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confronting the issues

Thug Appeal Confronts the "Backstreet Controversy" head on

This was taken from the MTV Website:

I read the article about how 'NSYNC beat the Backstreet Boys record for most sales for a one-week period, and I definitely agree with what was said about how it is because of all the 'NSYNC fans buying more than one copy. 'NSYNC has always been second to the Backstreet Boys and will stay that way. Their new album material is not a step to the next level. Their songs, lyrics, and voices haven't matured in any way, and they actually brag about writing a song called "Digital Get Down" where they are singing to nine-year-old girls about cybersex. The Backstreet Boys at least have talent and are well respected. I find it pathetic that 'NSYNC fans had to buy numerous copies just to try to beat Backstreet Boys. It is sad. Too bad for them, the Backstreet Boys will be coming out with their next album in a few months, proving their talent and staying power. Robin Atlanta, GA

Many times BlueC asks me, BLite why I read such garbage. The only reason would be that I'm bored, but I had to get something off my chest and I'm using this Robin chick as an example. If you don't like it TOUGH, but something needs to be said.

To her first statement about how *NSYNC fans bought more then one copy, I must say this. They sold 10 million copies of their first album. Is it possible that more people in general just bought the second album? They have been gone for two years and during that time we saw that our boys might not have lasted. How would you feel if their album finally came out? I will tell you this I know numerous of people who bought the album the first day. Also to those fans who bought more than one, maybe they picked it up for a friend or a parent. Maybe people like to have more than one copy. Don't assume it was just to break a record. I mean they only needed to sell 1.2 million to do that. As people have said in the business they have crushed the record.

To her second statement about *NSYNC always being second best. When you hold a record for selling the most albums in a week, and in a day. You aren't second best.

To her reference about Digital Getdown, well that is just plain childishness. First of all when the mentioned the song Digital Getdown before the album came out they said nothing about what it referred to. The only thing they talked about was how the sound had a Chemical Brothers vibe. Number two these men, and I say men, are all adults. They can sing about whatever the HELL the want to, and it's YOUR sick mind to say that they are singing this to a nine-year-old.

Now to the other garbage about BSB being talented and so forth, and the fact they are going to sell more albums with their next endeavor. Please, not like the little BSB fans aren't going to be saying we need to buy 3 to beat the record. Trust me they are going to do it. On a final note just because they put out another album doesn't mean they have talent or staying power. It just means that someone is willing to waste his or her money.

By: BlueC
It's obvious that people can't think of things to say when they start grasping at the most minor, insignificant things to gripe about.

The Backstreet Boys and their fans can whine and cry all they want. They can seek out the most insignificant things and pick at them. They can pick a subject and talk until they're all blue in the face, but it's come to the point where I'm convinced that all of them talk just to hear their own voices. Both the Boys themselves and their fans, cause no points are actually made.

I don't necessarily blame Backstreet Boys fans for their naiveté. They are streamed this mass media bull buy all facets. By the Boys themselves, who seem to forget how to be noble in adversity, to MTV, possibly the most Backstreet-biased entity of them all.

MTV brings up the "buy more then one NSA" thing and all of a sudden it's a campaign chastising *NSYNC fans for supporting a group, who like it or not is more innovative then the Boring... uh... oh... I mean Backstreet Boys could ever even fathom being. 2.4 million copies were bought for three reasons:
(1) Like it or not 'N Sync crossed-over to some aspect.
(2) 'N Sync fans has waited 2 years for a new album
(3) It's a damn good album

I don't want to hate anyone. I don't want to disrespect other artists that I don't consider "favorites" of mine, but Backstreet makes that extremely difficult. I find it hard to respect ANY artist whose pride stands in the way of their music making. And artist who has to put down others isn't one I can "root for". I find it difficult to watch the five incredibly uptight, incredibly self-absorbed (I say that because well... they tend to think they started the boy band thing), incredibly upset young men.

I'd much rather cheer for five guys whose personalities vary further then bland to not so bland.

I'm young, and while I'm young I admit, I like to laugh. I like to listen to good music. I like to watch people who have respect for what they do. I like to watch performers. I like to hear good songs.

Right now, the only group I can get all that from is *NSYNC. So call me a fanatic, call me a teenybopper; call me whatever you'd like. Just don't question the pride of *NSYNC's fans. Or the integrity *NSYNC has in their music, or the lack there of, of the Backstreet Boys. For "pioneers" they're an awful jealous bunch. Aren't they?
