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A Fair Exchange

Is it just us or has JC buffed up? Has Justin been using more expressive hand movements when he sings? We here at Thug Appeal believe so. We are thinking how these changes have come about and have come up with a theory. It can be referred to as the DAM/Push Up Exchange. We think it may have went a little something like this:


Justin is in the middle of his 200 push up regimen when JC walks into the room.

JUSTIN: 123... 124... 125...

JC: *cough* Justin we need to talk...

JUSTIN: *stops mid push up* What about JC?

JC: *sheepishly* I want to well... buff up. I'm tired of my skinny little arms.

JUSTIN: *looks at JC* It can be arranged. I was meaning to talk to you anyway... I want you to teach me the DAM's.

JC: I don't know Justin. I've put a lot of effort into them... I like to think of them as my own little creation.

JUSTIN: Well... then I don't think I can take time out of my busy day to help you. Sorry.

JC: *sighs* FINE JUSTIN FINE! I'll go over DAM's with you.

JUSTIN: *smiles* See that is so much better.

*Justin and JC are set in a conference room, complete with TV, VCR and stereo system*

JC: See Justin the whole point of the DAM is to stress what is going on in the music. You have to do it at key points of the song. *starts playing IDMC*

JUSTIN: Like this? *begins to sing* I was such a fool... I couldn't see it *DAM*

JC: WHAT WAS THAT? *turns off music* It was totally uninterpretive. Not to mention totall uncalled for in that situation. There didn't need to be any kinda of stress on that line. You can't take DAM's for granted, that is the first lesson that needs to be learned. Geez... this is going to be harder then I thought. *rubs head* Okay I didn't want to do this, but I'll have to show you video.

*JC continues to teach Justin for countless hours. Complete with video from every I Drive Myself Crazy, For The Girl Who Has Everything and Music of My Heart Performance. Justin takes pages full of notes.*

JC: I think you've had enough for the day.

JUSTIN: Well duh! We've been in this room for 4 hours I better have learned SOMETHING!

JC: YOu say that now but you'll be so much happier when you are being known as a guy who can sing with convincing emotion. But today I think we've made some progress. I guess you are just gonna have to practice in front of a mirror a bit. That shouldn't be too hard for you.

JUSTIN: *slightly offended* What is THAT supposed to mean?

JC: Nothing. You may leave now.

JUSTIN: *picks up his notebook and starts towards door* Tomorrow 11AM sharp! Push ups!

Do you know the first thing about doing push ups?

JC: *gives Justin a confused look* I know it will make my arms nicer.

JUSTIN: Oh geez... well that's a start. How about if you show me a push up and we'll work from there.

*JC does a less then mediocre push up*

JUSTIN: No, JC you are doing the push up all wrong. Don't make me start you out on a girl push ups. I'd be embarrassed for you. Watch. *does 10 quick push ups* Like that.

*JC does one decent push up*

JC: Damn that kind of hurts

JUSTIN: Well no pain no gain buddy. Can you at least do two in a row? You do want BLite to drool over your new bod, don't ya? You don't want to just be known as the talented one do you? That's no fun! You want to be a stud. You want the talent/sex symbol combination, right? So get to work...

*JC starts doing push ups slowly*

JUSTIN: One.... two... oh that one wasn't good at all! From the top. One... two... three...

We believe it began a little something like that. Watch them now. Justin has DAM's in full effect. And JC is buff. Nice exchange boys.
