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Giving Evolution A New Meaning

Those of you who know me know I have a major fetish with Chris and his hair. It is to the point that I have attempted to do mine the same way a number of times and continue to. So while going through my many Chris pics I have decided to, let's say, analyze the many different styles this creative hunk has had. Here we go!

First we will start with Chris's most "normal" hair. No dreads, no wraps, no braids, no color. Just plain hair. One of the first times I remember really noticing was in the TUMH video. Damn boy! I never knew he could look so normal yet still be crazy Chris. It's nice to know he can still make me drool when he's 'normal' looking.

Chris's first attempt at something different was first seen in the IWYB vid and on the album cover. Now this is Chris's original attempt at dreads. As most of us know real "dread-loks" are when you never wash your hair (*aka Tarzan*) and you get those long curly chunks. Well Chris has done a fairly good job at recreating this idea. However I for am not too keen on the "look I just got up and didn't take a shower" look. My mom says it looks like he has a mop on his head, literally, ok maybe it does. But I do like the thought that it would probably look the same the 'morning after'. But overall I'm glad this didn't last too long.

Next you have the wrapped dreads. There were two different looks with theses. First you have the few white ones thrown in with all the black, kind of a, let's add a little 'spice'. Then you have the trademark Chris skunk stripe. (aka white stripe down the middle of his head) Now these I admit are better than the original. I especially like the bandana with the dreads hanging out the back. (yes I may be crazy) I love a guy who can wear a bandana any way he wants and not look like Aunt Jemima's sidekick. You can tell this was the beginning of something.

Now we have the do that was probably seen the most, and the one I recreated with my own hair twice, the black and white braids. My first impressions were that this looks much better than the previous attempts. He pretty much gave up the bandanas and just wore it up in a ponytail on the top of his head, my friends called him Fountain head. I think it was a very good look for him. He got the total craziness and being different without looking like he had an accident or like he hadn't washed his hair in weeks. It was especially fun when he turned the one ponytail into pigtails. I like to think of the pigtails as a way for him to feel young, since we all know he is kinda *ahem* old *cough* not like that is a bad thing! For most of the duration of these braids the length didn't vary much until Chris went from extensions to just color the length of his actual hair. This is probably my second favorite hair-do. I just love the little braids sticking out of the top of his head! I think it makes him look so clean cut but still wacko!

"Adorable with a hint of Refinement" That's one way Chris's next hair change is described. I tend to agree. This is when he has the long braids but with no color, seen in the IDMC vid. One thing about this do is that it is closer to "normal" yet not quite. He keeps the braids but without the color it is toned down. I especially like when he had the top braided back so it wasn't just in a pile on top of his head. I do admit when I saw this I was a little worried that he was getting too close to that scary normalcy, but my fear didn't last long!
Chris once again spiced it up a little by adding a deep red to the long, black braids. Nothing too drastic but a nice touch. The first time I saw this was at the Blockbuster awards. If you're not looking for it you may never have noticed, for me of course it was the first thing I noticed. Then not long later, the red was gone and in the place were "sparkles". Yes I said sparkles (Teen Awards) *and of course after I bust my butt to get the red in with my braids he has to go and change it!* Well anyway neither seemed real permanent. He often switched back and forth between the red and the sparkles. I especially loved when he had both! Someone once told me that with the sparkles he looked like a present, man would I love that present! *just had to mention that.*

Well last and possibly least *if you're talking amount of hair* is Chris's newest hair cut. And I do mean cut! He has gone back to 'normal'. The first time anyone saw this was at the Autumn Leaf Festival in Clarion, PA. The same day as the parade there were already pictures circulating the net. Well I'm not sure about other people's reactions but mine was pretty extreme. When my friend told me on the phone I think I broke her eardrum when I screamed. Then I saw the picture, oh wow! Let's just say I almost peed my pants! I was in shock. My friends that were over were laughing at me because I was pacing and threatening to kill him. I was in shock for a while, basically all I could say was "Oh My God!" And "I'm gonna kill him!" Well now it has been a few days. I have seen more pictures of his new ~cringe~ haircut and it is growing on me. I will say it makes him look older and more sophisticated *two things that scare me!* One thing that most people will agree on is that he looks H-O-T-T! *not like I didn't think so already but non-Chris fans finally see it*. Now some of the people who gave me grief for liking Chris *not like it ever bothered me* finally see how he always finds a way to make my heart skip a beat.

