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Here We Go Again...

Recently a huge deal in 'N Sync world has been the whole Britney/Justin conspiracy. Are they? Are they not? Truth is none of us know. Wait... A LOT of us THINK we do; but we don't.

Recently at the Drive Me Crazy premiere in NYC (a highly intelligent flick I'm sure) Britney was spotted with Robbie Carrico (of Boyz n Girlz United fame???); a Justin look-a-like. He was noted in several publications and on several radio broadcasts as her 'boyfriend'. They were seen arm-in-arm at the premiere and at the after party.

But then we almost immediately hear it's a conspiracy. That it was only to channel attention away from the thought of her and Justin dating. Who started this one? I will never know. I have read that Britney was quoted as saying something along the lines of "this was to distract attention from me and Justin". *Ummm... sweetie... doesn't that mean you just blew your OWN cover... as you can tell Justin likes the intelligent ones* I'm not saying her and Justin are apart or are together. All we know for now is that all of these 'sightings' of them together are impossible. Truth is, yeah Justin is great and all but he still can't be in two different places at one time. And last time I checked cloning wasn't something they did with people.

All I have to say about this whole thing is... GROW UP! If in fact this whole premiere thing was a "conspiracy" Britney and our dear Justin need to start actually thinking about things and not planning "diversions" that my five year old cousin can see through. *suggestion: if you two decide to share a brain. USE JUSTIN'S. I'm betting there is probably a little bit more there!* If you have a relationship SAY IT, don't insult intelligence. (while on the subject of insulting intelligence... BRITNEY YOU HAD A BOOB JOB! IT'S SOMEWHERE BEYOND OBVIOUS TO THE PEOPLE IN SOCIETY THAT HAVE WORKING BRAINS! We all know that doesn't include you... but... c'mon... GROWTH SPURT? AT 17? I'm still waiting for mine... I'll keep you updated) Okay... back to the subject at hand Lance didn't hide it, Chris is making no attempt to.

I do feel bad for Justin in one aspect of this whole thing. He can be telling the truth, saying he isn't dating her and NO ONE will believe him. I'll believe this whole thing when I hear HIM say it, straight from his mouth to my ears. Then I'll proceed to pray for the boy.

But other then that... this whole thing results in a huge headache. One that really isn't worth it.

Brief side note: If you lie to your fans from the VERY beginning do you expect them to be anything BUT upset when they find out the whole thing was just a charade. *MORAL OF THE STORY* Tell the damn truth from the beginning.
