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Justin: Love Explained

Okay I make no attempt to hide it, I love me some Justin Timberlake. This page is to demonstrate why I find him so (physically) amazing. *grabs pointer off desk* "Okay class today's lesson is in the beauty that IS Justin Timberlake. Now I know many of you are thinking... but BlueC it's OBVIOUS that Justin is one attractive mofo so why do we have to do this? That point is valid, but wasted. I recommend you don't question my motives but instead move along at a methodical pace to make sure you don't miss anything there will be a test. *bell rings* LET CLASS BEGIN!"

Lesson One: The Mouthal Area and the Eyebrows

First off THE EYEBROWS... I know people ask why? Why not something like his eyes, or his hair. The answer to that quite frankly is... WHY NOT? they're everyone else's favorite aspect of him. I, on occasion, tend to be a little... eccentric and therefore pic his eyebrows. *elegantly raises pointer to picture* Note that they are like perfect straight lines... no arch... obviously not using the same "beauty care specialist" Lance is, which I thoroughly appreciate. Not only to mention that but when he sings they have like a personality all their own and I find it rather endearing. They are Justin's answer to JC's 'DAM's' (drastic arm motions).

Now the MOUTHAL AREA. I chose mouthal area in general on purpose. Cause ya have the perfect crooked smile, the lips and the tongue all in ONE CENTRAL AREA. I must admit, his lips are the best I have ever seen *drool* The shape, just everything about them are nothing short of amazing ... SORRY! (got a lil off track there... but I'm back) *cough* Back to the matter at hand. The smile. I'm about to admit something here (bare with me). When I first began liking *NSYNC, I didn't like Justin. I found him rather... annoying is probably the most suitable word to use. But as time passed I came to enjoy his little nuances. The ones that make him Justin. Where am I headed? you may ask. Here is your answer... throughout my jumbled up perception of Justin ONE feature stood out in my mind... HIS SMILE... stop time much? His teeth; so white, so straight... I had braces for years and I am jealous! He makes my dental work look second rate. Okay, *deep sigh* onto the tongue... we know it... we love it... it's a staple of every *NSYNC appearance. (which is a good thing) I recently read that Justin fashions his kissing style to that of a dog cause "I use my tongue a lot". I will alternate mental images to the older people visiting this site. *cough* The one's that have taken a health class or two. *smiles innocently* PRESSING ONWARD!

Lesson 2: The Arms

I'll admit this isn't the BEST picture to show off his arms, but it'll do. Now we have all seen video/pictures of him in Europe while he was 15 years old and BUILT. I'm talking MAJOR here people. I've searched high... I've searched low and have YET to find another 15 year old who looked like that. I just don't see it happening for me. I dunno if he was popping 'roids or just doing obscene amounts of push-ups. Whatever he did worked. *NOTE TO GUYS* Muscle tone good... repeat it to yourself! NEXT STOP ON TOUR DE JUSTIN...

Lesson 3: Everything Else

I'll shut up for this one... Just admire... you've been a terriffic class.