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Respect for JC's Ar.... umm... Voice

Well on 9.9.99, MTV had their lovely music awards. I was so excited for them to happen because our boys were going to be on it, even if they were performing with skanky. So after an entire day of telling myself, "The only reason they are performing with her is because they just finished a tour and it was last minute deal" I was ready for the event. As I sat and watched the Britney's segment, I noticed our boys in the background and was ready for them to come on any second. As Britney was dragged off the stage *man I wish I was the lady who got to do that* they jumped on the desk and were ready to kick some stage butt. When they focused on JC my mouth dropped open, "What happened to him?!?! He has some nice arms!" I never thought I would ever be able to say that.

Let's face it JC was not known as the bod of the group, but he had a voice like an angel and he could move with the best of them. Besides I like 'N Sync not just because they have cute faces and nice bodies. So JC not having great arms doesn't really phase me one bit.

I mean I bought the CD because of the way he sang the lead in "Sailing." It wasn't because he looks hot in a tank top. *But have you noticed that he likes to wear them a lot?* I don't mind since it is still warm outside and being on stage has to be pretty hot. Also his arms look so nice in them. I have been noticing the difference.

But like I was originally saying, JC has beautiful arms... uh... I mean voice. I often find myself playing only the songs he sings lead on or shows great emotion in. Also it is the best in concert when he gets into a song and he starts doing DAMs. Especially, since his has this nice arm muscles it just makes them even better because he flexs them and I melt.

Who am I kidding? I give up!! JC looks so amazing. I don't know what he did or how he did it, but I thank him for the work he has done to look that good. I mean those are some NICE arms and it makes him even look more sexy. So to whom ever, JUSTIN!, thank you from the bottom of my heart. That boy seems to not want to stop wearing tank tops or tight shirts to show off his little transformation. Too bad winter is coming, but I will enjoy his display while it lasts. Thank you JC!!
