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Justin's Quote Book

Okay sometimes I hear something Justin says and think "oh that was sweet" or "awww" but then if you read/hear them often enough you begin to think they have hidden meaning or alterior purpose.

"Music is what makes the world go round."
*Actually... no. Damn the tutorial system of America.*

"True love, to me, is when she's the first thought that goes through your head when you wake up and she's the last thought that goes through your head before you go to sleep."
*well that and if you can remember her name... that's always a plus...*

"I hate mornings. The first hour I'm up, I'm completely upset at the world."
*and what is your excuse for the other 23?*

"I like to put a card on my mom's pillow some days just to say, 'I love you, Mom, and thanks for everything you've done for me.'"
*thanks mom for pushing me into show business at a young age when I probably just wanted to play sports and stuff...*

"I'm a perfectionist. I can't help it, I get really upset with myself if I fail in the least."
*NOTE TO JUSTIN... if you take failure so badly DO NOT MAKE THE TV MOVIE!*

"I totally understand that saying about women being from Venus and men from Mars. There are things I just don't understand about women."
*ummm... I'm beginning not to understand things about women too, and I am one. I mean maybe it should be Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. And BlueC is from Jupiter... cause I don't get how you gain 25 pounds only in your cleavage area*

"I used to hate the fact that my hair was curly. I wanted it to be straight, straight, straight. Now, I'm like 'There's nothing I can do about it, so I might as well work with curly.'"
*so now he'll just let it grow out to some hideous length... I can see how that seems to be the middle ground*

"I could eat cereal all day. Cap'n Crunch, Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes--all the Kellogg's."

"Every relationship is build on trust."
*well... 'cept for the one you have with your fans. You seem to lie to them regularly.*

"To me, my smile looks so goofy."
*It is far from goofy... it's endearing*

"I'm really frightened of sharks. And spiders and snakes, they gross me out. I think it's the S's: snakes, sharks, and spiders."
*Funny... S's frighten me too... Sharks, Snakes and Spears.*

"I think girls look cute in guy's clothes. When a girl dresses up in a suit with a tie and a collar and pants, something about that, I think, looks so attractive and so sexy"
*We'll just refer to this as stripper syndrome...*

"I don't want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I want to look cut, so I do push-ups and sit-ups every day."
*we're all grateful... really... we are... thank god for exercise!*

"I love a girl who doesn't wear too much makeup. The more natural she looks, the better I think she looks."
*right... that's believable. And that is why you're with Britney? For her natural tan? Natural hair? Natural figure? Just cause she's so damn natural!*

"When it's true love, you know no shame--your pride goes out the window. You're not embarrassed to get down on your knees when you're walking down the street and just sing to her or say, 'I love you to death,' or something like that"
*I'd be forced to hit him from the sheer embarrassment. Then I'd sue him for the therapy I'd have to endure for the rest of my futile existence*

