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*NSYNC vs. BSB: Family Feud

BLUEC: Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the FAMILY FEUD! Let's meet today's contestants. You may have seen our first family as regulars on MTV and in 'Teenie' magazines please give a warm welcome from Orlando, Florida the Backstreet Boys.

*BSB emerge. Nick tries to raise the roof but ultimately fails, although he isn't aware of it. Howie goes to the nearest camera smiles and winks.*

BRIAN: *through clenched teeth* Howie get your greasy ass over here. You are scaring the young children at home.

BLITE: Now to our second family... umm... Bob... I think you printed the same card twice. No? Oh... all right then. You may have seen our second family as regulars on MTV and in 'Teenie' magazines please give a warm welcome from Orlando, Florida *NSYNC

*Crowd cheers wildly. Joey walks over to the camera woman and slips her his digits. Justin raises the roof successfully. JC and Lance wave nicely to the crowd, while Chris is already testing out his buzzer.*

BLITE: Hello everyone and welcome to Family Feud and I am your co-host BLite and my partner in crime is... where is she? BlueC get away from Justin, we are about to start. Well, that is my co-host BlueC. Todays guest are *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. First why don't we meet *NSYNC?

NICK: Why don't you introduce us first? We have the number one album in the country you know.

BLITE: You're not being introduced first cause, quite frankly, I don't like you. So who is the first person on Team *NSYNC BlueC?

BLUEC: That would be Chris Kirkpatrick. How are you doing Chris?

CHRIS: Fine thanks. Just gettin' ready to show you who is better.

BLUEC: Next we have my personal favorite, Justin. So... Justin are you seeing anyone?

BLITE: Down tiger.

JUSTIN: Actually I am not seeing anyone at the moment.

BLUEC: That is what I like to hear. Maybe after this show deal we can get something to eat. *winks*

BLITE: Hey BlueC can you stop scaring Justin and introduce the next player?

BLUEC: Next we have another hottie. This is Lance Bass. I must say that you have changed over the years and for the better might I add.

LANCE: Thanks. I got tired of people calling me girly or saying that I couldn't dance. I am ready to prove everyone wrong.

BLITE: Sounds like those are fighting wordS, Lance. Why don't I take over the introductions since JC Chasez is next. So, JC I heard you can be fond of some BLite... I think I can help you with that.

BLUEC: Well BLite is occupied, so I guess it's my job to introduce the final member of the *NSYNC team, Joey Fatone, Jr. Welcome to Family Feud Joey! So Justin where would you like to go for dinner. Italian? Chinese? I know this great quiet rest...

AJ: Hello what about us?

BLUEC AND BLITE: Those are the Backstreet Boys. *turn back to *NSYNC and continue to flirt*

BRIAN: Can we please play? I don't want to be around Nick more than I have to be.

BLITE: I understand that feeling. I am amazed you've tolerated him this long. Okay... so let the game begin. I need the first memeber from each group.

*Chris and Brian walk to buzzers*

BLUEC: So the object of the game is simple we asked people to take a survey and we marked the answers on the board, blah, blah, blah. Who ever gets number one of the highest answer get control. Okay we asked one hundred people: What are things that you use to color your hair?

*Chris' buzzer goes off*

BLITE: Chris?

CHRIS: Peroxide.

BLUEC: Show me Peroxide. *bells go off* Oooh. The number 2 answer, impressive. Brian there is an answer higher than that, can you tell me it?

BRIAN: Hair dye?

BLUEC: Sorry we can't give it to you. So control of the board goes to *NSYNC. Alright Justin, baby, sweetie, cupcake, do you have answer?

JUSTIN: I am going to say Loreal's Preference in Golden Rod.

BLUEC: Show me Loreal's Preference, please. *ding ding ding* Number 1. Oooh baby you're good, is that the shade you use?

JUSTIN: Of course. Only the best for these locks. *fixes hair*

BLUEC: Okay Lance do you have a guess.

LANCE: Well I hate to admit it, but sometimes when I need a touch up...

BLUEC: Lance! You dye your hair? WOW! And it looks so natural! *rolls eyes*

LANCE: As I was saying, when I need a touch up and I don't have time I use tooth paste. The whitening kind.

BLITE: And that actually works?

LANCE: Yeah and it gives me my cool looking spikes.

BLITE: I will admit I am digging the spikes.

BLUEC: Show me whitening tooth paste. *ding ding ding* NUMBER 3! *high fives Lance* SWEET!! You are kicking the BSB butts... oops... did I say that out loud? Anyway, JC you can win it all if you can give me the number 4 answer.

JC: Damn why don't I dye my hair more often? Umm... I dont' have a clue.

BLUEC: *dong* Sorry ran out of time. BLite will make you feel better I'm sure. Okay Joey give me an answer.

JOEY: I think I have it because I use it before I color my hair like Ronald McDonald's. Clorox Bleach.

BLITE: You still have hair on your head?

BLUEC: Give me the bleach. *ding ding ding* NUMBER 4! Okay you are killing BSB 100-0, but in the next round the points are doubled.

*Audience ooh's and ahh's*

BLITE: Next up Nick and Justin. I would say shake hands, but Justin I understand if you don't want to touch him. Okay we asked 100 people: What are things that a boybands should not do at an award show?

*Nick buzzes in first*

NICK: Dress Awful.

BLITE: Show me dress awful. *ding ding ding* Number one! DAMN! Control goes to the Backstreet Boys. Okay, AJ can you give me your answer.

AJ: I will say... Thank our management.

BLITE: Show me Thank the management *ding ding ding* Number 2. Oh... great. Okay Howie can you name me another one.

HOWIE: Hmmm... thank God for our talent.

BLITE: Are you sure about that? I mean don't you think you would want to recognize someone who is helping you along? Because only God know's why people can actually stand you.

HOWIE: That is my answer.

BLITE: Show me thank God *dong* Sorry about that there greas... umm... Howie. *smiles* Kevin do you think you have it?

KEVIN: I will say those damn tacky outfits used for performances. I mean I wish our management had some class.

BLUEC: AMEN BROTHER! You should just be a model or something. You looks so good in clothes. *cough* And out of them I'm sure *cough*.

KEVIN: You know I have thought about doing the model thing.

BLITE: I can see why. *laughes giddily* But I guess we do have to get back to the show. Tacky outfits? *ding ding ding* Number 3. Okay, Brian to take the lead come up with number four.

BRIAN: I am drawing a blank... thank our parents... I really don't know.

BLITE: *mumbles* Good thing you have a good voice. Is thank the parents up there? *dong* Sorry. Now it is back to you Nick. Okay if you get the answer it puts you in the lead, but if not *NSYNC can steal it. A girl can only hope cause Howie is freaking me out.

NICK: Bring girlfriends.

BLITE: Show me skanks in the closet. *dong* Oooh... to bad. *NSYNC?

BLUEC: LET'S GO *NSYNC! Come up with something good. Sorry was that too loud?

BLITE: Joey?

JOEY: I am going to go with hugging your bandmates.

JC: Good one, but I am thinking doing those tacky jokes when you are presenting.

LANCE: Being awe struck forever when you need to talk.

JUSTIN: I am going with tacky jokes.

BLITE: Well those are all better answers then Howie's so you can't go wrong, but what are you thinking Chris? It's up to you.

CHRIS: I like Justin's answer, but I am going with Lance's answer and saying taking to long at the podium because you win your award. *looks towards guys for approval*


BLITE: Show me taking to much time at the podium when you win the award. *ding ding ding* You stole it from them. WOO HOO... I guess BSB hasn't won enough awards to know that feeling.


BLUEC: Yeah and so did Britney Spears. *silence* Exactly. Kevy hon don't let him talk again please. Next contestants please...

*Kevin and Lance start toward the podium and shake hands*

JUSTIN: What are you doing JC? Enemy. Seek. Destroy.

BLITE: And the next question... What do members of boybands look for in the opposite sex?

*Kevin buzzes in first*

KEVIN: Must be blondes.

BLUEC: The number 4 answer. Why does that happen anyway?

BLITE: *ahem* The game BlueC.

BLUEC: No I have issues. Why blondes? WHY? *breathes deeply* Okay... I'm done. Lance do you have an answer?

LANCE: Must be somewhat famous.

BLITE: Do we have somewhat famous? Ahhh... Number 2. And I Lance for one, totally supported your relationship with Topanga.


BLITE: I know... *laughs* I just wanted to see how much it'd annoy you. Okay JC you my dear are next.

JC: This is difficult... I think everyone has something special about them...

BLUEC: JC! Stop reading the cue card that Lou is holding up for you. Answer the damn question.

JC: Must have a good sense of humor.

BLUEC: And you expect us to believe that. Show us sense of humor? *dong* Ohhh... shock amazement. It's NOT there. Joey?

JOEY: Breathing.

BLITE: That's it? Breathing?

JOEY: I'm not picky.

BLITE: Obviously. Is breathing on the board? *dong* Againg a no go. Leaving the pressure on Chris. Chris I am BEGGING you don't make me go over there by Nick again.

CHRIS: See I know this. Joey has had his fair share. Brainless.

BLUEC: That's what I'm talkin' about. Show us... brianless. *ding ding ding* NUMBER ONE ANSWER! *does cabbage patch* GO CHRIS GO CHRIS! Okay next is *blushes* Justin. Would you by any chance know the number three answer? Don't let us down.

NICK: Aren't you supposed to be impartial hosts?

BLITE: Do you even know what impartial means Nick? *Nick gives her a confused look* Since you don't get the dictionary Brian is standing on and look it up.


BLITE: *shrugs* Sorry. So Justin... it all lies on you.

BLUEC: I'll leave that one alone. Do you have an answer?

JUSTIN: Well... it could be a bunch of things. I mean, standards ARE lacking and all. Ummm... I'm going with breast implants.

BLUEC: *face turns bright red* ARE YOU SURE?

JUSTIN: Positive.

BLUEC: *through clenched teeth* Show us implants. *ding ding ding* The number 3 answer! *NSYNC wins! *NSYNC wins! *leans over table and kisses Justin*

BLITE: Ah well... that was interesting. I hope you enjoyed this edition of family feud. Tune in next week when we have Christina Aguilera and her dancers facing off with Britney Spears and hers. Good night all. So who wants to celebrate? JC are you up for it?
