fans to buy their album the first week it came out, so that they could break records! N'Sync are pleading with their fans to go out and buy their album the first week so they can "prove" they are better than BSB! And yet, aren't they the ones who say that "it's the fans who make it a battle between the two groups"? It seems to me that they are just adding to the battle, otherwise they wouldn't be so infactuated with breaking BSB's record. I can't understand why they would worry so much about "being bigger and better" than BSB when "it's suppose to be about the Music" Isn't that what they always say?

THen when asked when the BBB single would be released, this was the response....

>>>>Lance: It's not coming out as a single. Because we just want you to save your money. Wait for the album. It's on the album.

Why else would you want them to save their "money"? So they can give it all to you, and you can make a bundle, or is it because you want to break the record!

I know I probably don't even have to comment on how ridiculous this post is, but I will.


Believe it or not even the people who are in it for the music want to sell albums. I don't believe any artist makes an album and says "Now I hope this doesn't sell a lot of copies. I hope no one buys it and I go broke from it."

There is nothing wrong with the prospect of a little competition, is there? Unless of course Backstreet and their fans are intimidated by the 2000 threat 'N Sync posts. Life cannot be lived without a little challenge, a little competition. It's only natural that 'N Sync would want to sell as many albums as they could in the first week. Especially since it has been held back for MONTHS. They don't even need to ask.

To pretend that hostility comes solely from 'N Sync's camp is probably the most ridiculous thing ever said, or assumed. When it has been said that Kevin and Howie are the only ones that are even civil towards 'N Sync.

I'm tired of the blatant immaturity shown by (some) BSB fans. Like they're the only worthwhile group on this planet. To them I feel pity, that they can't open their minds enough to accept anything except Backstreet as truth. Who speak like they know what they're talking about, and in actuality know nothing more then what they're fed by other Backstreet fans.

Maybe, just maybe, if you opened your mind enough you might see that life doesn't revolve around five boys who claim their fans 'Larger Than Life', when the only thing truly larger than life about their fans are their attitudes.

To those BSB fans who can appreciate competition, we commend you! And know that even though you are in a different boat, we're moving in the same direction. (that was sappy... I know) *note* this isn't directed to ALL Backstreet fans.

I know this will make people mad... just e-mail the below address with the hate mail.
