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What Were You Thinking?

Beware of all obese, bald old men who want to "help" young men get into the entertainment business. There is nothing worse then seeing a man who is over the hill making sad attempts to live his life vicariously through young, handsome, talented men. Of course I am talking about THE one, THE only (thank god), boyband pimp himself... Lou Pearlman.

First off you have to be iffy of ANY man that associates his name with the company of Chip-N-Dales (no I'm not talking those cute little chipmunks you see at Disney... I'm talking the dancers... exotic dancers... ahhh... it just clicked for ya didn't it?)

Of course some may argue that if it weren't for Lou Pearlman there wouldn't be an 'N Sync, which very well may be true. But if it wasn't for Lou Pearlman, we'd have 'N Sync's new album in the immediate future.

Obviously this man isn't all bubble gum and cotton candy because he has had difficulty with every group he has dealt with that has become a "big thing". Backstreet Boys and now 'N Sync. See, I couldn't care less about the BSB (who cry to mommy anytime something doesn't go their way). But the fact that he has this lawsuit pending against 'N Sync, threatening all my teeny bopper fantasies makes me a little upset.

There is a lawsuit from Transcontinental for (what is reported) $150 million. As if the fact that he's probably been duping them out of money for god knows how many years isn't enough. Noooo... he has see them cease being 'N Sync.

What a guy! Wonder if he makes his family proud?

Sad thing is that this WILL almost positively happen again. Another group will get hungry for stardom and recruit Transcon and Lou Pearlman for help. And then a whole new batch of fans will be waiting for lawsuits to be settled and new albums to come out. This can all be stopped if people saw what Lou Pearlman does for groups. Helps them for some time. Then untimately hurts them.

Now I don't fashion 'N Sync blameless in the grand scheme of things. If they broke contract, that in fact wasn't the smartest of things. Not to mention NOT knowing that they don't own the group name. They of course have to shoulder a portion of it. But I'm sure they want to get a new album out before they watch their fickle fans jump ship. I'm sure they are not in the entertainment industry to sit in hotel rooms or court rooms WAITING for legal stuff to go through.

I want a new album as much as the next girl. I can only listen to I Drive Myself Crazy and You Got It so many times. I find myself thankful that the holidays are coming and that the Christmas album will comfort me in some way. But all I can say is, support them. They're probably going to need it.


Lou Pearlman needs to be either locked up or shot. The man credited for discovering both *N Sync and the Backstreet Boys has something serious wrong with him. First off just look at the man. If we ignore everything else about him besides his pure physical appearance he is still repulsive. I have heard him called "Jaba-the-Hut" and a few people said he looks like a child molester. Is this the kind of man that is behind 2 of the biggest musical groups of this day? Unfortunately yes.

On top of being visibly repulsive, Pearlman is a greedy thief who can't get enough. Not only did he feel he needed to sue the Backstreet Boys when they left but now he, along with Transcon., are suing *N Sync for $150 million, not to mention the very name *N Sync. Everyone knows that neither him nor Transcon. needs the money. As JC and Justin said on 60 Minutes II: "Trascon (Lou) has been compensated twice or three times as much." Yet they feel that they need to put forth this lawsuit; which in turn may delay the new album even more.

The other thing that drives me nuts about this whole thing is that even if someone "sees the light" and realizes that this is crap; Transcon and Lou will still manage to get something out of it. Not $150 million but they won't walk away empty handed.

I'm not saying that the guys are total angels in this whole schpeal. After all, if they really did break the contract then they are somewhat at fault. Also the fact that they don't own they group name isn't a good thing and probably in the beginning they could have taken care of that. But I still don't think they deserve this. They don't owe Transcon or Lou anything! All we can do is support our guys and hope that this causes minimal damage to *N Sync. I believe that no matter what happens they will get through this and keep going for a long time.


Well my dear friend, BlueC said I couldn't pose any death threats so I am not going to, but you know how I feel. You know what I am talking about. Lou Pearlman. The man who said on 60 Minutes that he would pick up a guitar if this boy band craze would fizzle out and try to capture the new sound. Well, he never thought he might be the case to the boy band pop phaseout!! I am not a fan of BSB, but they knew something wasn't right and left and then *N Sync is doing the same thing. I will admit the boys jumped a gun a little for breaking out, but something had to be really bad for them to leave so quickly. That being Lou Pearlman. If you noticed the boys aren't jumping ship with Johnny Wright, but just Lou Pearlman and his "O-Town." Also, I find it rather insulting that he named his place "O-Town," in reference to the golden ages of Motown. Let me tell you something. There are plenty of acts that are still on Motown's label since the 50s and you know why? It is because the management and owners of Motown treated their clients with respect and class. Something I think that Lou doesn't know how to do.

So know he is slapping out boys with $150 million lawsuit, $30 million dollars a piece. My question is did the boys use that much money during their hey day in Europe? I mean if they spent that much money you would think they would have better clothes and better hair styles. Half the time they were naked! Don't get me wrong I totally appreciate that, but it doesn't cost anything to show your chest. And you can't tell me he didn't get some of that money back from selling stickers, pencils and God only knows what else. Now I do believe that the guys know what they are doing for jumping ship. I pray that Jive and 'N Sync found a misprint or something in their contracts that can make this settlement easy. But if not, I think Court TV is going to see their ratings go up. If this does go to court I do think the guys would so cute in on TV in their suits talking about how inhuman Lou is.

