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If We Managed 'N SYNC...

As we all know 'N SYNC has recently been having label/management issues. But we think we can solve that. :)

JOHNNY: Hello, boys. I am sorry for the short notice, but since our break from Transcon things have been crazy. But we need to move forward. We need new management.

CHRIS: Is that necessary? I mean do we need some slimy, fat man telling us that he is the sixth member of 'NSYNC?

JC: There is no U in 'N SYNC.

JOHNNY: I'm afraid we need the help, but I looked at resumes and I have hired the very best. I would like you to meet Miss C and Miss Lite.

*Blue-C and B-Lite come walking into the room in stylish mini skirts and designer shirts and heels with briefcases*


JOHNNY: *looks towards girls* You know them?

BLUEC: Don't be silly, they are famous. Who doesn't know them? *laughs nervously*

BLITE: Anyway... it doesn't really matter. We have to get down to business. The new contract....

LANCE: New contract?

BLITE: OF course. A few rules to keep this ship running smoothly.

*BlueC passes out packets of paper*

JC: Why is mine so thick?

BLUEC: Don't worry everyone has to do their fair share of work. *winks at BLite*

*The boys begin to read*

JOEY: 200 push ups! That's ridiculous.

BLITE: You have seen Justin's arms and now look at JC's. You have to play catch up. I have seen old pictures of you Joey and you didn't look to bad back in the day, but now I would have to say otherwise. And with Lance there is potential. Chris... well the fans will come around.

CHRIS: *looks up in confusion* What is that supposed to mean?

BLUEC: Don't worry you have time to work up to it. You have til the month to reach 200 and there will be a test.

CHRIS: DAM training? What is that?

BLITE: Drastic Arm Motions. Why don't we show you a little tape we made and you will notice a trend.

*Blue-C cues up tape and they watch JC performing IDMC, MOMH, and TUMH.*

JC: I thought training Justin would be enough. And what about me? You are taking the one thing that is my personal trademark.

BLITE: I have something you can take personally.

BLUEC: Down girl. Anyway JC, we aren't asking you to stop doing them. You will get first pick on all future songs, but we want everyone to be able to sing with such passion as you do.

JC: I do have passion, don't I?


BLUEC: Stop drooling.

JUSTIN: You want me to lick my lips more often?

CHRIS: What? This is ridiculous.

BLUEC: We have done extensive research and girls find that attractive.

*BLite tries to hold back laughter, but a giggle slips. BlueC gives a smile to her.*

BLUEC: Just once in a while during a show. Is that really that hard to do? Cause I don't think it is.

LANCE: More Pelvic Thrusts?

BLITE: Your last tour was lacking in that department, don't get me wrong the ones you did were quality, but we think the fans would like more.

BLUEC: We will also substitute a few pelvic thrusts for a well place grind.

JOEY: Lance can't grind... he can barely work a thrust.

LANCE: He's right.

BLITE: Don't worry I am sure you can get some private training.

JUSTIN: There is a restraining order out on Britney Spears?!?!?

JC: THANK GOD!! Did I say that out loud?

CHRIS: If you can make that happen I will sign the contract right now without any more questions.

BLUEC: We have been working with some lawyers and it can happen.

JUSTIN: What did she do?

BLITE: She exists. She is running your name into the ground. You want the rumors to stop, right? Plus, why in the world do you want to be linked with someone so skanky! BAD JUSTIN BAD!!

JOEY: What is this about my brother Steve?

STEVE: *pops out of nowhere holding a video camera* What about me?

JOEY: It says that you are not allowed to talk on camera ever again.

JUSTIN: That seals the deal for me. Where do I sign?


BLUEC: You make no sense and no cares about you! We aren't going to fire your ass because you are family, but you will never be interviewed again. EVER! You make no sense.

STEVE: How can you do this to me? I am his brother. He isn't going to stand for it.

BLITE: You might be his brother, but we are women.

LANCE: Point taken.

*Steve sighs in defeat*

JC: Do I HAVE to wear tank tops in the winter?

BLITE: No just tight fitted shirts.

JC: Just was wondering.

BLUEC: Any more questions?

JUSTIN: What do you mean you'd like me to say big words more often?

BLITE: Words like appreciate, foresee, and flirtatious.

BLUEC: You're cute when you sound educated.


JOEY: Hair dye restrictions?

BLUEC: Yes! I am afraid that fushia hair has to go. We liked the red on top with the dark roots, but THAT *points to hair* has to stop! And for the blonde twins no more glow in the dark. JC you might need to sport those highlights again... we will talk.

JC: No more 'I Need Love'? I kinda like that song.

BLITE: That song is an embarrassment to this group and your talent. Never again will that song be hear. In fact on future copies of your debut album it is being taken out... RCA doesn't even like it.

CHRIS: What about these no more old stories?

BLUEC: For example I don't care about the girl acting like a piece of luggage. Or how you love football or Justin likes basketball. We get it!!

CHRIS: So new material?


JC: I wasn't sure if I read this correctly but line item 89 says I need to get a tattoo.

BLUEC: That is correct.

JC: But I hate needles!

CHRIS: Yeah that is why he didn't get the flames with us.

*B-Lite walks seductively to JC and sits in his lap*

BLITE: You looked so cute with the one on your arm during the MTV video music awards. I just think a nice little design on that nice new arm would work wonders for you. *lightly caresses his arm*

JUSTIN: Told ya she would like your new arms.

JC: But I hate needles!!

BLITE: Lots of liquor can solve that problem and maybe a nice little reward. Please for me *begins to pout*

JC: Uh...okay...maybe a small one.

BLITE: GREAT!! We will take care of that after this meeting. Johnny get some tequila.

BLUEC: Any more questions?

JUSTIN: What is up with these meeting times at the end? It says Justin to meet with BlueC 4 times a week? JC to meet with BLite 4 times a week? DOn't you think that's a little... extensive?

BLUEC: We feel that your contracts are always up for negotiating so we will meet with everyone to... discuss if you will. Some will be invited to more meetings than others.

BLITE: Also when we get our other associate, Miss Star with us those will change as well. I think there will be more meetings for Chris.

JOHNNY: I have looked over what the girls have set up and I am in total agreement with them.

BLUEC: Ready to sign your life away?

*BLite hits BlueC*

BLITE: What she means is... do you need a pen?
