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What Not To Do

Most of us dream it. Few of us live it. The opportunity to meet 'N Sync is not one given the vast amount of the population. We're here to help the lucky few from making fools out of themselves when they meet the boys. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones... we hate you (kidding). If you are going to be one of the lucky ones, here are some things you *shouldn't do*.

-be too slutty.
-be too conservative.
-try too hard.
-wear something you've seen them wear before. If you've seen JC in a cute sweater and went out and bought it, don't wear it when you meet him. It looks a little to obsessive.
-wear Fubu
-wear baby blue. For the love of Lance, no baby blue. Sure Justin lists it as his favorite color, but when was the last time you've seen him in it. When everyone "adopts" your favorite color it got pretty old, pretty quick. Didn't it?
-choose your lucky day to experiment with new things. Wear something you're SURE you look decent in. *NOTE* Just because it's made in your size doesn't make it appealing.
-over dress. If it's a meet and greet, don't dress like you're about to attend your cousins wedding.
-wear underwear on your head. You laugh, but I've seen it done.
-wear superman gear. Unless you are a little boy you shouldn't be wearing this anyway. (unless it's for sleeping purposes)
-painted tattoos. This can't be stressed enough. Do not meet them while you have the words 'I LOVE _____' written on you in a visible place. That is something to be saved for your concert experience, ya know when it's dark and the chances of them actually seeing you are slim to none.
-wear shirts with their faces on it. That's for signing, and that might even be a stretch. I'm sure the idea alone is a little frightening. But for them to see their faces stretched across the bosoms or near-bosoms of young girls; intolerable.
-wear your replica JRT initialed necklace

-cry. I know you may want to. I met my idol and did, but AFTERWARD. After I was out of his sight. That's your best bet, if you're even going to cry.
-expect them to know you or speak to you. The purpose of a meet and greet isn't for them to ask questions about your life and opinions on world affairs. I believe the basic outline of the meet and greet is: smile, hello, sign, pass along. NOT CONVERSE!
-have signs with you. Especially ones that are completely embarrassing. "Justin's got it I want it." - "DROP YOUR PANTS JC!" Don't let them see you holding them.
-give away their after party secrets. They're allowed to get a drunk.
-act like you're 20 when you're only 14. I'm more than sure the boys aren't all about being arrested. And to think that no one knows your real age, it's a little insulting.
-keep a firm hold on their hand. If you're lucky enough to shake their hand, subtle is key. Gentle squeeze and eye contact!
-pass up poor Joey just because JC is next in the signing order. Chances are Joey is your best shot any way.
-make them have to call security on you. Less is more there. You don't want to become the girl whose story gets repeated on all talk shows as their most "obsessive encounter"
-admit you have hours of video.

Never say...
-"I love you"
-"I'm legal"
-"I followed you to the airport last time you were here..."
-"Do you remember me from (date, place)" - chances are your feelings WILL be hurt
-"I want to have your baby"
-"You're so cute but what's up with your hair!"
-"You're my favorite!"
-"What were you thinking when you sang I Need Love for the first time?"
-their AMA acceptance speech (or any other).
-"I know N the Mix by heart... wanna hear?"
-"You're so much better looking in person!"
